7 research outputs found

    Covering and tiling hypergraphs with tight cycles

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    Given 3≤k≤s3 \leq k \leq s, we say that a kk-uniform hypergraph CskC^k_s is a tight cycle on ss vertices if there is a cyclic ordering of the vertices of CskC^k_s such that every kk consecutive vertices under this ordering form an edge. We prove that if k≥3k \ge 3 and s≥2k2s \ge 2k^2, then every kk-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices with minimum codegree at least (1/2+o(1))n(1/2 + o(1))n has the property that every vertex is covered by a copy of CskC^k_s. Our result is asymptotically best possible for infinitely many pairs of ss and kk, e.g. when ss and kk are coprime. A perfect CskC^k_s-tiling is a spanning collection of vertex-disjoint copies of CskC^k_s. When ss is divisible by kk, the problem of determining the minimum codegree that guarantees a perfect CskC^k_s-tiling was solved by a result of Mycroft. We prove that if k≥3k \ge 3 and s≥5k2s \ge 5k^2 is not divisible by kk and ss divides nn, then every kk-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices with minimum codegree at least (1/2+1/(2s)+o(1))n(1/2 + 1/(2s) + o(1))n has a perfect CskC^k_s-tiling. Again our result is asymptotically best possible for infinitely many pairs of ss and kk, e.g. when ss and kk are coprime with kk even.Comment: Revised version, accepted for publication in Combin. Probab. Compu

    On the Existence of Loose Cycle Tilings and Rainbow Cycles

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    abstract: Extremal graph theory results often provide minimum degree conditions which guarantee a copy of one graph exists within another. A perfect FF-tiling of a graph GG is a collection F\mathcal{F} of subgraphs of GG such that every element of F\mathcal{F} is isomorphic to FF and such that every vertex in GG is in exactly one element of F\mathcal{F}. Let Ct3C^{3}_{t} denote the loose cycle on t=2st = 2s vertices, the 33-uniform hypergraph obtained by replacing the edges e={u,v}e = \{u, v\} of a graph cycle CC on ss vertices with edge triples {u,xe,v}\{u, x_e, v\}, where xex_e is uniquely assigned to ee. This dissertation proves for even t≥6t \geq 6, that any sufficiently large 33-uniform hypergraph HH on n∈tZn \in t \mathbb{Z} vertices with minimum 11-degree \delta^1(H) \geq {n - 1 \choose 2} - {\Bsize \choose 2} + c(t,n) + 1, where c(t,n)∈{0,1,3}c(t,n) \in \{0, 1, 3\}, contains a perfect Ct3C^{3}_{t}-tiling. The result is tight, generalizing previous results on C43C^3_4 by Han and Zhao. For an edge colored graph GG, let the minimum color degree δc(G)\delta^c(G) be the minimum number of distinctly colored edges incident to a vertex. Call GG rainbow if every edge has a unique color. For ℓ≥5\ell \geq 5, this dissertation proves that any sufficiently large edge colored graph GG on nn vertices with δc(G)≥n+12\delta^c(G) \geq \frac{n + 1}{2} contains a rainbow cycle on ℓ\ell vertices. The result is tight for odd ℓ\ell and extends previous results for ℓ=3\ell = 3. In addition, for even ℓ≥4\ell \geq 4, this dissertation proves that any sufficiently large edge colored graph GG on nn vertices with δc(G)≥n+c(ℓ)3\delta^c(G) \geq \frac{n + c(\ell)}{3}, where c(ℓ)∈{5,7}c(\ell) \in \{5, 7\}, contains a rainbow cycle on ℓ\ell vertices. The result is tight when 6∤ℓ6 \nmid \ell. As a related result, this dissertation proves for all ℓ≥4\ell \geq 4, that any sufficiently large oriented graph DD on nn vertices with δ+(D)≥n+13\delta^+(D) \geq \frac{n + 1}{3} contains a directed cycle on ℓ\ell vertices. This partially generalizes a result by Kelly, K\"uhn, and Osthus that uses minimum semidegree rather than minimum out degree.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Mathematics 201

    Extremal results in hypergraph theory via the absorption method

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    The so-called "absorbing method" was first introduced in a systematic way by Rödl, Ruciński and Szemerédi in 2006, and has found many uses ever since. Speaking in a general sense, it is useful for finding spanning substructures of combinatorial structures. We establish various results of different natures, in both graph and hypergraph theory, most of them using the absorbing method: 1. We prove an asymptotically best-possible bound on the strong chromatic number with respect to the maximum degree of the graph. This establishes a weak version of a conjecture of Aharoni, Berger and Ziv. 2. We determine asymptotic minimum codegree thresholds which ensure the existence of tilings with tight cycles (of a given size) in uniform hypergraphs. Moreover, we prove results on coverings with tight cycles. 3. We show that every 2-coloured complete graph on the integers contains a monochromatic infinite path whose vertex set is sufficiently "dense" in the natural numbers. This improves results of Galvin and Erdős and of DeBiasio and McKenney