17 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe demand for high speed communication has been increasing in the past two decades. Multicarrier communication technology has been suggested to address this demand. Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is the most widely used multicarrier technique. However, OFDM has a number of disadvantages in time-varying channels, multiple access, and cognitive radios. On the other hand, filterbank multicarrier (FBMC) communication has been suggested as an alternative to OFDM that can overcome the disadvantages of OFDM. In this dissertation, we investigate the application of filtered multitone (FMT), a subset of FBMC modulation methods, to slow fading and fast fading channels. We investigate the FMT transmitter and receiver in continuous and discrete time domains. An efficient implementation of FMT systems is derived and the conditions for perfect reconstruction in an FBMC communication system are presented. We derive equations for FMT in slow fading channels that allow evaluation of FMT when applied to mobile wireless communication systems. We consider using fractionally spaced per tone channel equalizers with different number of taps. The numerical results are presented to investigate the performance of these equalizers. The numerical results show that single-tap equalizers suffice for typical wireless channels. The equalizer design study is advanced by introducing adaptive equalizers which use channel estimation. We derive equations for a minimum mean square error (MMSE) channel estimator and improve the channel estimation by considering the finite duration of channel impulse response. The results of optimum equalizers (when channel is known perfectly) are compared with those of the adaptive equalizers, and it is found that a loss of 1 dB or less incurs. We also introduce a new form of FMT which is specially designed to handle doubly dispersive channels. This method is called FMT-dd (FMT for doubly dispersive channels). The proposed FMT-dd is applied to two common methods of data symbol orientation in the time-frequency space grid; namely, rectangular and hexagonal lattices. The performance of these methods along with OFDM and the conventional FMT are compared and a significant improvement in performance is observed. The FMT-dd design is applied to real-world underwater acoustic (UWA) communication channels. The experimental results from an at-sea experiment (ACOMM10) show that this new design provides a significant gain over OFDM. The feasibility of implementing a MIMO system for multicarrier UWA communication channels is studied through computer simulations. Our study emphasizes the bandwidth efficiency of multicarrier MIMO communications .We show that the value of MIMO to UWA communication is very limited

    Performance evaluation of T-transform based OFDM in underwater acoustic channels

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    PhD ThesisRecently there has been an increasing trend towards the implementation of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based multicarrier communication systems in underwater acoustic communications. By dividing the available bandwidth into multiple sub-bands, OFDM systems enable reliable transmission over long range dispersive channels. However OFDM is prone to impairments such as severe frequency selective fading channels, motioned induced Doppler shift and high peak-to-average-power ratio (PAPR). In order to fully exploit the potential of OFDM in UWA channels, those issues have received a great deal of attention in recent research. With the aim of improving OFDM's performance in UWA channels, a T-transformed based OFDM system is introduced using a low computational complexity T-transform that combines the Walsh-Hadamard transform (WHT) and the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) into a single fast orthonormal unitary transform. Through real-world experiment, performance comparison between the proposed T-OFDM system and conventional OFDM system revealed that T-OFDM performs better than OFDM with high code rate in frequency selective fading channels. Furthermore, investigation of different equalizer techniques have shown that the limitation of ZF equalizers affect the T-OFDM more (one bad equalizer coefficient affects all symbols) and so developed a modified ZF equalizer with outlier detection which provides major performance gain without excessive computation load. Lastly, investigation of PAPR reduction methods delineated that T-OFDM has inherently lower PAPR and it is also far more tolerant of distortions introduced by the simple clipping method. As a result, lower PAPR can be achieved with minimal overhead and so outperforming OFDM for a given power limit at the transmitter

    Robust frequency-domain turbo equalization for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications

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    This dissertation investigates single carrier frequency-domain equalization (SC-FDE) with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels for radio frequency (RF) and underwater acoustic (UWA) wireless communications. It consists of five papers, selected from a total of 13 publications. Each paper focuses on a specific technical challenge of the SC-FDE MIMO system. The first paper proposes an improved frequency-domain channel estimation method based on interpolation to track fast time-varying fading channels using a small amount of training symbols in a large data block. The second paper addresses the carrier frequency offset (CFO) problem using a new group-wise phase estimation and compensation algorithm to combat phase distortion caused by CFOs, rather than to explicitly estimate the CFOs. The third paper incorporates layered frequency-domain equalization with the phase correction algorithm to combat the fast phase rotation in coherent communications. In the fourth paper, the frequency-domain equalization combined with the turbo principle and soft successive interference cancelation (SSIC) is proposed to further improve the bit error rate (BER) performance of UWA communications. In the fifth paper, a bandwidth-efficient SC-FDE scheme incorporating decision-directed channel estimation is proposed for UWA MIMO communication systems. The proposed algorithms are tested by extensive computer simulations and real ocean experiment data. The results demonstrate significant performance improvements in four aspects: improved channel tracking, reduced BER, reduced computational complexity, and enhanced data efficiency --Abstract, page iv

    Underwater acoustic communications

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    The underwater acoustic medium poses unique challenges to the design of robust, high throughput digital communications. The aim of this work is to identify modulation and receiver processing techniques to enable the reliable transfer of data at high rate, at range between two, potentially mobile parties using acoustics. More generally, this work seeks to investigate techniques to effectively communicate between two or more parties over a wide range of channel conditions where data rate is a key but not always the absolute performance requirement. Understanding the intrinsic ocean mechanisms that influence signal coherence, the relationship between signal coherence and optimum signal design, and the development of robust modulation and receiver processing techniques are the main areas of study within this work. New and established signal design, modulation, synchronisation, equalisation and spatial processing techniques are investigated. Several new, innovative techniques are presented which seek to improve the robustness of ‘classical’ solutions to the underwater acoustic communications problem. The performance of these techniques to mitigate the severe temporal dispersion of the underwater channel and its unique temporal variability are assessed. A candidate modulation, synchronisation and equalisation architecture is proposed based on a spatial-temporal adaptive signal processing (STAP) receiver. Comprehensive simulation results are presented to demonstrate the performance of the candidate receiver to time selective, frequency selective and spatially selective channel behaviour. Several innovative techniques are presented which maximise system performance over a wider range of operational and environmental conditions. Field trials results are presented based on system evaluation over a wide range of geographically distinct environments demonstrating system performance over a diverse range of ocean bathymetry, topography and background noise conditions. A real time implementation of the system is reported and field trials results presented demonstrating the capability of the system to support a wide range of data formats including video at useful frame rates. Within this work, several novel techniques have been developed which have extended the state of the art in high data rate underwater communications:- • Robust, high fidelity open loop synchronisation techniques capable of operating at marginal signal-to-noise ratios over a wide range of severely time spread environments. These high probability of synchronisation, low probability of false alarm techniques, provide the means for ‘burst’ open loop synchronisation in time, Doppler and space (bearing). The techniques have been demonstrated in communication and position fixing/navigation systems to provide repeatable range accuracy’s to centimetric order. • Novel closed loop synchronisation compensation for STAP receiver architectures. Specifically, this work has demonstrated the performance benefits of including both delay lock loop (DLL) and phase lock loop (PLL) support for acoustic adaptive receivers to offload tracking effort from the fractional feedforward equaliser section. It has been shown that the addition of a DLL/PLL outperforms the PLL only case for Doppler errors exceeding a few fractions of a knot. • Recycling of training data has been demonstrated as a potentially useful means to improve equaliser convergence in difficult acoustic channels. With suitable processing power, training data recycling introduces no additional transmission time overhead, which may be a limiting factor in battery powered applications. • Forward and time reverse decoding of packet data has been demonstrated as an effective means to overcome some non-minimum phase channel conditions. It has also been shown that there may be further benefits in terms of improved bit error performance, by exploiting concurrent forward and backward symbol data under modest channel conditions. • Several wideband techniques have been developed and demonstrated to be effective at resolving and coherently tracking difficult doubly spread acoustic channels. In particular, wideband spread spectrum techniques have been shown to be effective at resolving acoustic multipath, and with the aid of independent delay lock loops, track individual path arrivals. Techniques have been developed which can effect coherent or non-coherent recombination of these paths with a view to improving the robustness of an acoustic link operating at very low signal-to-noise levels. • Demonstrated throughputs of up to 41kbps in a difficult, tropical environment, featuring significant biological noise levels for mobile platforms at range up to 1.5km. • Demonstrated throughputs of between 300bps and 1600bps in a shallow, reverberant environment, at a range up to 21km at LF. • Implemented and demonstrated all algorithms in real time systems

    Energy and Spectral Efficient Wireless Communications

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    Energy and spectrum are two precious commodities for wireless communications. How to improve the energy and spectrum efficiency has become two critical issues for the designs of wireless communication systems. This dissertation is devoted to the development of energy and spectral efficient wireless communications. The developed techniques can be applied to a wide range of wireless communication systems, such as wireless sensor network (WSN) designed for structure health monitoring (SHM), medium access control (MAC) for multi-user systems, and cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio systems. First, to improve the energy efficiency in SHM WSN, a new ultra low power (ULP) WSN is proposed to monitor the vibration properties of structures such as buildings, bridges, and the wings and bodies of aircrafts. The new scheme integrates energy harvesting, data sensing, and wireless communication into a unified process, and it achieves significant energy savings compared to existing WSNs. Second, a cross-layer collision tolerant (CT) MAC scheme is proposed to improve energy and spectral efficiency in a multi-user system with shared medium. When two users transmit simultaneously over a shared medium, a collision happens at the receiver. Conventional MAC schemes will discard the collided signals, which result in a waste of the precious energy and spectrum resources. In our proposed CT-MAC scheme, each user transmits multiple weighted replicas of a packet at randomly selected data slots in a frame, and the indices of the selected slots are transmitted in a special collision-free position slot at the beginning of each frame. Collisions of the data slots in the MAC layer are resolved by using multiuser detection (MUD) in the PHY layer. Compared to existing schemes, the proposed CT-MAC scheme can support more simultaneous users with a higher throughput. Third, a new cooperative spectrum sensing scheme is proposed to improve the energy and spectral efficiency of a cognitive radio network. A new Slepian-Wolf coded cooperation scheme is proposed for a cognitive radio network with two secondary users (SUs) performing cooperative spectrum sensing through a fusion center (FC). The proposed scheme can achieve significant performance gains compared to existing schemes

    Robust characterization of wireless channel using matching pursuit technique

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    Underwater Noise Pollution as an Ecological Crime: A Global Problem in the Anthropocene

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    Noise pollution is recognized globally as a genuine environmental pollutant. Its effects are not limited to just terrestrial ecosystems, they can also affect aquatic environments at different levels. The scientific community has provided ample evidence of this. It is essential that legal systems and environmental protection regulations reflect this understanding. The aim of this study is to analyse the evolution of international legislation concerning noise pollution, as a response by legislative bodies to the environmental impacts it can have. These impacts have been classified on the basis of the ecological studies which are the subject of the analysis. Thus, the possible configuration of some types of noise pollution as criminal is analysed according to the concept of Green Criminology. The ecological damage generated at the different levels of the ecosystem approach is the focus of this analysis. This classifying system could allow us to configure an appropriate criminal response to the effects generated by this polluting activity.Lärmbelästigung ist weltweit als Umweltverschmutzung anerkannt. Ihre Auswirkungen beschränken sich nicht nur auf terrestrische Ökosysteme, sondern können auch die aquatische Umwelt beeinträchtigen. Die Wissenschaft hat dies hinreichend bewiesen. Es ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, dass die Rechtssysteme und Umweltschutzvorschriften diese Erkenntnis widerspiegeln. Ziel der Studie ist es, die Entwicklung der internationalen Gesetzgebung zur Lärmbelästigung zu analysieren, die eine Reaktion der Gesetzgeber auf mögliche Umweltauswirkungen darstellt. Diese Auswirkungen wurden auf Grundlage ökologischer Studien, welche Gegenstand der Analyse sind, klassifiziert. So wird die mögliche Einstufung einiger Arten von Lärmbelästigung als Straftatbestand nach dem Konzept der Green Criminology analysiert. Die ökologischen Schäden, die auf den verschiedenen Ebenen des Ökosystemansatzes entstehen, stehen im Mittelpunkt dieser Analyse. Dieses Klassifizierungssystem könnte es ermöglichen, eine angemessene strafrechtliche Antwort auf die Auswirkungen dieser umweltschädigenden Aktivitäten zu finden

    Self-Interference Cancellation for Full-Duplex Underwater Acoustic Systems

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    This work develops and investigates self-interference (SI) cancellation (SIC) techniques for full-duplex (FD) underwater acoustic (UWA) systems. To enable the FD operation in UWA systems, a high level of SIC is required. The main approach used in this work is the digital cancellation based on adaptive filtering. A general structure of the digital canceller is proposed which addresses key factors affecting the SIC performance, including the power amplifier and pre-amplifier nonlinearities, up- and down-sampling effects. With the proposed structure, the SI can be effectively cancelled in time-invariant channels by classical recursive least-square (RLS) adaptive filters, e.g., the sliding-window RLS (SRLS), but the SIC performance degrades in time-varying channels. A new SRLS adaptive filter based on parabolic interpolation of the channel time variations is proposed, which improves the SIC performance at the expense of the high complexity. To reduce the complexity, while providing the high SIC, a new family of interpolating adaptive filters which combine the SRLS adaptive algorithm with Legendre polynomials (SRLS-L) is proposed. A sparse adaptive filter is further proposed to exploit the sparsity in the expansion coefficients of the Legendre polynomials. For interpolating adaptive filtering algorithms, the mean squared error is unsuitable for measuring the SIC performance due to the overfitting. Therefore, a new evaluation metric, SIC factor, is proposed. The SIC performance of the proposed adaptive filters is investigated and compared with that of the classical SRLS algorithm by simulation, water tank and lake experiments. Results indicate that the proposed adaptive filters significantly improve the SIC performance in time-varying scenarios, especially with high-order sparse SRLS-L adaptive filter. Furthermore, SIC schemes with multiple antennas are investigated to explore the possibility of achieving extra amount of SIC in acoustic domain and cancelling the fast-varying surface reflections by adaptive beamforming