1,564 research outputs found

    Performance guarantees for greedy maximization of non-submodular controllability metrics

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    A key problem in emerging complex cyber-physical networks is the design of information and control topologies, including sensor and actuator selection and communication network design. These problems can be posed as combinatorial set function optimization problems to maximize a dynamic performance metric for the network. Some systems and control metrics feature a property called submodularity, which allows simple greedy algorithms to obtain provably near-optimal topology designs. However, many important metrics lack submodularity and therefore lack provable guarantees for using a greedy optimization approach. Here we show that performance guarantees can be obtained for greedy maximization of certain non-submodular functions of the controllability and observability Gramians. Our results are based on two key quantities: the submodularity ratio, which quantifies how far a set function is from being submodular, and the curvature, which quantifies how far a set function is from being supermodular

    A distributed networked approach for fault detection of large-scale systems

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    Networked systems present some key new challenges in the development of fault diagnosis architectures. This paper proposes a novel distributed networked fault detection methodology for large-scale interconnected systems. The proposed formulation incorporates a synchronization methodology with a filtering approach in order to reduce the effect of measurement noise and time delays on the fault detection performance. The proposed approach allows the monitoring of multi-rate systems, where asynchronous and delayed measurements are available. This is achieved through the development of a virtual sensor scheme with a model-based re-synchronization algorithm and a delay compensation strategy for distributed fault diagnostic units. The monitoring architecture exploits an adaptive approximator with learning capabilities for handling uncertainties in the interconnection dynamics. A consensus-based estimator with timevarying weights is introduced, for improving fault detectability in the case of variables shared among more than one subsystem. Furthermore, time-varying threshold functions are designed to prevent false-positive alarms. Analytical fault detectability sufficient conditions are derived and extensive simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the distributed fault detection technique

    LQG Control and Sensing Co-Design

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    We investigate a Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) control and sensing co-design problem, where one jointly designs sensing and control policies. We focus on the realistic case where the sensing design is selected among a finite set of available sensors, where each sensor is associated with a different cost (e.g., power consumption). We consider two dual problem instances: sensing-constrained LQG control, where one maximizes control performance subject to a sensor cost budget, and minimum-sensing LQG control, where one minimizes sensor cost subject to performance constraints. We prove no polynomial time algorithm guarantees across all problem instances a constant approximation factor from the optimal. Nonetheless, we present the first polynomial time algorithms with per-instance suboptimality guarantees. To this end, we leverage a separation principle, that partially decouples the design of sensing and control. Then, we frame LQG co-design as the optimization of approximately supermodular set functions; we develop novel algorithms to solve the problems; and we prove original results on the performance of the algorithms, and establish connections between their suboptimality and control-theoretic quantities. We conclude the paper by discussing two applications, namely, sensing-constrained formation control and resource-constrained robot navigation.Comment: Accepted to IEEE TAC. Includes contributions to submodular function optimization literature, and extends conference paper arXiv:1709.0882

    Resilience Enhancement in Cyber-Physical Systems: A Multiagent-Based Framework

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    The growing developments on networked devices, with different communication platforms and capabilities, made the cyber-physical systems an integrating part of most critical industrial infrastructures. Given their increasing integration with corporate networks, in which the industry 4.0 is the most recent driving force, new uncertainties, not only from the tangible physical world, but also from a cyber space perspective, are brought into play. In order to improve the overall resilience of a cyber-physical system, this work proposes a framework based on a distributed middleware that integrates a multiagent topology, where each agent is responsible for coordinating and executing specific tasks. In this framework, both physical and cyber vulnerabilities alike are considered, and the achievement of a correct state awareness and minimum levels of acceptable operation, in response to physical or malicious disturbances, are guaranteed. Experimental results collected with an IPv6-based simulator comprising several distributed computational devices and heterogeneous communication networks show the relevance and inherent benefits of this approach