9 research outputs found

    VANET-Based Traffic Monitoring and Incident Detection System: A Review

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    As a component of intelligent transport systems (ITS), vehicular ad hoc network (VANET), which is a subform of manet, has been identified. It is established on the roads based on available vehicles and supporting road infrastructure, such as base stations. An accident can be defined as any activity in the environment that may be harmful to human life or dangerous to human life. In terms of early detection, and broadcast delay. VANET has shown various problems. The available technologies for incident detection and the corresponding algorithms for processing. The present problem and challenges of incident detection in VANET technology are discussed in this paper. The paper also reviews the recently proposed methods for early incident techniques and studies them

    Reliable and efficient data dissemination schemein VANET: a review

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    Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET), identified as a mobile ad hoc network MANETs with several added constraints. Basically, in VANETs, the network is established on the fly based on the availability of vehicles on roads and supporting infrastructures along the roads, such as base stations. Vehicles and road-side infrastructures are required to provide communication facilities, particularly when enough vehicles are not available on the roads for effective communication. VANETs are crucial for providing a wide range of safety and non-safety applications to road users. However, the specific fundamental problem in VANET is the challenge of creating effective communication between two fast-moving vehicles. Therefore, message routing is an issue for many safety and non-safety of VANETs applications. The challenge in designing a robust but reliable message dissemination technique is primarily due to the stringent QoS requirements of the VANETs safety applications. This paper investigated various methods and conducted literature on an idea to develop a model for efficient and reliable message dissemination routing techniques in VANET

    Modelación y simulación de control de tráfico vehicular en horas pico para el centro de la ciudad de Ibarra, a través de una red Ad - Hoc Vanet

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    Controlar el tráfico vehicular en horas pico para el centro de la ciudad de Ibarra, a través de una red ad – hoc VANET que utiliza software de modelación y simulación vehicular.En el Ecuador, los últimos diez años a raíz del alto ingreso de recursos económicos por los elevados precios del barril del petróleo, determinó que la población ecuatoriana pueda adquirir una mayor cantidad de vehículos particulares de toda gama, como una posible solución al transporte público que no es el adecuado. Cada vez se cuenta con más automotores, pero este fenómeno deriva en un gran problema de congestión y caos vehicular. Movilizarse con facilidad en horas pico resulta casi imposible, por la mayor afluencia de vehículos, convirtiendo este tiempo en un verdadero estrés para el ciudadano conductor. La presente investigación propone utilizar una red ad – hoc vehicular VANET que maneja el estándar IEEE 802.11p establecido para comunicaciones inalámbricas vehiculares con sus definiciones y parámetros normados, que pueda controlar el tráfico vehicular en horas pico en el centro de la ciudad de Ibarra. Para este propósito primero se simuló el tráfico vehicular en base a las rutas programadas de vehículos en el software SUMO, luego se implementó la red de comunicación en el simulador de red OMNeT++ a través de VEINS. Se desarrolló una investigación de tipo experimental, basada en la metodología científica. Se establecieron dos Escenarios de movilidad con y sin VANET, de esta manera, en base a las pruebas realizadas y análisis de resultados, demostrar que el uso de una red ad – hoc VANET es un mecanismo idóneo tecnológico para solucionar problemas de tráfico y movilidad vehicular en un área urbana. Al tener la solución VANET en el Escenario 2, se verificó con la simulación de movilidad vehicular en el centro de la ciudad de Ibarra, un 62% de los vehículos obtuvieron una mejora en tiempo, en distancia o en ambos parámetros. La red vehicular permite controlar y balancear el tráfico vehicular en el área de cobertura, enfocada a tener eficiencia y seguridad, y dar una sensación de confianza al conductor al tenerle comunicado sobre posibles eventualidades como accidentes de tránsito y congestión vehicular.Maestrí

    Time Barrier-Based Emergency Message Dissemination in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks

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    Enhanced stability of cluster-based location service mechanism for urban vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are gaining tremendous research interest in developing an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) for smart cities. The position of vehicles plays a significant role in ITS applications and services such as public emergency, vehicles tracking, resource discovery, traffic monitoring and position-based routing. The location service is used to keep up-to-date records of current positions of vehicles. A review of previous literatures, found various locationbased service mechanisms have been proposed to manage the position of vehicles. The cluster-based location service mechanisms have achieved growing attention due to their advantages such as scalability, reliability and reduced communication overhead. However, the performance of the cluster-based location service mechanism depends on the stability of the cluster, and the stability of the cluster depends on the stability of the Cluster Head (CH), Cluster Member (CM) and cluster maintenance. In the existing cluster-based location service schemes, the issue of CH instability arises due to the non-optimal cluster formation range and unreliable communication link with Road Side Unit (RSU). The non-optimal cluster formation range causes CH instability due to lack of uniqueness of Centroid Vehicle (CV), uncertainty of participating vehicles in the CH election process and unreliability of the Cluster Head Election Value (CHEV). Also, the unreliable link with RSU does not guarantee that CH is stable with respect to its CMs and RSU simultaneously. The issue of CM instability in the existing cluster-based location service schemes occurs due to using instantaneous speed of the CH and fixed CM affiliation threshold values. The instantaneous speed causes the CM to switch the clusters frequently and fixed CM affiliation threshold values increase isolated vehicles. The frequent switching of isolated vehicles augment the CM instability. Moreover, the inefficient cluster maintenance due to non-optimal cluster merging and cluster splitting also contributes to cluster instability. The merging conditions such as fixed merging threshold time and uncertain movement of overlapping CHs within merging threshold time cause the cluster instability. Furthermore, the unnecessary clustering during cluster splitting around the intersection due to CH election parameters also increases cluster instability. Therefore, to address the aforementioned cluster instability issues, Enhanced Stability of Cluster-based Location Service (ESCLS) mechanism was proposed for urban VANETs. The proposed ESCLS mechanism consists of three complementary schemes which are Reliable Cluster Head Election (RCHE), Dynamic Cumulative Cluster Member Affiliation (DCCMA) and Optimized Cluster Maintenance (OCM). Firstly, the aim of the RCHE scheme was to enhance the stability of the CH through optimizing the cluster formation range and by considering communication link reliability with the RSU. Secondly, the DCCMA scheme focussed on improving the stability of the CMs by considering the Cumulative Moving Average Speed (CMAS) of the CH and dynamic CM affiliation threshold values, and finally, the OCM scheme enhanced the cluster stability by improving cluster merging conditions and reducing unnecessary clustering in cluster splitting. The results of the simulation verified the improved performance of the ESCLS in terms of increasing the location query success rate by 34%, and decreasing the query response delay and localization error by 24% and 35% respectively as compared to the existing cluster-based location service schemes such as HCBLS, CBLS and MoGLS. In conclusion, it is proven that ESCLS is a suitable location service mechanism for a wide range of position-based applications of VANETs that require timely and accurate vehicle locations

    Vehicle-to-Cloud Solution Using Service-Oriented Gateway for Test Vehicle

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    Tato práce se zabývá implementací Vehicle-to-Cloud řešení s využitím Service-oriented Gateway do testovacího vozidla. V prvních kapitolách je popsáno seznámení s principy zařízení Gateway, seznámení s možnostmi aktualizací OTA, propojením vozidel a dopravní infrastruktury, a využití cloudových služeb. Poté následuje popis vybraného HW, jeho oživení, implementace SW pro řízení vestavěného systému a čtení zpráv ze sběrnice CAN vybraného vozidla. Dále následuje popis vybraných cloudových služeb a jejich použití pro příjem a vizualizaci dat, která byla zaslána z vybraného HW pomocí síťového protokolu MQTT.This thesis deals with the implementation of a Vehicle-to-Cloud solution using a Service-oriented Gateway in a test vehicle. In the first chapters, familiarization with the principles of Gateway devices, familiarization with OTA update options, connection of vehicles and transport infrastructure, and use of cloud services are described. This is followed by a description of the selected HW, its revival, the implementation of the SW for controlling the embedded system and reading messages from the CAN bus of the selected vehicle. The following is a description of selected cloud services and their use for receiving and visualizing data that was sent from the selected HW using the MQTT network protocol.430 - Katedra elektronikyvýborn

    Reliable Data Transmission in Challenging Vehicular Network using Delay Tolerant Network

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    In the 21st century, there has been an increasing tendency toward the wide adoption of wireless networks and technologies due to their significant advantages such as flexibility, mobility, accessibility, and low cost. Wireless technologies have therefore become essential factors in the improvement of intra-vehicle road safety in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET), which potentially reduce road traffic accidents by enabling efficient exchange of information between vehicles in the early stages. However, due to the inherent high mobility and rapid change of topology, there are numerous challenges in VANET. Hence, different software packages have been combined in this project to create the VANET environment, whereby the Objective Modular Network Testbed (OMNeT++) and the Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO), along with Vehicles in Network Simulation (VEINS) are integrated to model the VANET environment. Also, Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) are implemented in the Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator, where the Store-Carry-Forward technique is used to route traffic. When network resources are not limited, a high delivery ratio is possible. However, when network resources are scarce, these protocols will have a low delivery ratio and high overhead. Due to these limitations, in this research, an extensive performance evaluation of various routing protocols for DTN with different buffer management policies, giving insight into the impact of these policies on DTN routing protocol performance has been conducted. The empirical study gave insight into the strengths and limitations of the existing protocols thus enabling the selection of the benchmark protocols utilized in evaluating a new Enhanced Message Replication Technique (EMRT) proposed in this thesis. The main contribution of this thesis is the design, implementation, and evaluation of a novel EMRT that dynamically adjusts the number of message replicas based on a node's ability to quickly disseminate the message and maximize the delivery ratio. EMRT is evaluated using three different quota protocols: Spray&Wait, Encounter Based Routing (EBR), and Destination Based Routing Protocol (DBRP). Simulation results show that applying EMRT to these protocols improves the delivery ratio while reducing overhead ratio and latency average. For example, when combined with Spray&Wait, EBR, and DBRP, the delivery probability is improved by 13%, 8%, and 10%, respectively, while the latency average is reduced by 51%, 14%, and 13%, respectively