10 research outputs found

    Omnidirectional camera pose estimation and projective texture mapping for photorealistic 3D virtual reality experiences

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    Modern applications in virtual reality require a high level of fruition of the environment as if it was real. In applications that have to deal with real scenarios, it is important to acquire both its three-dimensional (3D) structure and details to enable the users to achieve good immersive experiences. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate a method to obtain a mesh with high quality texture combining a raw 3D mesh model of the environment and 360 ° images. The main outcome is a mesh with a high level of photorealistic details. This enables both a good depth perception thanks to the mesh model and high visualization quality thanks to the 2D resolution of modern omnidirectional cameras. The fundamental step to reach this goal is the correct alignment between the 360 ° camera and the 3D mesh model. For this reason, we propose a method that embodies two steps: 1) find the 360 ° cameras pose within the current 3D environment; 2) project the high-quality 360 ° image on top of the mesh. After the method description, we outline its validation in two virtual reality scenarios, a mine and city environment, respectively, which allows us to compare the achieved results with the ground truth.</p

    Kollaborativ læring i social 360VR: Et systematisk review af et nyt digitalt læringsrum

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    Virtual Reality (VR) vinder større og større indpas på tværs af uddannelsesniveauer. De seneste års teknologiske udvikling har endvidere gjort VR mere tilgængelig for uddannelsesinstitutioner – særligt foranlediget af udviklingen af 360°VR (360VR). Med 360VR kan undervisere designe aktiviteter, hvor studerende får adgang til at arbejde med autentisk videomateriale fra praksis – det kunne være pædagoger, lærere, sygeplejersker og læger. Gennem et systematisk review viser vi at særligt kollaborativ læring i 360VR er tæt på ikke eksisterende. Med udgangspunkt i tre pilotforsøg, viser vi hvordan man kan arbejde med at designe for kollaborativ læring i social 360VR. Vores resultater peger på, at kollaborativ læring i social 360VR skal forstås ud fra en anden begrebsramme end traditionel VR. I skiftet fra individuel VR til social VR opstår et behov for andre begreber end ”immersion”, ”interactivity” og ”presence” – og vi forslår at udviklingen tager afsæt i begreber som interaktionelle ressourcer og perspektivtagning.Virtual Reality (VR) is rapidly gaining attention across educational levels. Technological advances in recent years have further made VR more accessible for educational institutions - especially due to developments in 360° VR (360VR). With 360VR educators can design activities where students gain access to working with authentic video-footage from practice – be it pedagogues, teachers, nurses or doctors. Through a systematic review we show that collaborative learning in 360VR is almost non-existent. In the paper we present three pilot experiments with collaborative learning in social 360VR. Our results indicate that collaborative learning in 360VR must be understood from a different set of concepts than what is used when working with traditional forms of VR. In shifting from individual to social VR, a need for terms going beyond “immersion”, “interactivity” and “presence” arises - and we suggest that the conceptual framework should be grounded in terms such as interactional resources and perspective-taking