59 research outputs found

    A Learning-Based Approach to Synthesizing Invariants for Incomplete Verification Engines

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    Simulating operational memory models using off-the-shelf program analysis tools

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    Memory models allow reasoning about the correctness of multithreaded programs. Constructing and using such models is facilitated by simulators that reveal which behaviours of a given program are allowed. While extensive work has been done on simulating axiomatic memory models, there has been less work on simulation of operational models. Operational models are often considered more intuitive than axiomatic models, but are challenging to simulate due to the vast number of paths through the model’s transition system. Observing that a similar path-explosion problem is tackled by program analysis tools, we investigate the idea of reducing the decision problem of “whether a given memory model allows a given behaviour” to the decision problem of “whether a given C program is safe”, which can be handled by a variety of off-the-shelf tools. We report on our experience using multiple program analysis tools for C for this purpose—a model checker (CBMC), a symbolic execution tool (KLEE), and three coverage-guided fuzzers (libFuzzer, Centipede and AFL++)—presenting two case-studies. First, we evaluate the performance and scalability of these tools in the context of the x86 memory model, showing that fuzzers offer performance competitive with that of RMEM, a state-of-the-art bespoke memory model simulator. Second, we study a more complex, recently developed memory model for hybrid CPU/FPGA devices for which no bespoke simulator is available. We highlight how different encoding strategies can aid the various tools and show how our approach allows us to simulate the CPU/FPGA model twice as deeply as in prior work, leading to us finding and fixing several infidelities in the model. We also experimented with applying three analysis tools that won the “falsification” category in the 2023 Annual Software Verification Competition (SV-COMP). We found that these tools do not scale to our use cases, motivating us to submit example C programs arising from our work for inclusion in the set of SV-COMP benchmarks, so that they can serve as challenge examples

    Combining Solution Reuse and Bound Tightening for Efficient Analysis of Evolving Systems

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    Software engineers have long employed formal verification to ensure the safety and validity of their system designs. As the system changes—often via predictable, domain-specific operations—their models must also change, requiring system designers to repeatedly execute the same formal verification on similar system models. State-of-the-art formal verification techniques can be expensive at scale, the cost of which is multiplied by repeated analysis. This paper presents a novel analysis technique—implemented in a tool called SoRBoT—which can automatically determine domain-specific optimizations that can dramatically reduce the cost of repeatedly analyzing evolving systems. Different from all prior approaches, which focus on either tightening the bounds for analysis or reusing all or part of prior solutions, SoRBoT’s automated derivation of domain-specific optimizations combines the benefits of both solution reuse and bound tightening while avoiding the main pitfalls of each. We experimentally evaluate SoRBoT against state-of-the-art techniques for verifying evolving specifications, demonstrating that SoRBoT substantially exceeds the run time performance of those state-of-the-art techniques while introducing only a negligible overhead, in contrast to the expensive additional computations required by the state-of-the-art verification techniques

    Stochastic Games with Disjunctions of Multiple Objectives (Technical Report)

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    Stochastic games combine controllable and adversarial non-determinism with stochastic behavior and are a common tool in control, verification and synthesis of reactive systems facing uncertainty. Multi-objective stochastic games are natural in situations where several - possibly conflicting - performance criteria like time and energy consumption are relevant. Such conjunctive combinations are the most studied multi-objective setting in the literature. In this paper, we consider the dual disjunctive problem. More concretely, we study turn-based stochastic two-player games on graphs where the winning condition is to guarantee at least one reachability or safety objective from a given set of alternatives. We present a fine-grained overview of strategy and computational complexity of such \emph{disjunctive queries} (DQs) and provide new lower and upper bounds for several variants of the problem, significantly extending previous works. We also propose a novel value iteration-style algorithm for approximating the set of Pareto optimal thresholds for a given DQ.Comment: Technical report including appendix with detailed proofs, 29 page

    Monus Semantics in Vector Addition Systems with States

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    Vector addition systems with states (VASS) are a popular model for concurrent systems. However, many decision problems have prohibitively high complexity. Therefore, it is sometimes useful to consider overapproximating semantics in which these problems can be decided more efficiently. We study an overapproximation, called monus semantics, that slightly relaxes the semantics of decrements: A key property of a vector addition systems is that in order to decrement a counter, this counter must have a positive value. In contrast, our semantics allows decrements of zero-valued counters: If such a transition is executed, the counter just remains zero. It turns out that if only a subset of transitions is used with monus semantics (and the others with classical semantics), then reachability is undecidable. However, we show that if monus semantics is used throughout, reachability remains decidable. In particular, we show that reachability for VASS with monus semantics is as hard as that of classical VASS (i.e. Ackermann-hard), while the zero-reachability and coverability are easier (i.e. EXPSPACE-complete and NP-complete, respectively). We provide a comprehensive account of the complexity of the general reachability problem, reachability of zero configurations, and coverability under monus semantics. We study these problems in general VASS, two-dimensional VASS, and one-dimensional VASS, with unary and binary counter updates
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