4,307 research outputs found

    Scheduling in Transactional Memory Systems: Models, Algorithms, and Evaluations

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    Transactional memory provides an alternative synchronization mechanism that removes many limitations of traditional lock-based synchronization so that concurrent program writing is easier than lock-based code in modern multicore architectures. The fundamental module in a transactional memory system is the transaction which represents a sequence of read and write operations that are performed atomically to a set of shared resources; transactions may conflict if they access the same shared resources. A transaction scheduling algorithm is used to handle these transaction conflicts and schedule appropriately the transactions. In this dissertation, we study transaction scheduling problem in several systems that differ through the variation of the intra-core communication cost in accessing shared resources. Symmetric communication costs imply tightly-coupled systems, asymmetric communication costs imply large-scale distributed systems, and partially asymmetric communication costs imply non-uniform memory access systems. We made several theoretical contributions providing tight, near-tight, and/or impossibility results on three different performance evaluation metrics: execution time, communication cost, and load, for any transaction scheduling algorithm. We then complement these theoretical results by experimental evaluations, whenever possible, showing their benefits in practical scenarios. To the best of our knowledge, the contributions of this dissertation are either the first of their kind or significant improvements over the best previously known results

    Distributed Queuing in Dynamic Networks

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    We consider the problem of forming a distributed queue in the adversarial dynamic network model of Kuhn, Lynch, and Oshman (STOC 2010) in which the network topology changes from round to round but the network stays connected. This is a synchronous model in which network nodes are assumed to be fixed, the communication links for each round are chosen by an adversary, and nodes do not know who their neighbors are for the current round before they broadcast their messages. Queue requests may arrive over rounds at arbitrary nodes and the goal is to eventually enqueue them in a distributed queue. We present two algorithms that give a total distributed ordering of queue requests in this model. We measure the performance of our algorithms through round complexity, which is the total number of rounds needed to solve the distributed queuing problem. We show that in 1-interval connected graphs, where the communication links change arbitrarily between every round, it is possible to solve the distributed queueing problem in O(nk) rounds using O(log n) size messages, where n is the number of nodes in the network and k <= n is the number of queue requests. Further, we show that for more stable graphs, e.g. T-interval connected graphs where the communication links change in every T rounds, the distributed queuing problem can be solved in O(n+ (nk/min(alpha,T))) rounds using the same O(log n) size messages, where alpha > 0 is the concurrency level parameter that captures the minimum number of active queue requests in the system in any round. These results hold in any arbitrary (sequential, one-shot concurrent, or dynamic) arrival of k queue requests in the system. Moreover, our algorithms ensure correctness in the sense that each queue request is eventually enqueued in the distributed queue after it is issued and each queue request is enqueued exactly once. We also provide an impossibility result for this distributed queuing problem in this model. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first solutions to the distributed queuing problem in adversarial dynamic networks.Comment: In Proceedings FOMC 2013, arXiv:1310.459

    Privatization-Safe Transactional Memories

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    Transactional memory (TM) facilitates the development of concurrent applications by letting the programmer designate certain code blocks as atomic. Programmers using a TM often would like to access the same data both inside and outside transactions, and would prefer their programs to have a strongly atomic semantics, which allows transactions to be viewed as executing atomically with respect to non-transactional accesses. Since guaranteeing such semantics for arbitrary programs is prohibitively expensive, researchers have suggested guaranteeing it only for certain data-race free (DRF) programs, particularly those that follow the privatization idiom: from some point on, threads agree that a given object can be accessed non-transactionally. In this paper we show that a variant of Transactional DRF (TDRF) by Dalessandro et al. is appropriate for a class of privatization-safe TMs, which allow using privatization idioms. We prove that, if such a TM satisfies a condition we call privatization-safe opacity and a program using the TM is TDRF under strongly atomic semantics, then the program indeed has such semantics. We also present a method for proving privatization-safe opacity that reduces proving this generalization to proving the usual opacity, and apply the method to a TM based on two-phase locking and a privatization-safe version of TL2. Finally, we establish the inherent cost of privatization-safety: we prove that a TM cannot be progressive and have invisible reads if it guarantees strongly atomic semantics for TDRF programs

    Maintaining consistency in distributed systems

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    In systems designed as assemblies of independently developed components, concurrent access to data or data structures normally arises within individual programs, and is controlled using mutual exclusion constructs, such as semaphores and monitors. Where data is persistent and/or sets of operation are related to one another, transactions or linearizability may be more appropriate. Systems that incorporate cooperative styles of distributed execution often replicate or distribute data within groups of components. In these cases, group oriented consistency properties must be maintained, and tools based on the virtual synchrony execution model greatly simplify the task confronting an application developer. All three styles of distributed computing are likely to be seen in future systems - often, within the same application. This leads us to propose an integrated approach that permits applications that use virtual synchrony with concurrent objects that respect a linearizability constraint, and vice versa. Transactional subsystems are treated as a special case of linearizability

    Distributed Transactions: Dissecting the Nightmare

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    Many distributed storage systems are transactional and a lot of work has been devoted to optimizing their performance, especially the performance of read-only transactions that are considered the most frequent in practice. Yet, the results obtained so far are rather disappointing, and some of the design decisions seem contrived. This paper contributes to explaining this state of affairs by proving intrinsic limitations of transactional storage systems, even those that need not ensure strong consistency but only causality. We first consider general storage systems where some transactions are read-only and some also involve write operations. We show that even read-only transactions cannot be "fast": their operations cannot be executed within one round-trip message exchange between a client seeking an object and the server storing it. We then consider systems (as sometimes implemented today) where all transactions are read-only, i.e., updates are performed as individual operations outside transactions. In this case, read-only transactions can indeed be "fast", but we prove that they need to be "visible". They induce inherent updates on the servers, which in turn impact their overall performance

    The FIDS Theorems: Tensions between Multinode and Multicore Performance in Transactional Systems

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    Traditionally, distributed and parallel transactional systems have been studied in isolation, as they targeted different applications and experienced different bottlenecks. However, modern high-bandwidth networks have made the study of systems that are both distributed (i.e., employ multiple nodes) and parallel (i.e., employ multiple cores per node) necessary to truly make use of the available hardware. In this paper, we study the performance of these combined systems and show that there are inherent tradeoffs between a system's ability to have fast and robust distributed communication and its ability to scale to multiple cores. More precisely, we formalize the notions of a \emph{fast deciding} path of communication to commit transactions quickly in good executions, and \emph{seamless fault tolerance} that allows systems to remain robust to server failures. We then show that there is an inherent tension between these two natural distributed properties and well-known multicore scalability properties in transactional systems. Finally, we show positive results; it is possible to construct a parallel distributed transactional system if any one of the properties we study is removed
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