166 research outputs found

    Successive interference cancellation schemes for time-reversal space-time block codes

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    In this paper, we propose two simple signal detectors that are based on successive interference cancellation (SIC) for time-reversal space-time block codes to combat intersymbol interference in frequency-selective fading environments. The main idea is to treat undetected symbols and noise together as Gaussian noise with matching mean and variance and use the already-detected symbols to help current signal recovery. The first scheme is a simple SIC signal detector whose ordering is based on the channel powers. The second proposed SIC scheme, which is denoted parallel arbitrated SIC (PA-SIC), is a structure that concatenates in parallel a certain number of SIC detectors with different ordering sequences and then combines the soft output of each individual SIC to achieve performance gains. For the proposed PA-SIC, we describe the optimal ordering algorithm as a combinatorial problem and present a low-complexity ordering technique for signal decoding. Simulations show that the new schemes can provide a performance that is very close to maximum-likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) decoding under time-invariant conditions. Results for frequency-selective and doubly selective fading channels show that the proposed schemes significantly outperform the conventional minimum mean square error-(MMSE) like receiver and that the new PA-SIC performs much better than the proposed conventional SIC and is not far in performance from the MLSE. The computational complexity of the SIC algorithms is only linear with the number of transmit antennas and transmission rates, which is very close to the MMSE and much lower than the MLSE. The PA-SIC also has a complexity that is linear with the number of SIC components that are in parallel, and the optimum tradeoff between performance and complexity can be easily determined according to the number of SIC detectors

    Estimation and detection techniques for doubly-selective channels in wireless communications

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    A fundamental problem in communications is the estimation of the channel. The signal transmitted through a communications channel undergoes distortions so that it is often received in an unrecognizable form at the receiver. The receiver must expend significant signal processing effort in order to be able to decode the transmit signal from this received signal. This signal processing requires knowledge of how the channel distorts the transmit signal, i.e. channel knowledge. To maintain a reliable link, the channel must be estimated and tracked by the receiver. The estimation of the channel at the receiver often proceeds by transmission of a signal called the 'pilot' which is known a priori to the receiver. The receiver forms its estimate of the transmitted signal based on how this known signal is distorted by the channel, i.e. it estimates the channel from the received signal and the pilot. This design of the pilot is a function of the modulation, the type of training and the channel. [Continues.

    MMSE estimation of basis expansion model for rapidly time-varying channels

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    In this paper, we propose an estimation technique for rapidly time-varying channels. We approximate the time-varying channel using the basis expansion model (BEM). The BEM coefficients of the channel are needed to design channel equalizers. We rely on pilot symbol assisted modulation (PSAM) to estimate the channel (or the BEM coefficients of the channel). We first derive the optimal minimum mean-square error (MMSE) interpolation based channel estimation technique. We then derive the BEM channel estimation, where only the BEM coefficients are estimated. We consider a BEM with a critically sampled Doppler spectrum, as well as a BEM with an oversampled Doppler spectrum. It has been shown that, while the first suffers from an error floor due to a modeling error, the latter is sensitive to noise. A robust channel estimation can then be obtained by combining the MMSE interpolation based channel estimation and the BEM channel estimation technique. Through computer simulations, it is shown that the resulting algorithm provides a significant gain when an oversampled Doppler spectrum is used (an oversampling rate equal to 2 appears to be sufficient), while only a slight improvement is obtained when the critically sampled Doppler spectrum is used. 1

    Blind Receiver Design for OFDM Systems Over Doubly Selective Channels

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    We develop blind data detectors for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems over doubly selective channels by exploiting both frequency-domain and time-domain correlations of the received signal. We thus derive two blind data detectors: a time-domain data detector and a frequency-domain data detector. We also contribute a reduced complexity, suboptimal version of a time-domain data detector that performs robustly when the normalized Doppler rate is less than 3%. Our frequency-domain data detector and suboptimal time-domain data detector both result in integer least-squares (LS) problems. We propose the use of the V-BLAST detector and the sphere decoder. The time-domain data detector is not limited to the Doppler rates less than 3%, but cannot be posed as an integer LS problem. Our solution is to develop an iterative algorithm that starts from the suboptimal time-domain data detector output. We also propose channel estimation and prediction algorithms using a polynomial expansion model, and these estimators work with data detectors (decision-directed mode) to reduce the complexity. The estimators for the channel statistics and the noise variance are derived using the likelihood function for the data. Our blind data detectors are fairly robust against the parameter mismatch

    Intersymbol and Intercarrier Interference in OFDM Transmissions through Highly Dispersive Channels

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    This work quantifies, for the first time, intersymbol and intercarrier interferences induced by very dispersive channels in OFDM systems. The resulting achievable data rate for \wam{suboptimal} OFDM transmissions is derived based on the computation of signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio for arbitrary length finite duration channel impulse responses. Simulation results point to significant differences between data rates obtained via conventional formulations, for which interferences are supposed to be limited to two or three blocks, versus the data rates considering the actual channel dispersion

    Efficient DCT-MCM Detection for Single and Multi-Antenna Wireless Systems

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    The discrete cosine transform (DCT) based multicarrier modulation (MCM) system is regarded as one of the promising transmission techniques for future wireless communications. By employing cosine basis as orthogonal functions for multiplexing each real-valued symbol with symbol period of T, it is able to maintain the subcarrier orthogonality while reducing frequency spacing to 1/(2T) Hz, which is only half of that compared to discrete Fourier transform (DFT) based multicarrier systems. In this paper, following one of the effective transmission models by which zeros are inserted as guard sequence and the DCT operation at the receiver is replaced by DFT of double length, we reformulate and evaluate three classic detection methods by appropriately processing the post-DFT signals both for single antenna and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) DCT-MCM systems. In all cases, we show that with our reformulated detection approaches, DCT-MCM schemes can outperform, in terms of error-rate, conventional OFDM-based systems

    Nonlinear Channel Equalization Approach for Microwave Communication Systems

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    The theoretical principles of intersymbol interference (ISI) and channel equalization in wireless communication systems are addressed. Several conventional and well-known equalization techniques are discussed and compared such as zero forcing (ZF) and maximum likelihood (ML). The main section in this chapter is devoted to an abstract concept of equalization approach, namely, dual channel equalization (DCE). The proposed approach is flexible and can be employed and integrated with other linear and nonlinear equalization approaches. Closed expressions for the achieved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and bit error rate (BER) in the case of ZF-DCE and ML-DCE are derived. According to the obtained outcomes, the DCE demonstrates promising improvements in the equalization performance (BER reduction) in comparison with the conventional techniques

    Advanced Channel Estimation Techniques for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Multi-Carrier Systems in Doubly-Dispersive Channels

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    Flexible numerology of the physical layer has been introduced in the latest release of 5G new radio (NR) and the baseline waveform generation is chosen to be cyclic-prefix based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CP-OFDM). Thanks to the narrow subcarrier spacing and low complexity one tap equalization (EQ) of OFDM, it suits well to time-dispersive channels. For the upcoming 5G and beyond use-case scenarios, it is foreseen that the users might experience high mobility conditions. While the frame structure of the 5G NR is designed for long coherence times, the synchronization and channel estimation (CE) procedures are not fully and reliably covered for diverse applications. The research on alternative multi-carrier waveforms has brought up valuable results in terms of spectral efficiency, applications coexistence and flexibility. Nevertheless, the receiver design becomes more challenging for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) non-orthogonal multi-carriers because the receiver must deal with multiple dimensions of interference. This thesis aims to deliver accurate pilot-aided estimations of the wireless channel for coherent detection. Considering a MIMO non-orthogonal multi-carrier, e.g. generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM), we initially derive the classical and Bayesian estimators for rich multi-path fading channels, where we theoretically assess the choice of pilot design. Moreover, the well time- and frequency-localization of the pilots in non-orthogonal multi-carriers allows to reuse their energy from cyclic-prefix (CP). Taking advantage of this feature, we derive an iterative approach for joint CE and EQ of MIMO systems. Furthermore, exploiting the block-circularity of GFDM, we comprehensively analyze the complexity aspects, and propose a solution for low complexity implementation. Assuming very high mobility use-cases where the channel varies within the symbol duration, further considerations, particularly the channel coherence time must be taken into account. A promising candidate that is fully independent of the multi-carrier choice is unique word (UW) transmission, where the CP of random nature is replaced by a deterministic sequence. This feature, allows per-block synchronization and channel estimation for robust transmission over extremely doubly-dispersive channels. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach to extend the UW-based physical layer design to MIMO systems and we provide an in-depth study of their out-of-band emission, synchronization, CE and EQ procedures. Via theoretical derivations and simulation results, and comparisons with respect to the state-of-the-art CP-OFDM systems, we show that the proposed UW-based frame design facilitates robust transmission over extremely doubly-dispersive channels.:1 Introduction 1 1.1 Multi-Carrier Waveforms 1 1.2 MIMO Systems 3 1.3 Contributions and Thesis Structure 4 1.4 Notations 6 2 State-of-the-art and Fundamentals 9 2.1 Linear Systems and Problem Statement 9 2.2 GFDM Modulation 11 2.3 MIMO Wireless Channel 12 2.4 Classical and Bayesian Channel Estimation in MIMO OFDM Systems 15 2.5 UW-Based Transmission in SISO Systems 17 2.6 Summary 19 3 Channel Estimation for MIMO Non-Orthogonal Waveforms 21 3.1 Classical and Bayesian Channel Estimation in MIMO GFDM Systems 22 3.1.1 MIMO LS Channel Estimation 23 3.1.2 MIMO LMMSE Channel Estimation 24 3.1.3 Simulation Results 25 3.2 Basic Pilot Designs for GFDM Channel Estimation 29 3.2.1 LS/HM Channel Estimation 31 3.2.2 LMMSE Channel Estimation for GFDM 32 3.2.3 Error Characterization 33 3.2.4 Simulation Results 36 3.3 Interference-Free Pilot Insertion for MIMO GFDM Channel Estimation 39 3.3.1 Interference-Free Pilot Insertion 39 3.3.2 Pilot Observation 40 3.3.3 Complexity 41 3.3.4 Simulation Results 41 3.4 Bayesian Pilot- and CP-aided Channel Estimation in MIMO NonOrthogonal Multi-Carriers 45 3.4.1 Review on System Model 46 3.4.2 Single-Input-Single-Output Systems 47 3.4.3 Extension to MIMO 50 3.4.4 Application to GFDM 51 3.4.5 Joint Channel Estimation and Equalization via LMMSE Parallel Interference Cancellation 57 3.4.6 Complexity Analysis 61 3.4.7 Simulation Results 61 3.5 Pilot- and CP-aided Channel Estimation in Time-Varying Scenarios 67 3.5.1 Adaptive Filtering based on Wiener-Hopf Approac 68 3.5.2 Simulation Results 69 3.6 Summary 72 4 Design of UW-Based Transmission for MIMO Multi-Carriers 73 4.1 Frame Design, Efficiency and Overhead Analysis 74 4.1.1 Illustrative Scenario 74 4.1.2 CP vs. UW Efficiency Analysis 76 4.1.3 Numerical Results 77 4.2 Sequences for UW and OOB Radiation 78 4.2.1 Orthogonal Polyphase Sequences 79 4.2.2 Waveform Engineering for UW Sequences combined with GFDM 79 4.2.3 Simulation Results for OOB Emission of UW-GFDM 81 4.3 Synchronization 82 4.3.1 Transmission over a Centralized MIMO Wireless Channel 82 4.3.2 Coarse Time Acquisition 83 4.3.3 CFO Estimation and Removal 85 4.3.4 Fine Time Acquisition 86 4.3.5 Simulation Results 88 4.4 Channel Estimation 92 4.4.1 MIMO UW-based LMMSE CE 92 4.4.2 Adaptive Filtering 93 4.4.3 Circular UW Transmission 94 4.4.4 Simulation Results 95 4.5 Equalization with Imperfect Channel Knowledge 96 4.5.1 UW-Free Equalization 97 4.5.2 Simulation Results 99 4.6 Summary 102 5 Conclusions and Perspectives 103 5.1 Main Outcomes in Short 103 5.2 Open Challenges 105 A Complementary Materials 107 A.1 Linear Algebra Identities 107 A.2 Proof of lower triangular Toeplitz channel matrix being defective 108 A.3 Calculation of noise-plus-interference covariance matrix for Pilot- and CPaided CE 108 A.4 Bock diagonalization of the effective channel for GFDM 109 A.5 Detailed complexity analysis of Sec. 3.4 109 A.6 CRLB derivations for the pdf (4.24) 113 A.7 Proof that (4.45) emulates a circular CIR at the receiver 11
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