6,626 research outputs found

    The contribution of grain boundary barriers to the electrical conductivity of titanium oxide thin films

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    Titanium oxide thin films were prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering. The reactive gas pulsing process was implemented to control the oxygen injection in the deposition process and,consequently, to tune the oxygen concentration in the films from pure titanium to stoichiometric TiO2, maintaining a homogeneous in-depth concentration. The electrical conductivity of the films was investigated as a function of the oxygen injection time, the metalloid concentration and temperature, in the range 90–600 K. The curved Arrhenius plots of the conductivity were examined taking into account the grain boundary limited transport model of Werner J. H. Werner Solid State Phenom. 37–38, 213 1994 . The grain barrier heights were found to depend significantly on the oxygen supplied into the deposition process and thus, on the oxygen-to-titanium atomic ratio in the films. The analysis as a function of temperature showed that the conduction mechanism in the coatings was not solely limited by the oxygen-to-titanium atomic ratio, but also by the grain boundary scattering

    Influence of phosphorus and potassium impurities on the properties of vanadium oxide supported on TiO2

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    The catalytic properties of vanadium oxide catalysts supported on TiO2 from Tioxide were strongly affected by phosphorus and potassium, present as impurities in the TiO2 support. The effects observed were stronaly dependent on the type of hydrocarbon oxidised. In the oxidation of toluene to benzoic acid the impurities had a large negative influence on the activity and maximum yield. For the oxidation of o-xylene to ohthalic anhydride this negative effect was only observed at relat- ively low vanadium contents. At higher contents (above monolayer coverage) improved catalytic properties were obtained for catalysts supported on the contaminated TiO2 support. When the phosphorus and potassium impurities were both largely removed by extraction with water optimum catalytic behaviour was achieved at much lower vanadium contents in both oxidation reactions. The effect of each of the two impurities separately was also investigated using vanadium oxide catalysts deliberately contaminated with various amounts of either phosphorus or potassium. From the results of the catalytic oxidation experiments it was concluded that the addition of phosphorus resulted in an increase of the surface acidity of vanadium oxide/TiO2 catalysts. The effect of potassium was much larger and was attributed to an alternation of the nature of the reactive sites, possibly because of the formation of amorphous bronzes

    Resistive Switching in Memristive Electrochemical Metallization Devices

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    We report on resistive switching of memristive electrochemical metallization devices using 3D kinetic Monte Carlo simulations describing the transport of ions through a solid state electrolyte of an Ag/TiOx_{\text{x}}/Pt thin layer system. The ion transport model is consistently coupled with solvers for the electric field and thermal diffusion. We show that the model is able to describe not only the formation of conducting filaments but also its dissolution. Furthermore, we calculate realistic current-voltage characteristics and resistive switching kinetics. Finally, we discuss in detail the influence of both the electric field and the local heat on the switching processes of the device

    Atomically Resolved Surface Structure of SrTiO3(001) Thin Films Grown in Step-Flow Mode by Pulsed Laser Deposition

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    The surface structure of SrTiO3(001) thin films homoepitaxially grown by PLD in step-flow mode was characterized using low temperature STM. It was found that one-dimensional (1D) TiOx-based nanostructures were formed on the thin film surface and their density increased with increasing thin film thickness. Most of the 1D nanostructures disappeared after a post-deposition annealing, indicating that this structure is metastable due to the nonequilibrium growth mode. The resulting surface after annealing exhibited similar features to that of a thinner film, having a domain structure with (2x1) and (1x2) reconstructions, but with fewer oxygen-vacancy-type defects. These results imply that the step-flow growth is likely to produce TiOx-rich surface and Ti deficiencies in the film. By the post-deposition annealing, the rich TiOx would diffuse from the surface into the film to compensate defects associated with Ti vacancies and oxygen vacancies, resulting in the stable surface structure with fewer oxygen vacancies. Thus, STM measurements can provide us with a microscopic picture of surface stoichiometry of thin films originating in the dynamics of the growth process, and can present a new approach for designing functional oxide films.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Zero-field incommensurate spin-Peierls phase with interchain frustration in TiOCl

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    We report on the magnetic, thermodynamic and optical properties of the quasi-one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets TiOCl and TiOBr, which have been discussed as spin-Peierls compounds. The observed deviations from canonical spin-Peierls behavior, e.g. the existence of two distinct phase transitions, have been attributed previously to strong orbital fluctuations. This can be ruled out by our optical data of the orbital excitations. We show that the frustration of the interchain interactions in the bilayer structure gives rise to incommensurate order with a subsequent lock-in transition to a commensurate dimerized state. In this way, a single driving force, the spin-Peierls mechanism, induces two separate transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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