9 research outputs found

    Embroidered textile frequency-splitting sensor based on stepped-impedance resonators

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    ©2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents an embroidered textile frequency-splitting microwave sensor based on a pair of identical stepped-impedance resonators (SIRs) loading a microstrip transmission line. The sensor is implemented by means of conductive threads. The sensing region of the proposed structure is the capacitive square patch of one of the SIRs. If such region is kept unaltered, the structure is symmetric, and the frequency response (transmission coefficient) exhibits a single transmission zero. However, if symmetry is broken (e.g., through liquid absorption in the sensing region), the frequency response of the proposed sensor exhibits two transmission zeros (frequency splitting). The difference (in frequency and magnitude) between such zeros (or notches) is intimately related to the dielectric properties of the absorbed liquids to be sensed / detected. The proposed sensing structure is applied to the detection of deionized (DI) water absorption, and to the quantification of the number of DI water drops. The maximum measured sensitivity is found to be 2.70 MHz /”l and 0.03 dB /”l for the incremental frequency and incremental magnitude of the notches.This work was supported by MICIIN-Spain (projects PID2019-103904RB-I00, TEC2016-79465-R, and PDC2021-121085-I00),Generalitat de Catalunya (project 2017SGR-1159), Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (who awarded Ferran Martín), and by FEDER funds.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Branch line couplers with small size and harmonic suppression based on non-periodic step impedance shunt stub (SISS) loaded lines

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    Altres ajuts: ICREAThis paper presents branch line couplers with compact size and harmonic suppression based on non-periodic reactively loaded artificial lines. The reactive loading elements of the lines are step impedance shunt stubs (SISSs). Such elements provide transmission zeros, which are useful to efficiently suppressing the harmonic content of the device. Moreover, by virtue of reactive loading, the reported artificial lines exhibit a slow wave effect of interest for device miniaturization. The combination of size, harmonic suppression efficiency, and design simplicity (with a clear design methodology) is of interest within the framework of artificial transmission lines and their application to the optimization of microwave passive components

    Highly sensitive phase variation sensors based on step-impedance coplanar waveguide (CPW) transmission lines

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    Reflective-mode step-impedance transmission line based sensors for dielectric characterization of solids or liquids have been recently proposed. In this article, in order to further increase the sensitivity, the sensor is implemented in coplanar waveguide (CPW technology), and this constitutes the main novelty of this work. The sensor thus consists of a high-impedance 90° (or low-impedance 180°) open-ended sensing line cascaded to a low-impedance 90° (or high-impedance 90°) line. The output variable is the phase of the reflection coefficient, which depends on the dielectric constant of the material under test (MUT), the input variable. Placing a MUT on top of the sensing line causes a variation in the effective dielectric constant of the line, thereby modifying the phase of such line. This in turn produces a multiplicative effect on the phase of the reflection coefficient, by virtue of the step-impedance discontinuity. The main advantage of the CPW-based sensor, over other similar sensors based on microstrip technology, is the stronger dependence of the phase velocity of the sensing line with the dielectric constant of the MUT, resulting in sensitivities as high as -45.48° in one of the designed sensors. The sensor is useful for dielectric characterization of solids and liquids, and for the measurement of variables related to changes in the dielectric constant of the MUT (defect detection, material composition, etc.

    Double-stub loaded microstrip line reader for very high data density microwave encoders

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    Compact and high-data density microwave encoders useful for motion control and near-field chipless radio frequency identification (chipless-RFID) applications are proposed in this paper. The encoders are chains of metallic strips etched on a dielectric substrate. The reader consists of a microstrip line loaded with a pair of identical open-ended folded stubs located at different positions and oriented face-to-face by their extremes. By displacing the encoder over the extremes of the stubs, interstub coupling arises when a strip is located on top of the stubs, thereby generating two transmission zeros (rather than one) in the frequency response of the line. Thus, the presence of a strip on top of the face-to-face stubs produces a variation in the transmission coefficient of the line, which in turn can be detected by feeding the line with a harmonic signal, conveniently tuned. Encoder motion generates an amplitude modulated (AM) signal at the output port of the line with peaks, or dips, separated by a time distance dictated by the relative velocity between the reader and the encoder. Moreover, by making certain strips of the chain inoperative (e.g., by cutting them), it is possible to encode information that can be read as the absence (logic state "1") or presence (logic state "0") of peaks, or dips, at predefined positions in the output AM signal of the reader line. Since short strips suffice to generate interstub coupling, unprecedented data density per surface (DPS = 26.04 bit/cm 2 ) is obtained, as revealed by the implementation of 6.4 mm × 60 mm 100-bit encoder

    3D-printed all-dielectric electromagnetic encoders with synchronous reading for measuring displacements and velocities

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    Altres ajuts: ICREAIn this paper, 3D-printed electromagnetic (or microwave) encoders with synchronous reading based on permittivity contrast, and devoted to the measurement of displacements and velocities, are reported for the first time. The considered encoders are based on two chains of linearly shaped apertures made on a 3D-printed high-permittivity dielectric material. One such aperture chain contains the identiïŹcation (ID) code, whereas the other chain provides the clock signal. Synchronous reading is necessary in order to determine the absolute position if the velocity between the encoder and the sensitive part of the reader is not constant. Such absolute position can be determined as long as the whole encoder is encoded with the so-called de Bruijn sequence. For encoder reading, a splitter/combiner structure with each branch loaded with a series gap and a slot resonator (each one tuned to a different frequency) is considered. Such a structure is able to detect the presence of the apertures when the encoder is displaced, at short distance, over the slots. Thus, by injecting two harmonic signals, conveniently tuned, at the input port of the splitter/combiner structure, two amplitude modulated (AM) signals are generated by tag motion at the output port of the sensitive part of the reader. One of the AM envelope functions provides the absolute position, whereas the other one provides the clock signal and the velocity of the encoder. These synchronous 3D-printed all-dielectric encoders based on permittivity contrast are a good alternative to microwave encoders based on metallic inclusions in those applications where low cost as well as major robustness against mechanical wearing and aging effects are the main concerns

    Phase-variation microwave sensor for permittivity measurements based on a high-impedance half-wavelength transmission line

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    A phase-variation microwave sensor operating in transmission and implemented by means of a high-impedance half-wavelength sensing line is reported in this paper. The sensor is useful for dielectric constant measurements and dielectric characterization of materials. By forcing the electrical length of the sensing line to be a half-wavelength when it is loaded with the so-called reference (REF) material, perfect matching is obtained regardless of the characteristic impedance of the line. This fact can be used to enhance the sensitivity for small perturbations, by merely increasing the characteristic impedance of the sensing line. An exhaustive analysis that supports such conclusion is reported in the paper. Then, two prototype sensors are designed and fabricated for validation purposes. As compared to the ordinary phase-variation permittivity sensor implemented by means of a matched ( 50-Ω) line with identical length, the sensitivity for small perturbations in the proposed sensor is 2.1 times larger. Further advantages of these sensors are low-cost, small size, implementation in planar technology, and very simple design and fabrication, derived from the fact that the sensing region is a half-wavelength transmission lin

    Circuit Analysis of a Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) Terminated With a Step-Impedance Resonator (SIR) for Highly Sensitive One-Port Permittivity Sensing

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    Altres ajuts: Secreteraria d'Universitats i Recerca (Generalitat de Catatunya), European Social Fund for the FI Grant, Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis AvançatsThis paper presents a single-frequency reflective-mode phase-variation microwave sensor devoted to the dielectric characterization of materials. The device is implemented in coplanar waveguide (CPW) technology and consists of two parts: (i) the sensing region, a step-impedance resonator (SIR) as termination of a CPW transmission line, and (ii) the design region, a cascade of high/low impedance quarter-wavelength inverters, used to boost up the sensitivity. By placing the so-called material under test (MUT) on top of the sensing region, the capacitance of the SIR is altered due to the effects of the dielectric constant of the MUT. This modifies the phase of the reflection coefficient seen from the input port, the output variable. From a circuit analysis, it is demonstrated that the sensitivity for small perturbations in the vicinity of the dielectric constant of a reference (REF) material can be optimized by setting the operation frequency of the sensor to the resonance frequency of the SIR loaded with such REF material. The maximum sensitivity in one of the reported sensors is as high as 66.5°, and the main figure of merit, defined as the ratio between the maximum sensitivity and the area of the sensing region expressed in terms of the squared guided wavelength, is FoM=3643∘/λ2 . Such figure of merit represents a significant improvement as compared to the one of the equivalent sensor implemented by means of an open-ended quarter-wavelength sensing line. Such equivalence between the semi-lumped element (i.e., SIR-based) sensor and the fully distributed counterpart is also analyzed in the paper

    Strategies to enhance the data density in synchronous electromagnetic encoders

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    Altres ajuts: ICREA awardIn this paper, we report two different strategies to enhance the data density in electromagnetic encoders with synchronous reading. One approach uses a periodic chain of rectangular metallic patches (clock chain) that determines the encoder velocity, and dictates the instants of time for retrieving the bits of the identification (ID) code. However, contrary to previous electromagnetic encoders, the ID is inferred at both the rising and the falling edges of the clock signal generated by the clock chain. Moreover, the bits of information are not given by the presence or absence of metallic patches at their predefined positions in the so-called ID code chain. With this novel encoding system, a bit state corresponding to a certain instant of time is identical to the previous bit state, unless there is a change in the envelope function of the ID code signal, determined by the additional non-periodic ID code chain. The other encoding strategy utilizes a single chain of C-shaped resonators, and encoding is achieved by considering four different resonator dimensions, corresponding to four states and, hence, to two bits per resonator of the chain. Thus, with these two strategies, the data density is twice the one achievable in previously reported synchronous electromagnetic encoders