17 research outputs found

    Time-fluid field-based coordination

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    Emerging application scenarios, such as cyber-physical systems (CPSs), the Internet of Things (IoT), and edge computing, call for coordination approaches addressing openness, self-adaptation, heterogeneity, and deployment agnosticism. Field-based coordination is one such approach, promoting the idea of programming system coordination declaratively from a global perspective, in terms of functional manipulation and evolution in “space and time” of distributed data structures, called fields. More specifically, regarding time, in field-based coordination it is assumed that local activities in each device, called computational rounds, are regulated by a fixed clock, typically, a fair and unsynchronized distributed scheduler. In this work, we challenge this assumption, and propose an alternative approach where the round execution scheduling is naturally programmed along with the usual coordination specification, namely, in terms of a field of causal relations dictating what is the notion of causality (why and when a round has to be locally scheduled) and how it should change across time and space. This abstraction over the traditional view on global time allows us to express what we call “time-fluid” coordination, where causality can be finely tuned to select the event triggers to react to, up to to achieve improved balance between performance (system reactivity) and cost (usage of computational resources). We propose an implementation in the aggregate computing framework, and evaluate via simulation on a case study

    Time-fluid field-based coordination

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    Emerging application scenarios, such as cyber-physical systems (CPSs), the Internet of Things (IoT), and edge computing, call for coordination approaches addressing openness, self-adaptation, heterogeneity, and deployment agnosticism. Field-based coordination is one such approach, promoting the idea of programming system coordination declaratively from a global perspective, in terms of functional manipulation and evolution in \u201cspace and time\u201d of distributed data structures, called fields. More specifically, regarding time, in field-based coordination it is assumed that local activities in each device, called computational rounds, are regulated by a fixed clock, typically, a fair and unsynchronized distributed scheduler. In this work, we challenge this assumption, and propose an alternative approach where the round execution scheduling is naturally programmed along with the usual coordination specification, namely, in terms of a field of causal relations dictating what is the notion of causality (why and when a round has to be locally scheduled) and how it should change across time and space. This abstraction over the traditional view on global time allows us to express what we call \u201ctime-fluid\u201d coordination, where causality can be finely tuned to select the event triggers to react to, up to to achieve improved balance between performance (system reactivity) and cost (usage of computational resources). We propose an implementation in the aggregate computing framework, and evaluate via simulation on a case study

    Time-Fluid Field-Based Coordination through Programmable Distributed Schedulers

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    Emerging application scenarios, such as cyber-physical systems (CPSs), the Internet of Things (IoT), and edge computing, call for coordination approaches addressing openness, self-adaptation, heterogeneity, and deployment agnosticism. Field-based coordination is one such approach, promoting the idea of programming system coordination declaratively from a global perspective, in terms of functional manipulation and evolution in "space and time" of distributed data structures called fields. More specifically regarding time, in field-based coordination (as in many other distributed approaches to coordination) it is assumed that local activities in each device are regulated by a fair and unsynchronised fixed clock working at the platform level. In this work, we challenge this assumption, and propose an alternative approach where scheduling is programmed in a natural way (along with usual field-based coordination) in terms of causality fields, each enacting a programmable distributed notion of a computation "cause" (why and when a field computation has to be locally computed) and how it should change across time and space. Starting from low-level platform triggers, such causality fields can be organised into multiple layers, up to high-level, collectively-computed time abstractions, to be used at the application level. This reinterpretation of time in terms of articulated causality relations allows us to express what we call "time-fluid" coordination, where scheduling can be finely tuned so as to select the triggers to react to, generally allowing to adaptively balance performance (system reactivity) and cost (resource usage) of computations. We formalise the proposed scheduling framework for field-based coordination in the context of the field calculus, discuss an implementation in the aggregate computing framework, and finally evaluate the approach via simulation on several case studies

    Machine Learning for Aggregate Computing: a Research Roadmap

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    Aggregate computing is a macro-approach for programming collective intelligence and self-organisation in distributed systems. In this paradigm, a single 'aggregate program' drives the collective behaviour of the system, provided that the agents follow an execution protocol consisting of asynchronous sense-compute-act rounds. For actual execution, a proper aggregate computing middleware or platform has to be deployed across the nodes of the target distributed system, to support the services needed for the execution of applications. Overall, the engineering of aggregate computing applications is a rich activity that spans multiple concerns including designing the aggregate program, developing reusable algorithms, detailing the execution model, and choosing a deployment based on available infrastructure. Traditionally, these activities have been carried out through ad-hoc designs and implementations tailored to specific contexts and goals. To overcome the complexity and cost of manually tailoring or fixing algorithms, execution details, and deployments, we propose to use machine learning techniques, to automatically create policies for applications and their management. To support such a goal, we detail a rich research roadmap, showing opportunities and challenges of integrating aggregate computing and learning

    ScaFi: A Scala DSL and Toolkit for Aggregate Programming

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    Supported by current socio-scientific trends, programming the global behaviour of whole computational collectives makes for great opportunities, but also significant challenges. Recently, aggregate computing has emerged as a prominent paradigm for so-called collective adaptive systems programming. To shorten the gap between such research endeavours and mainstream software development and engineering, we present ScaFi, a Scala toolkit providing an internal domain-specific language, libraries, a simulation environment, and runtime support for practical aggregate computing systems development

    Space-Fluid Adaptive Sampling: A Field-Based, Self-organising Approach

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    A recurrent task in coordinated systems is managing (estimating, predicting, or controlling) signals that vary in space, such as distributed sensed data or computation outcomes. Especially in large-scale settings, the problem can be addressed through decentralised and situated computing systems: nodes can locally sense, process, and act upon signals, and coordinate with neighbours to implement collective strategies. Accordingly, in this work we devise distributed coordination strategies for the estimation of a spatial phenomenon through collaborative adaptive sampling. Our design is based on the idea of dynamically partitioning space into regions that compete and grow/shrink to provide accurate aggregate sampling. Such regions hence define a sort of virtualised space that is “fluid”, since its structure adapts in response to pressure forces exerted by the underlying phenomenon. We provide an adaptive sampling algorithm in the field-based coordination framework. Finally, we verify by simulation that the proposed algorithm effectively carries out a spatially adaptive sampling

    Towards Reinforcement Learning-based Aggregate Computing

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    Recent trends in pervasive computing promote the vision of Collective Adaptive Systems (CASs): large-scale collections of relatively simple agents that act and coordinate with no central orchestrator to support distributed applications. Engineering global behaviour out of local activity and interaction, however, is a difficult task, typically addressed by try-and-error approaches in simulation environments. In the context of Aggregate Computing (AC), a prominent functional programming approach for CASs based on field-based coordination, this difficulty is reflected in the design of versatile algorithms preserving efficiency in a variety of environments. To deal with this complexity, in this work we propose to apply Machine Learning techniques to automatically devise local actions to improve over manually-defined AC algorithms specifications. Most specifically, we adopt a Reinforcement Learning-based approach to let a collective learn local policies to improve over the standard gradient algorithm—a cornerstone brick of several higher-level self-organisation algorithms. Our evaluation shows that the learned policies can speed up the self-stabilisation of the gradient to external perturbations

    Self-stabilising Priority-Based Multi-Leader Election and Network Partitioning

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    A common task in situated distributed systems is the self-organising election of leaders. These leaders can be devices or software agents appointed, for instance, to coordinate the activities of other agents or processes. In this work, we focus on the multi-leader election problem in networks of asynchronous message-passing devices, which are a common model in self-organisation approaches like aggregate computing. Specifically, we introduce a novel algorithm for space- and priority-based leader election and compare it with the state of the art. We call the algorithm Bounded Election since it leverages bounding (i.e. minimisation or maximisation) of candidacy messages to drop or promote candidate leaders and ensure stabilisation. The proposed algorithm is formally proven to be self-stabilising, allows for leader prioritisation, and performs on-the-fly network partitioning (namely, as a side effect of the leader election process, the areas regulated by the leaders are also established). Also, we experimentally compare its performance together with the state of the art of leader election in aggregate computing in a variety of synthetic scenarios, showing benefits in terms of convergence time and resilience

    MacroSwarm: A Field-based Compositional Framework for Swarm Programming

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    Swarm behaviour engineering is an area of research that seeks to investigate methods and techniques for coordinating computation and action within groups of simple agents to achieve complex global goals like pattern formation, collective movement, clustering, and distributed sensing. Despite recent progress in the analysis and engineering of swarms (of drones, robots, vehicles), there is still a need for general design and implementation methods and tools that can be used to define complex swarm behaviour in a principled way. To contribute to this quest, this article proposes a new field-based coordination approach, called MacroSwarm, to design and program swarm behaviour in terms of reusable and fully composable functional blocks embedding collective computation and coordination. Based on the macroprogramming paradigm of aggregate computing, MacroSwarm builds on the idea of expressing each swarm behaviour block as a pure function mapping sensing fields into actuation goal fields, e.g. including movement vectors. In order to demonstrate the expressiveness, compositionality, and practicality of MacroSwarm as a framework for collective intelligence, we perform a variety of simulations covering common patterns of flocking, morphogenesis, and collective decision-making

    A field-based computing approach to sensing-driven clustering in robot swarms

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    Swarm intelligence leverages collective behaviours emerging from interaction and activity of several “simple” agents to solve problems in various environments. One problem of interest in large swarms featuring a variety of sub-goals is swarm clustering, where the individuals of a swarm are assigned or choose to belong to zero or more groups, also called clusters. In this work, we address the sensing-based swarm clustering problem, where clusters are defined based on both the values sensed from the environment and the spatial distribution of the values and the agents. Moreover, we address it in a setting characterised by decentralisation of computation and interaction, and dynamicity of values and mobility of agents. For the solution, we propose to use the field-based computing paradigm, where computation and interaction are expressed in terms of a functional manipulation of fields, distributed and evolving data structures mapping each individual of the system to values over time. We devise a solution to sensing-based swarm clustering leveraging multiple concurrent field computations with limited domain and evaluate the approach experimentally by means of simulations, showing that the programmed swarms form clusters that well reflect the underlying environmental phenomena dynamics