12 research outputs found

    Spiking Neural P Systems with Addition/Subtraction Computing on Synapses

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    Spiking neural P systems (SN P systems, for short) are a class of distributed and parallel computing models inspired from biological spiking neurons. In this paper, we introduce a variant called SN P systems with addition/subtraction computing on synapses (CSSN P systems). CSSN P systems are inspired and motivated by the shunting inhibition of biological synapses, while incorporating ideas from dynamic graphs and networks. We consider addition and subtraction operations on synapses, and prove that CSSN P systems are computationally universal as number generators, under a normal form (i.e. a simplifying set of restrictions)

    Computing with viruses

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    In recent years, different computing models have emerged within the area of Unconven-tional Computation, and more specifically within Natural Computing, getting inspiration from mechanisms present in Nature. In this work, we incorporate concepts in virology and theoretical computer science to propose a novel computational model, called Virus Ma-chine. Inspired by the manner in which viruses transmit from one host to another, a virus machine is a computational paradigm represented as a heterogeneous network that con-sists of three subnetworks: virus transmission, instruction transfer, and instruction-channel control networks. Virus machines provide non-deterministic sequential devices. As num-ber computing devices, virus machines are proved to be computationally complete, that is, equivalent in power to Turing machines. Nevertheless, when some limitations are imposed with respect to the number of viruses present in the system, then a characterization for semi-linear sets is obtained

    A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Circular Single-stranded DNA Tiles Secondary Structure Prediction

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    Solving Vertex Cover Problem by Tissue P Systems with Cell Division

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    On the Computational Power of Asynchronous Axon Membrane Systems

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    An Improved Apriori Algorithm Based on an Evolution-Communication Tissue-Like P System with Promoters and Inhibitors

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    Apriori algorithm, as a typical frequent itemsets mining method, can help researchers and practitioners discover implicit associations from large amounts of data. In this work, a fast Apriori algorithm, called ECTPPI-Apriori, for processing large datasets, is proposed, which is based on an evolution-communication tissue-like P system with promoters and inhibitors. The structure of the ECTPPI-Apriori algorithm is tissue-like and the evolution rules of the algorithm are object rewriting rules. The time complexity of ECTPPI-Apriori is substantially improved from that of the conventional Apriori algorithms. The results give some hints to improve conventional algorithms by using membrane computing models

    Implementation of Arithmetic Operations by SN P Systems with Communication on Request

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    Spiking neural P systems (SN P systems, for short) are a class of distributed and parallel computing devices inspired from the way neurons communicate by means of spikes. In most of the SN P systems investigated so far, the system communicates on command, and the application of evolution rules depends on the contents of a neuron. However, inspired from the parallel-cooperating grammar systems, it is natural to consider the opposite strategy: the system communicates on request, which means spikes are requested from neighboring neurons, depending on the contents of the neuron. Therefore, SN P systems with communication on request were proposed, where the spikes should be moved from a neuron to another one when the receiving neuron requests that. In this paper, we consider implementing arithmetical operations by means of SN P systems with communication on request. Specifically, adder, subtracter and multiplier are constructed by using SN P systems with communication on request

    The Stochastic Loss of Spikes in Spiking Neural P Systems: Design and Implementation of Reliable Arithmetic Circuits

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    Spiking neural P systems (in short, SN P systems) have been introduced as computing devices inspired by the structure and functioning of neural cells. The presence of unreliable components in SN P systems can be considered in many di erent aspects. In this paper we focus on two types of unreliability: the stochastic delays of the spiking rules and the stochastic loss of spikes. We propose the implementation of elementary SN P systems with DRAM-based CMOS circuits that are able to cope with these two forms of unreliability in an e cient way. The constructed bio-inspired circuits can be used to encode basic arithmetic modules

    An Approach for Detecting Fault Lines in a Small Current Grounding System using Fuzzy Reasoning Spiking Neural P Systems

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    This paper presents a novel approach for detecting fault lines in a small current grounding system using fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P systems. In this approach, six features of current/voltage signals in a small current grounding system are analyzed by considering transient and steady components, respectively; a fault measure is used to quantify the possibility that a line is faulty; information gain degree is discussed to weight the importance of each of the six features; rough set theory is applied to reduce the features; and finally a fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P system is used to construct fault line detection models. Six cases in a small current grounding system prove the effectiveness of the introduced approach