125 research outputs found

    Hierarchical DAG Scheduling for Hybrid Distributed Systems

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    International audienceAccelerator-enhanced computing platforms have drawn a lot of attention due to their massive peak com-putational capacity. Despite significant advances in the pro-gramming interfaces to such hybrid architectures, traditional programming paradigms struggle mapping the resulting multi-dimensional heterogeneity and the expression of algorithm parallelism, resulting in sub-optimal effective performance. Task-based programming paradigms have the capability to alleviate some of the programming challenges on distributed hybrid many-core architectures. In this paper we take this concept a step further by showing that the potential of task-based programming paradigms can be greatly increased with minimal modification of the underlying runtime combined with the right algorithmic changes. We propose two novel recursive algorithmic variants for one-sided factorizations and describe the changes to the PaRSEC task-scheduling runtime to build a framework where the task granularity is dynamically adjusted to adapt the degree of available parallelism and kernel effi-ciency according to runtime conditions. Based on an extensive set of results we show that, with one-sided factorizations, i.e. Cholesky and QR, a carefully written algorithm, supported by an adaptive tasks-based runtime, is capable of reaching a degree of performance and scalability never achieved before in distributed hybrid environments

    Analysis and Design of Communication Avoiding Algorithms for Out of Memory(OOM) SVD

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    Many applications — including big data analytics, information retrieval, gene expression analysis, and numerical weather prediction – require the solution of large, dense singular value decomposition (SVD). The size of matrices used in many of these applications is becoming too large to fit into into a computer’s main memory at one time, and the traditional SVD algorithms that require all the matrix components to be loaded into memory before computation starts cannot be used directly. Moving data (communication) between levels of memory hierarchy and the disk exposes extra challenges to design SVD for such big matrices because of the exponential growth in the gap between floating-point arithmetic rate and bandwidth for many different storage devices on modern high performance computers. In this dissertation, we have analyzed communication overhead on hierarchical memory systems and disks for SVD algorithms and designed communication-avoiding (CA) Out of Memory (OOM) SVD algorithms. By Out of Memory we mean that the matrix is too big to fit in the main memory and therefore must reside in external or internal storage. We have studied communication overhead for classical one-stage blocked SVD and two-stage tiled SVD algorithms and proposed our OOM SVD algorithm, which reduces the communication cost. We have presented theoretical analysis and strategies to design CA OOM SVD algorithms, developed optimized implementation of CA OOM SVD for multicore architecture, and presented its performance results. When matrices are tall, performance of OOM SVD can be improved significantly by carrying out QR decomposition on the original matrix in the first place. The upper triangular matrix generated by QR decomposition may fit in the main memory, and in-core SVD can be used efficiently. Even if the upper triangular matrix does not fit in the main memory, OOM SVD will work on a smaller matrix. That is why we have analyzed communication reduction for OOM QR algorithm, implemented optimized OOM tiled QR for multicore systems and showed performance improvement of OOM SVD algorithms for tall matrices

    Using reconfigurable computing technology to accelerate matrix decomposition and applications

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    Matrix decomposition plays an increasingly significant role in many scientific and engineering applications. Among numerous techniques, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Eigenvalue Decomposition (EVD) are widely used as factorization tools to perform Principal Component Analysis for dimensionality reduction and pattern recognition in image processing, text mining and wireless communications, while QR Decomposition (QRD) and sparse LU Decomposition (LUD) are employed to solve the dense or sparse linear system of equations in bioinformatics, power system and computer vision. Matrix decompositions are computationally expensive and their sequential implementations often fail to meet the requirements of many time-sensitive applications. The emergence of reconfigurable computing has provided a flexible and low-cost opportunity to pursue high-performance parallel designs, and the use of FPGAs has shown promise in accelerating this class of computation. In this research, we have proposed and implemented several highly parallel FPGA-based architectures to accelerate matrix decompositions and their applications in data mining and signal processing. Specifically, in this dissertation we describe the following contributions: • We propose an efficient FPGA-based double-precision floating-point architecture for EVD, which can efficiently analyze large-scale matrices. • We implement a floating-point Hestenes-Jacobi architecture for SVD, which is capable of analyzing arbitrary sized matrices. • We introduce a novel deeply pipelined reconfigurable architecture for QRD, which can be dynamically configured to perform either Householder transformation or Givens rotation in a manner that takes advantage of the strengths of each. • We design a configurable architecture for sparse LUD that supports both symmetric and asymmetric sparse matrices with arbitrary sparsity patterns. • By further extending the proposed hardware solution for SVD, we parallelize a popular text mining tool-Latent Semantic Indexing with an FPGA-based architecture. • We present a configurable architecture to accelerate Homotopy l1-minimization, in which the modification of the proposed FPGA architecture for sparse LUD is used at its core to parallelize both Cholesky decomposition and rank-1 update. Our experimental results using an FPGA-based acceleration system indicate the efficiency of our proposed novel architectures, with application and dimension-dependent speedups over an optimized software implementation that range from 1.5ÃÂ to 43.6ÃÂ in terms of computation time

    Extensions of Task-based Runtime for High Performance Dense Linear Algebra Applications

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    On the road to exascale computing, the gap between hardware peak performance and application performance is increasing as system scale, chip density and inherent complexity of modern supercomputers are expanding. Even if we put aside the difficulty to express algorithmic parallelism and to efficiently execute applications at large scale, other open questions remain. The ever-growing scale of modern supercomputers induces a fast decline of the Mean Time To Failure. A generic, low-overhead, resilient extension becomes a desired aptitude for any programming paradigm. This dissertation addresses these two critical issues, designing an efficient unified linear algebra development environment using a task-based runtime, and extending a task-based runtime with fault tolerant capabilities to build a generic framework providing both soft and hard error resilience to task-based programming paradigm. To bridge the gap between hardware peak performance and application perfor- mance, a unified programming model is designed to take advantage of a lightweight task-based runtime to manage the resource-specific workload, and to control the data ow and parallel execution of tasks. Under this unified development, linear algebra tasks are abstracted across different underlying heterogeneous resources, including multicore CPUs, GPUs and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. Performance portability is guaranteed and this programming model is adapted to a wide range of accelerators, supporting both shared and distributed-memory environments. To solve the resilient challenges on large scale systems, fault tolerant mechanisms are designed for a task-based runtime to protect applications against both soft and hard errors. For soft errors, three additions to a task-based runtime are explored. The first recovers the application by re-executing minimum number of tasks, the second logs intermediary data between tasks to minimize the necessary re-execution, while the last one takes advantage of algorithmic properties to recover the data without re- execution. For hard errors, we propose two generic approaches, which augment the data logging mechanism for soft errors. The first utilizes non-volatile storage device to save logged data, while the second saves local logged data on a remote node to protect against node failure. Experimental results have confirmed that our soft and hard error fault tolerant mechanisms exhibit the expected correctness and efficiency

    Novel Monte Carlo Methods for Large-Scale Linear Algebra Operations

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    Linear algebra operations play an important role in scientific computing and data analysis. With increasing data volume and complexity in the Big Data era, linear algebra operations are important tools to process massive datasets. On one hand, the advent of modern high-performance computing architectures with increasing computing power has greatly enhanced our capability to deal with a large volume of data. One the other hand, many classical, deterministic numerical linear algebra algorithms have difficulty to scale to handle large data sets. Monte Carlo methods, which are based on statistical sampling, exhibit many attractive properties in dealing with large volume of datasets, including fast approximated results, memory efficiency, reduced data accesses, natural parallelism, and inherent fault tolerance. In this dissertation, we present new Monte Carlo methods to accommodate a set of fundamental and ubiquitous large-scale linear algebra operations, including solving large-scale linear systems, constructing low-rank matrix approximation, and approximating the extreme eigenvalues/ eigenvectors, across modern distributed and parallel computing architectures. First of all, we revisit the classical Ulam-von Neumann Monte Carlo algorithm and derive the necessary and sufficient condition for its convergence. To support a broad family of linear systems, we develop Krylov subspace Monte Carlo solvers that go beyond the use of Neumann series. New algorithms used in the Krylov subspace Monte Carlo solvers include (1) a Breakdown-Free Block Conjugate Gradient algorithm to address the potential rank deficiency problem occurred in block Krylov subspace methods; (2) a Block Conjugate Gradient for Least Squares algorithm to stably approximate the least squares solutions of general linear systems; (3) a BCGLS algorithm with deflation to gain convergence acceleration; and (4) a Monte Carlo Generalized Minimal Residual algorithm based on sampling matrix-vector products to provide fast approximation of solutions. Secondly, we design a rank-revealing randomized Singular Value Decomposition (R3SVD) algorithm for adaptively constructing low-rank matrix approximations to satisfy application-specific accuracy. Thirdly, we study the block power method on Markov Chain Monte Carlo transition matrices and find that the convergence is actually depending on the number of independent vectors in the block. Correspondingly, we develop a sliding window power method to find stationary distribution, which has demonstrated success in modeling stochastic luminal Calcium release site. Fourthly, we take advantage of hybrid CPU-GPU computing platforms to accelerate the performance of the Breakdown-Free Block Conjugate Gradient algorithm and the randomized Singular Value Decomposition algorithm. Finally, we design a Gaussian variant of Freivalds’ algorithm to efficiently verify the correctness of matrix-matrix multiplication while avoiding undetectable fault patterns encountered in deterministic algorithms

    CUDA simulations of active dumbbell suspensions

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    We describe and analyze CUDA simulations of hydrodynamic interactions in active dumbbell suspensions. GPU-based parallel computing enables us not only to study the time-resolved collective dynamics of up to a several hundred active dumbbell swimmers but also to test the accuracy of effective time-averaged models. Our numerical results suggest that the stroke-averaged model yields a relatively accurate description down to distances of only a few times the dumbbell's length. This is remarkable in view of the fact that the stroke-averaged model is based on a far-field expansion. Thus, our analysis confirms that stroke-averaged far-field equations of motion may provide a useful starting point for the derivation of hydrodynamic field equations.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    suCAQR: A Simplified Communication-Avoiding QR Factorization Solver Using the TBLAS Framework

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    The scope of this paper is to design and implement a scalable QR factorization solver that can deliver the fastest performance for tall and skinny matrices and square matrices on modern supercomputers. The new solver, named scalable universal communication-avoiding QR factorization (suCAQR), introduces a simplified and tuning-less way to realize the communication-avoiding QR factorization algorithm to support matrices of any shapes. The software design includes a mixed usage of physical and logical data layouts, a simplified method of dynamic-root binary-tree reduction, and a dynamic dataflow implementation. Compared with the existing communication avoiding QR factorization implementations, suCAQR has the benefits of being simpler, more general, and more efficient. By balancing the degree of parallelism and the proportion of faster computational kernels, it is able to achieve scalable performance on clusters of multicore nodes. The software essentially combines the strengths of both synchronization-reducing approach and communication-avoiding approach to achieve high performance. Based on the experimental results using 1,024 CPU cores, suCAQR is faster than DPLASMA by up to 30%, and faster than ScaLAPACK by up to 30 times

    Accelerating Linear Algebra and Machine Learning Kernels on a Massively Parallel Reconfigurable Architecture

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    abstract: This thesis presents efficient implementations of several linear algebra kernels, machine learning kernels and a neural network based recommender systems engine onto a massively parallel reconfigurable architecture, Transformer. The linear algebra kernels include Triangular Matrix Solver (TRSM), LU Decomposition (LUD), QR Decomposition (QRD), and Matrix Inversion. The machine learning kernels include an LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) cell, and a GRU (gated Recurrent Unit) cell used in recurrent neural networks. The neural network based recommender systems engine consists of multiple kernels including fully connected layers, embedding layer, 1-D batchnorm, Adam optimizer, etc. Transformer is a massively parallel reconfigurable multicore architecture designed at the University of Michigan. The Transformer configuration considered here is 4 tiles and 16 General Processing Elements (GPEs) per tile. It supports a two level cache hierarchy where the L1 and L2 caches can operate in shared (S) or private (P) modes. The architecture was modeled using Gem5 and cycle accurate simulations were done to evaluate the performance in terms of execution times, giga-operations per second per Watt (GOPS/W), and giga-floating-point-operations per second per Watt (GFLOPS/W). This thesis shows that for linear algebra kernels, each kernel achieves high performance for a certain cache mode and that this cache mode can change when the matrix size changes. For instance, for smaller matrix sizes, L1P, L2P cache mode is best for TRSM, while L1S, L2S is the best cache mode for LUD, and L1P, L2S is the best for QRD. For each kernel, the optimal cache mode changes when the matrix size is increased. For instance, for TRSM, the L1P, L2P cache mode is best for smaller matrix sizes (N=64,128,256,512N=64, 128, 256, 512) and it changes to L1S, L2P for larger matrix sizes (N=1024N=1024). For machine learning kernels, L1P, L2P is the best cache mode for all network parameter sizes. Gem5 simulations show that the peak performance for TRSM, LUD, QRD and Matrix Inverse in the 14nm node is 97.5, 59.4, 133.0 and 83.05 GFLOPS/W, respectively. For LSTM and GRU, the peak performance is 44.06 and 69.3 GFLOPS/W. The neural network based recommender system was implemented in L1S, L2S cache mode. It includes a forward pass and a backward pass and is significantly more complex in terms of both computational complexity and data movement. The most computationally intensive block is the fully connected layer followed by Adam optimizer. The overall performance of the recommender systems engine is 54.55 GFLOPS/W and 169.12 GOPS/W.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Electrical Engineering 201
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