23 research outputs found

    Circuits with Medium Fan-In

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    We consider boolean circuits in which every gate may compute an arbitrary boolean function of k other gates, for a parameter k. We give an explicit function $f:{0,1}^n -> {0,1} that requires at least Omega(log^2(n)) non-input gates when k = 2n/3. When the circuit is restricted to being layered and depth 2, we prove a lower bound of n^(Omega(1)) on the number of non-input gates. When the circuit is a formula with gates of fan-in k, we give a lower bound Omega(n^2/k*log(n)) on the total number of gates. Our model is connected to some well known approaches to proving lower bounds in complexity theory. Optimal lower bounds for the Number-On-Forehead model in communication complexity, or for bounded depth circuits in AC_0, or extractors for varieties over small fields would imply strong lower bounds in our model. On the other hand, new lower bounds for our model would prove new time-space tradeoffs for branching programs and impossibility results for (fan-in 2) circuits with linear size and logarithmic depth. In particular, our lower bound gives a different proof for a known time-space tradeoff for oblivious branching programs

    Lower Bounds for Nondeterministic Semantic Read-Once Branching Programs

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    We prove exponential lower bounds on the size of semantic read-once 3-ary nondeterministic branching programs. Prior to our result the best that was known was for D-ary branching programs with |D| >= 2^{13}

    Time-Space Tradeoffs for the Memory Game

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    A single-player game of Memory is played with nn distinct pairs of cards, with the cards in each pair bearing identical pictures. The cards are laid face-down. A move consists of revealing two cards, chosen adaptively. If these cards match, i.e., they bear the same picture, they are removed from play; otherwise, they are turned back to face down. The object of the game is to clear all cards while minimizing the number of moves. Past works have thoroughly studied the expected number of moves required, assuming optimal play by a player has that has perfect memory. In this work, we study the Memory game in a space-bounded setting. We prove two time-space tradeoff lower bounds on algorithms (strategies for the player) that clear all cards in TT moves while using at most SS bits of memory. First, in a simple model where the pictures on the cards may only be compared for equality, we prove that ST=Ω(n2logn)ST = \Omega(n^2 \log n). This is tight: it is easy to achieve ST=O(n2logn)ST = O(n^2 \log n) essentially everywhere on this tradeoff curve. Second, in a more general model that allows arbitrary computations, we prove that ST2=Ω(n3)ST^2 = \Omega(n^3). We prove this latter tradeoff by modeling strategies as branching programs and extending a classic counting argument of Borodin and Cook with a novel probabilistic argument. We conjecture that the stronger tradeoff ST=Ω~(n2)ST = \widetilde{\Omega}(n^2) in fact holds even in this general model

    Finding the Median (Obliviously) with Bounded Space

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    We prove that any oblivious algorithm using space SS to find the median of a list of nn integers from {1,...,2n}\{1,...,2n\} requires time Ω(nloglogSn)\Omega(n \log\log_S n). This bound also applies to the problem of determining whether the median is odd or even. It is nearly optimal since Chan, following Munro and Raman, has shown that there is a (randomized) selection algorithm using only ss registers, each of which can store an input value or O(logn)O(\log n)-bit counter, that makes only O(loglogsn)O(\log\log_s n) passes over the input. The bound also implies a size lower bound for read-once branching programs computing the low order bit of the median and implies the analog of PNPcoNPP \ne NP \cap coNP for length o(nloglogn)o(n \log\log n) oblivious branching programs

    Hardness of Function Composition for Semantic Read once Branching Programs

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    In this work, we study time/space trade-offs for function composition. We prove asymptotically optimal lower bounds for function composition in the setting of nondeterministic read once branching programs, for the syntactic model as well as the stronger semantic model of read-once nondeterministic computation. We prove that such branching programs for solving the tree evaluation problem over an alphabet of size k requires size roughly k^{Omega(h)}, i.e space Omega(h log k). Our lower bound nearly matches the natural upper bound which follows the best strategy for black-white pebbling the underlying tree. While previous super-polynomial lower bounds have been proven for read-once nondeterministic branching programs (for both the syntactic as well as the semantic models), we give the first lower bounds for iterated function composition, and in these models our lower bounds are near optimal

    Bounds on the maximum multiplicity of some common geometric graphs

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    We obtain new lower and upper bounds for the maximum multiplicity of some weighted and, respectively, non-weighted common geometric graphs drawn on n points in the plane in general position (with no three points collinear): perfect matchings, spanning trees, spanning cycles (tours), and triangulations. (i) We present a new lower bound construction for the maximum number of triangulations a set of n points in general position can have. In particular, we show that a generalized double chain formed by two almost convex chains admits {\Omega}(8.65^n) different triangulations. This improves the bound {\Omega}(8.48^n) achieved by the double zig-zag chain configuration studied by Aichholzer et al. (ii) We present a new lower bound of {\Omega}(12.00^n) for the number of non-crossing spanning trees of the double chain composed of two convex chains. The previous bound, {\Omega}(10.42^n), stood unchanged for more than 10 years. (iii) Using a recent upper bound of 30^n for the number of triangulations, due to Sharir and Sheffer, we show that n points in the plane in general position admit at most O(68.62^n) non-crossing spanning cycles. (iv) We derive lower bounds for the number of maximum and minimum weighted geometric graphs (matchings, spanning trees, and tours). We show that the number of shortest non-crossing tours can be exponential in n. Likewise, we show that both the number of longest non-crossing tours and the number of longest non-crossing perfect matchings can be exponential in n. Moreover, we show that there are sets of n points in convex position with an exponential number of longest non-crossing spanning trees. For points in convex position we obtain tight bounds for the number of longest and shortest tours. We give a combinatorial characterization of the longest tours, which leads to an O(nlog n) time algorithm for computing them