26,308 research outputs found

    Temporal verification in secure group communication system design

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    The paper discusses an experience in using a real-time UML/SysML profile and a formal verification toolkit to check a secure group communication system against temporal requirements. A generic framework is proposed and specialized for hierarchical groups

    VLSI Architecture and Design

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    Integrated circuit technology is rapidly approaching a state where feature sizes of one micron or less are tractable. Chip sizes are increasing slowly. These two developments result in considerably increased complexity in chip design. The physical characteristics of integrated circuit technology are also changing. The cost of communication will be dominating making new architectures and algorithms both feasible and desirable. A large number of processors on a single chip will be possible. The cost of communication will make designs enforcing locality superior to other types of designs. Scaling down feature sizes results in increase of the delay that wires introduce. The delay even of metal wires will become significant. Time tends to be a local property which will make the design of globally synchronous systems more difficult. Self-timed systems will eventually become a necessity. With the chip complexity measured in terms of logic devices increasing by more than an order of magnitude over the next few years the importance of efficient design methodologies and tools become crucial. Hierarchical and structured design are ways of dealing with the complexity of chip design. Structered design focuses on the information flow and enforces a high degree of regularity. Both hierarchical and structured design encourage the use of cell libraries. The geometry of the cells in such libraries should be parameterized so that for instance cells can adjust there size to neighboring cells and make the proper interconnection. Cells with this quality can be used as a basis for "Silicon Compilers"

    Formal Verification of Real-Time Function Blocks Using PVS

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    A critical step towards certifying safety-critical systems is to check their conformance to hard real-time requirements. A promising way to achieve this is by building the systems from pre-verified components and verifying their correctness in a compositional manner. We previously reported a formal approach to verifying function blocks (FBs) using tabular expressions and the PVS proof assistant. By applying our approach to the IEC 61131-3 standard of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), we constructed a repository of precise specification and reusable (proven) theorems of feasibility and correctness for FBs. However, we previously did not apply our approach to verify FBs against timing requirements, since IEC 61131-3 does not define composite FBs built from timers. In this paper, based on our experience in the nuclear domain, we conduct two realistic case studies, consisting of the software requirements and the proposed FB implementations for two subsystems of an industrial control system. The implementations are built from IEC 61131-3 FBs, including the on-delay timer. We find issues during the verification process and suggest solutions.Comment: In Proceedings ESSS 2015, arXiv:1506.0325

    Intelligent agent for formal modelling of temporal multi-agent systems

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    Software systems are becoming complex and dynamic with the passage of time, and to provide better fault tolerance and resource management they need to have the ability of self-adaptation. Multi-agent systems paradigm is an active area of research for modeling real-time systems. In this research, we have proposed a new agent named SA-ARTIS-agent, which is designed to work in hard real-time temporal constraints with the ability of self-adaptation. This agent can be used for the formal modeling of any self-adaptive real-time multi-agent system. Our agent integrates the MAPE-K feedback loop with ARTIS agent for the provision of self-adaptation. For an unambiguous description, we formally specify our SA-ARTIS-agent using Time-Communicating Object-Z (TCOZ) language. The objective of this research is to provide an intelligent agent with self-adaptive abilities for the execution of tasks with temporal constraints. Previous works in this domain have used Z language which is not expressive to model the distributed communication process of agents. The novelty of our work is that we specified the non-terminating behavior of agents using active class concept of TCOZ and expressed the distributed communication among agents. For communication between active entities, channel communication mechanism of TCOZ is utilized. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed agent using a real-time case study of traffic monitoring system

    High-Integrity Performance Monitoring Units in Automotive Chips for Reliable Timing V&V

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    As software continues to control more system-critical functions in cars, its timing is becoming an integral element in functional safety. Timing validation and verification (V&V) assesses softwares end-to-end timing measurements against given budgets. The advent of multicore processors with massive resource sharing reduces the significance of end-to-end execution times for timing V&V and requires reasoning on (worst-case) access delays on contention-prone hardware resources. While Performance Monitoring Units (PMU) support this finer-grained reasoning, their design has never been a prime consideration in high-performance processors - where automotive-chips PMU implementations descend from - since PMU does not directly affect performance or reliability. To meet PMUs instrumental importance for timing V&V, we advocate for PMUs in automotive chips that explicitly track activities related to worst-case (rather than average) softwares behavior, are recognized as an ISO-26262 mandatory high-integrity hardware service, and are accompanied with detailed documentation that enables their effective use to derive reliable timing estimatesThis work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under grant TIN2015-65316-P and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the MINECO under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717. Enrico Mezzet has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación postdoctoral fellowship number IJCI-2016- 27396.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Graph Rewriting Approach for Transformational Design of Digital Systems

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    Transformational design integrates design and verification. It combines “correctness by construction” and design creativity by the use of pre-proven behaviour preserving transformations as design steps. The formal aspects of this methodology are hidden in the transformations. A constraint is the availability of a design representation with a compositional formal semantics. Graph representations are useful design representations because of their visualisation of design information. In this paper graph rewriting theory, as developed in the last twenty years in mathematics, is shown to be a useful basis for a formal framework for transformational design. The semantic aspects of graphs which are no part of graph rewriting theory are included by the use of attributed graphs. The used attribute algebra, table algebra, is a relation algebra derived from database theory. The combination of graph rewriting, table algebra and transformational design is new

    Construction and Verification of Performance and Reliability Models

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    Over the last two decades formal methods have been extended towards performance and reliability evaluation. This paper tries to provide a rather intuitive explanation of the basic concepts and features in this area. Instead of striving for mathematical rigour, the intention is to give an illustrative introduction to the basics of stochastic models, to stochastic modelling using process algebra, and to model checking as a technique to analyse stochastic models