5 research outputs found

    An Integrated Contraflow Strategy for Multimodal Evacuation

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    To improve the efficiency of multimodal evacuation, a network aggregation method and an integrated contraflow strategy are proposed in this paper. The network aggregation method indicates the uncertain evacuation demand on the arterial subnetwork and balances accuracy and efficiency by refining the local road subnetworks. The integrated contraflow strategy contains three arterial configurations: noncontraflow to shorten the strategy setup time, full-lane contraflow to maximize the evacuation network capacity, and bus contraflow to realize the transit cycle operation. The application of this strategy takes two steps to provide transit priority during evacuation: solve the transit-based evacuation problem with a minimum-cost flow model, firstly, and then address the auto-based evacuation problem with a bilevel network flow model. The numerical results from optimizing an evacuation network for a super typhoon justify the validness and usefulness of the network aggregation method and the integrated contraflow strategy

    Resilience Modeling of Surface Transportation System in Mixed Traffic Environment

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    Large-scale natural disasters challenge the resilience of surface transportation system. The objective of this research was to develop a resilience model of surface transportation system in mixed-traffic environment considering varying Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) penetration scenarios. As deployment of CAVs are expected to improve traffic operations, a resilience model was developed in this research to evaluate the resilience performance of a transportation system with several CAV penetration levels (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) for a given budget and recovery time. The proposed resilience quantification model was applied on a roadway network considering several disaster scenarios. The network capacity in terms of trips at any phase of disaster was compared to the pre-disaster trips to determine the system resilience. The capacity variation and the travel time variation was also estimated. The analysis showed that the resilience phenomenon of the transportation system improved with CAVs in respect of travel time and capacity improvement. The rate of improvement in link travel time for varied CAV penetration was almost identical for different disaster scenarios. For each disaster scenario, the individual link travel time reduced significantly with increased CAV penetration. However, higher penetration of CAVs (i.e., 50% or more), increased the recovery budget requirement. For example, the recovery budget needed for medium and large-scale disasters were 50% and 90% higher respectively compared to the recovery budget needed for a small-scale disaster. These higher costs were primarily needed for repair and replacement of intelligent infrastructure required for CAV

    An Alternative Optimal Design of Dynamic Straight-Right Lane Control for T-Shaped Intersections

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    A novel control method called dynamic straight-right lane (DSRL) control design is proposed for signalised intersections. This design aims to utilise the resources of the right-turn lane to increase the capacity for straight-through traffic while minimising the impact on right-turn vehicles. In this paper, an alternative approach to DSRL control design for T-shaped intersections is proposed. By redesigning the spatial and temporal allocation at the entrance, this design ensures the safety of lane change manoeuvres and reduces the design threshold for T-shaped intersections. To facilitate the implementation of the DSRL control design, a cellular automata model is constructed. Additionally, a case study is conducted, leading to the identification of the optimal design parameters for DSRL control. The proposed DSRL control design is compared with two conventional control designs, namely dedicated right-turn lane control design and static straight-right lane control design, in various geometric and traffic demand scenarios. The findings reveal that the T-shaped intersection, when equipped with a dedicated right-turn lane control design, can achieve a maximum delay optimisation rate of 91% by adopting the DSRL control design. Similarly, the T-shaped intersection, with a static straight-right lane control design, can attain a maximum delay optimisation rate of 84% when employing the DSRL control design

    Evacuation Network Optimization Model with Lane-Based Reversal and Routing

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    Sometimes, the evacuation measure may seem to be the best choice as an emergency response. To enable an efficiency evacuation, a network optimization model which integrates lane-based reversal design and routing with intersection crossing conflict elimination for evacuation is constructed. The proposed bilevel model minimizes the total evacuation time to leave the evacuation zone. A tabu search algorithm is applied to find an optimal lane reversal plan in the upper-level. The lower-level utilizes a simulated annealing algorithm to get two types of “a single arc for an intersection approach” and “multiple arcs for an intersection approach” lane-based route plans with intersection crossing conflict elimination. An experiment of a nine-intersection evacuation zone illustrates the validity of the model and the algorithm. A field case with network topology of Jianye District around the Nanjing Olympics Sports Center is studied to show the applicability of this algorithm