19 research outputs found

    Mobile Ad hoc Networking: Imperatives and Challenges

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) represent complex distributed systems that comprise wireless mobile nodes that can freely and dynamically self-organize into arbitrary and temporary, "ad-hoc" network topologies, allowing people and devices to seamlessly internetwork in areas with no pre-existing communication infrastructure, e.g., disaster recovery environments. Ad hoc networking concept is not a new one, having been around in various forms for over 20 years. Traditionally, tactical networks have been the only communication networking application that followed the ad hoc paradigm. Recently, the introduction of new technologies such as the Bluetooth, IEEE 802.11 and Hyperlan are helping enable eventual commercial MANET deployments outside the military domain. These recent evolutions have been generating a renewed and growing interest in the research and development of MANET. This paper attempts to provide a comprehensive overview of this dynamic field. It first explains the important role that mobile ad hoc networks play in the evolution of future wireless technologies. Then, it reviews the latest research activities in these areas, including a summary of MANET\u27s characteristics, capabilities, applications, and design constraints. The paper concludes by presenting a set of challenges and problems requiring further research in the future

    Pseudo-scheduling: A New Approach to the Broadcast Scheduling Problem

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    The broadcast scheduling problem asks how a multihop network of broadcast transceivers operating on a shared medium may share the medium in such a way that communication over the entire network is possible. This can be naturally modeled as a graph coloring problem via distance-2 coloring (L(1,1)-labeling, strict scheduling). This coloring is difficult to compute and may require a number of colors quadratic in the graph degree. This paper introduces pseudo-scheduling, a relaxation of distance-2 coloring. Centralized and decentralized algorithms that compute pseudo-schedules with colors linear in the graph degree are given and proved.Comment: 8th International Symposium on Algorithms for Sensor Systems, Wireless Ad Hoc Networks and Autonomous Mobile Entities (ALGOSENSORS 2012), 13-14 September 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 12 page

    Quality-of-service in wireless sensor networks: state-of-the-art and future directions

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are one of today’s most prominent instantiations of the ubiquituous computing paradigm. In order to achieve high levels of integration, WSNs need to be conceived considering requirements beyond the mere system’s functionality. While Quality-of-Service (QoS) is traditionally associated with bit/data rate, network throughput, message delay and bit/packet error rate, we believe that this concept is too strict, in the sense that these properties alone do not reflect the overall quality-ofservice provided to the user/application. Other non-functional properties such as scalability, security or energy sustainability must also be considered in the system design. This paper identifies the most important non-functional properties that affect the overall quality of the service provided to the users, outlining their relevance, state-of-the-art and future research directions

    Many-to-One Communication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper proposes a novel communication protocol, called Many-to-One Sensors-to-Sink (MOSS), tailored to wireless sensor networks (WSNs). It exploits the unique sensors-to-sink traffic pattern to realize low-overhead medium access and low- latency sensors-to-sink routing paths. In conventional schedule-based MAC protocols such as S-MAC, sensor nodes in the proximity of the event generate reports simultaneously, causing unreliable and unpredictable performance during a brief but critical period of time when an event of interest occurs. MOSS is based on time division multiple access (TDMA) that avoids energy waste due to collisions, idle listening and overhearing and avoids unreliable behavior mentioned above. A small test-bed consisting of 12 TelosB motes as well as extensive simulation study based on ns-2 have shown that MOSS reduces the sensor-to-sink latency by as much as 50.5% while consuming only 12.8 ∼ 19.2% of energy compared to conventional TDMA algorithm

    Routing Protocol Performance Evaluation for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

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    Currently, MANETs are a very active area of research, due to their great potential to provide networking capabilities when it is not feasible to have a fixed infrastructure in place, or to provide a complement to the existing infrastructure. Routing in this kind of network is much more challenging than in conventional networks, due to its mobile nature and limited power and hardware resources. The most practical way to conduct routing studies of MANETs is by means of simulators such as GloMoSim. GloMoSim was utilized in this research to investigate various performance statistics and draw comparisons among different MANET routing protocols, namely AODV, LAR (augmenting DSR), FSR (also known as Fisheye), WRP, and Bellman-Ford (algorithm). The network application used was FTP, and the network traffic was generated with tcplib [Danzig91]. The performance statistics investigated were application bytes received, normalized application bytes received, routing control packets transmitted, and application byte delivery ratio. The scenarios tested consisted of an airborne application at a high (26.8 m/s) and a low speed (2.7 m/s) on a 2000 m x 2000 m domain for nodal values of 36, 49, 64, 81, and 100 nodes, and radio transmit power levels of 7.005, 8.589, and 10.527 dBm. Nodes were paired up in fixed client-server couples involving 10% and 25% of the nodes being V111 clients and the same quantity being servers. AODV and LAR showed a significant margin of performance advantage over the remaining protocols in the scenarios tested

    Distributed Topology Organization and Transmission Scheduling in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    An ad hoc network is a set of nodes that spontaneously form a multi-hop all-wireless infrastructure without centralized administration. We study two fundamental issues arising in this setting: topology organization and transmission scheduling. In topology organization we consider a system where nodes need to coordinate their transmissions on a non-broadcast frequency hopping channel to discover each other. We devise a symmetric technique where two nodes use a randomized schedule to synchronize and connect in minimum time. This forms the basis for a topology construction protocol where a set of initially unsynchronized nodes are quickly grouped in multiple interconnected communication channels such that the resulting topology is connected subject to channel membership constraints imposed by the physical layer. In the transmission scheduling problem we consider Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)the network operates with a schedule where at each slot transmissions can be scheduled without conflicts at the intended receivers. TDMA can provide deterministic allocations but typically relies on two restrictive assumptions: network-wide slot synchronization and global knowledge of network topology and traffic requirements. We first introduce an asynchronous TDMA communication model where slot reference for each link is provided locally by the clock of one of the node endpoints. We study the overhead introduced when nodes switch among multiple time references and propose algorithms for its minimization. We then introduce a distributed asynchronous TDMA protocol where nodes dynamically adjust the rates their adjacent links via local slot reassignments to reach a schedule that realizes a set of optimal link rates. We introduce fairness models for both links and multi-hop sessions sharing the network and devise convergent distributed algorithms for computing the optimal rates for each model. These rates are enforced by a distributed algorithm that decides the slots reassigned during each link rate adjustment. For tree topologies we introduce an algorithm that incrementally converges to the optimal schedule in finite time; for arbitrary topologies an efficient heuristic is proposed. Both topology organization and transmission scheduling protocols are implemented over Bluetooth, a technology enabling ad hoc networking applications. Through extensive simulations they demonstrate excellent performance in both static and dynamic scenarios