19,709 research outputs found

    Who Let the Humanists into the Lab?

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    Connecting assessment and feedback: A customised and personalised experience for knowledge-building

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    ABSTRACT Feedback is instrumental in enhancing the student learning experience and knowledge building.  However, feedback does not always translate into the desired outcomes for students receiving feedback, compromising educational experiences, and goals. This small-scale empirical study brings postgraduate students to the fore by seeking to explore their experiences of feedback on formative assessments within the learning space and to focus in a nuanced way on innovative opportunities and practices of feedback. The findings revealed participants understood the value of eminent feedback. While most participants experienced and reacted negatively to the use of assessment grids and feedback received from lecturers. They were unaccustomed to the digital submission of assessments and the receiving of online feedback. They recommended using a blended feedback approach that incorporates face-to-face feedback to make the digital feedback provided to students more meaningful. Providing useful feedback that creates a customized and personalized learning experience for students. Keywords: Formative Assessment (FA), Feedback, Knowledge building, Students’ experience

    Perspectives of Integrated “Next Industrial Revolution” Clusters in Poland and Siberia

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    Rozdział z: Functioning of the Local Production Systems in Central and Eastern European Countries and Siberia. Case Studies and Comparative Studies, ed. Mariusz E. Sokołowicz.The paper presents the mapping of potential next industrial revolution clusters in Poland and Siberia. Deindustrialization of the cities and struggles with its consequences are one of the fundamental economic problems in current global economy. Some hope to find an answer to that problem is associated with the idea of next industrial revolution and reindustrialization initiatives. In the paper, projects aimed at developing next industrial revolution clusters are analyzed. The objective of the research was to examine new industrial revolution paradigm as a platform for establishing university-based trans-border industry clusters in Poland and Siberia47 and to raise awareness of next industry revolution initiatives.Monograph financed under a contract of execution of the international scientific project within 7th Framework Programme of the European Union, co-financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (title: “Functioning of the Local Production Systems in the Conditions of Economic Crisis (Comparative Analysis and Benchmarking for the EU and Beyond”)). Monografia sfinansowana w oparciu o umowę o wykonanie projektu między narodowego w ramach 7. Programu Ramowego UE, współfinansowanego ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (tytuł projektu: „Funkcjonowanie lokalnych systemów produkcyjnych w warunkach kryzysu gospodarczego (analiza porównawcza i benchmarking w wybranych krajach UE oraz krajach trzecich”))

    2013 Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Conference Program

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    The Nexen Scholars Program and the Institute for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Mount Royal Universit

    Pupil participation in Scottish schools: how far have we come?

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    The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN, 1989), which applies to all children under the age of 18, established the overarching principles guiding pupil participation. In most European states, signatories to the Convention have enacted policies to promote the voice of the child or young person in decisions that affect them. In education systems strategies to enhance the pupil participation are an increasing feature of deliberation on education for citizenship, curriculum flexibility, pedagogical approaches and assessment for learning. Despite the positive policy context and professional commitment to principles of inclusion, translating policy intentions so that the spirit of the legislation is played out in the day-to-day experiences of pupils is a constant challenge. This article reports on research that examines how pupil participation is understood and enacted in Scottish schools. It considers how the over-laying of diverse policies presents mixed messages to practitioners


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    For an extended period, the higher education community has been diligently endeavoring to implement technologically advanced and more efficacious methodologies. The aim is to enhance effectiveness and cultivate a generation of graduates equipped to navigate the evolving labor market dynamics and adapt to the influences of globalization. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic significantly catalyzed the adoption of digital education, often referred to as "E-Learning," as a predominant mode of instruction across a majority of countries. This shift was necessitated by the imperative to adhere to social distancing measures and prevent the potential collapse of the educational infrastructure. In the wake of this transformative paradigm, educational institutions were compelled to engineer inventive management approaches to effectively traverse this altered landscape, marking the dawn of a new era. This era is characterized by a profound dependence on advanced technology and unfettered information accessibility as pivotal factors for sustaining and optimizing performance.This paper aims to explain the basic ideas behind managing higher education while exploring the existing research that supports these ideas. By breaking down the various aspects and tools involved, the goal is to shed light on the complex nature of managing higher education. This exploration eventually leads to an examination of how the digitalization of education impacts different functional areas of education management. Through this in-depth analysis, a clear connection emerges between the need for digitalization and the necessity to update management systems. This connection is crucial for not only achieving but also sustaining effective operation in this new era that combines technology and education.Durante um longo período, a comunidade do ensino superior tem-se esforçado diligentemente por implementar metodologias tecnologicamente avançadas e mais eficazes. O objetivo é aumentar a eficácia e cultivar uma geração de licenciados equipados para navegar na dinâmica do mercado de trabalho em evolução e adaptar-se às influências da globalização. O surto da pandemia de Covid-19 catalisou significativamente a adoção da educação digital, muitas vezes referida como "E-Learning", como um modo predominante de ensino na maioria dos países. Esta mudança foi necessária devido ao imperativo de aderir a medidas de distanciamento social e evitar o potencial colapso da infraestrutura educativa. Na sequência deste paradigma transformador, as instituições de ensino foram obrigadas a conceber abordagens de gestão inventivas para atravessar eficazmente esta paisagem alterada, marcando o início de uma nova era. Esta era caracteriza-se por uma profunda dependência da tecnologia avançada e da acessibilidade ilimitada à informação como factores essenciais para sustentar e otimizar o desempenho. Este documento tem por objetivo explicar as ideias básicas subjacentes à gestão do ensino superior, explorando simultaneamente a investigação existente que apoia estas ideias. Ao decompor os vários aspectos e instrumentos envolvidos, o objetivo é esclarecer a natureza complexa da gestão do ensino superior. Esta exploração acaba por conduzir a um exame da forma como a digitalização do ensino afecta as diferentes áreas funcionais da gestão do ensino. Através desta análise aprofundada, surge uma ligação clara entre a necessidade de digitalização e a necessidade de atualizar os sistemas de gestão. Esta ligação é crucial não só para alcançar, mas também para manter um funcionamento eficaz nesta nova era que combina tecnologia e educação

    Unifying Services to Students with Complex Needs Within a Newly Amalgamated School District

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    This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) addresses the inequitable services and supports currently available to students with complex needs throughout a newly amalgamated First Nations school district. This problem of practice explores how services for students with complex needs can be unified in a way that provides equity between schools, while being responsive to individual student needs. An overview of historical and current organizational contexts is provided, and personal and organizational leadership positions and lenses are investigated. Guiding questions emerging from this problem of practice are explored, including the capacity and professional learning needs of school-based staff, physical and human resourcing needs, and resistance of school-based staff to proposed district changes. Grounded in complexity theory, current and envisioned future states are considered, exploring potential change drivers and organizational change readiness. A framework for leading the change process is reviewed from a critical transformative leadership approach, viewed through an Indigenous leadership lens. Potential solutions are discussed, along with plans on how to implement, monitor, and measure change. An implementation, evaluation, and communication plan is described, providing a framework for change through an analysis of relevant theories, research, and organizational data. Next steps and future considerations are also reviewed to ensure ongoing organizational growth. Upon implementation and institutionalization, this OIP will ensure that students with complex needs are offered programming that better meets their individualized needs, while allowing for consistent service delivery as they transition between schools within the district

    Software-based scaffolding: Supporting the development of knowledge building discourse in online courses

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    This design-based research study investigated instructional scaffolding for knowledge building discourse among participants (n=17, n=20) in two online graduate courses. In particular, designs of software-based scaffolding as found in web-based Knowledge Forum\u27s scaffold support feature were refined. Analyses of the student discourse data suggests that Knowledge Forum\u27s scaffold supports offer a promising avenue for future design innovations to encourage knowledge building discourse. Results show that students increasingly used the scaffolds to focus their reading and writing of notes over iterations of the study. The proportion of scaffolds for knowledge building discourse increased during each iteration with a corresponding decrease in the proportion of scaffolds for expressing an opinion in the second iteration. Finally, notes with scaffolds contained significantly more words than notes without scaffolds, suggesting that scaffolds promoted more student reflectivity. Implications for formative assessment of student learning and knowledge building are discussed

    Automating analysis of collaborative discourse: Identifying idea clusters

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    This design-based research study investigated instructional scaffolding for knowledge building discourse among participants (n=17, n=20) in two online graduate courses. In particular, designs of software-based scaffolding as found in web-based Knowledge Forum\u27s scaffold support feature were refined. Analyses of the student discourse data suggests that Knowledge Forum\u27s scaffold supports offer a promising avenue for future design innovations to encourage knowledge building discourse. Results show that students increasingly used the scaffolds to focus their reading and writing of notes over iterations of the study. The proportion of scaffolds for knowledge building discourse increased during each iteration with a corresponding decrease in the proportion of scaffolds for expressing an opinion in the second iteration. Finally, notes with scaffolds contained significantly more words than notes without scaffolds, suggesting that scaffolds promoted more student reflectivity. Implications for formative assessment of student learning and knowledge building are discussed