32 research outputs found

    Threshold-limited spreading in social networks with multiple initiators

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    A classical model for social-influence-driven opinion change is the threshold model. Here we study cascades of opinion change driven by threshold model dynamics in the case where multiple {\it initiators} trigger the cascade, and where all nodes possess the same adoption threshold ϕ\phi. Specifically, using empirical and stylized models of social networks, we study cascade size as a function of the initiator fraction pp. We find that even for arbitrarily high value of ϕ\phi, there exists a critical initiator fraction pc(ϕ)p_c(\phi) beyond which the cascade becomes global. Network structure, in particular clustering, plays a significant role in this scenario. Similarly to the case of single-node or single-clique initiators studied previously, we observe that community structure within the network facilitates opinion spread to a larger extent than a homogeneous random network. Finally, we study the efficacy of different initiator selection strategies on the size of the cascade and the cascade window

    An Analysis of the Matching Hypothesis in Networks

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    The matching hypothesis in social psychology claims that people are more likely to form a committed relationship with someone equally attractive. Previous works on stochastic models of human mate choice process indicate that patterns supporting the matching hypothesis could occur even when similarity is not the primary consideration in seeking partners. Yet, most if not all of these works concentrate on fully-connected systems. Here we extend the analysis to networks. Our results indicate that the correlation of the couple's attractiveness grows monotonically with the increased average degree and decreased degree diversity of the network. This correlation is lower in sparse networks than in fully-connected systems, because in the former less attractive individuals who find partners are likely to be coupled with ones who are more attractive than them. The chance of failing to be matched decreases exponentially with both the attractiveness and the degree. The matching hypothesis may not hold when the degree-attractiveness correlation is present, which can give rise to negative attractiveness correlation. Finally, we find that the ratio between the number of matched couples and the size of the maximum matching varies non-monotonically with the average degree of the network. Our results reveal the role of network topology in the process of human mate choice and bring insights into future investigations of different matching processes in networks

    Competition and dual users in complex contagion processes

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    We study the competition of two spreading entities, for example innovations, in complex contagion processes in complex networks. We develop an analytical framework and examine the role of dual users, i.e. agents using both technologies. Searching for the spreading transition of the new innovation and the extinction transition of a preexisting one, we identify different phases depending on network mean degree, prevalence of preexisting technology, and thresholds of the contagion process. Competition with the preexisting technology effectively suppresses the spread of the new innovation, but it also allows for phases of coexistence. The existence of dual users largely modifies the transient dynamics creating new phases that promote the spread of a new innovation and extinction of a preexisting one. It enables the global spread of the new innovation even if the old one has the first-mover advantage.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Optimal information diffusion in stochastic block models

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    We use the linear threshold model to study the diffusion of information on a network generated by the stochastic block model. We focus our analysis on a two community structure where the initial set of informed nodes lies only in one of the two communities and we look for optimal network structures, i.e. those maximizing the asymptotic extent of the diffusion. We find that, constraining the mean degree and the fraction of initially informed nodes, the optimal structure can be assortative (modular), core-periphery, or even disassortative. We then look for minimal cost structures, i.e. those such that a minimal fraction of initially informed nodes is needed to trigger a global cascade. We find that the optimal networks are assortative but with a structure very close to a core-periphery graph, i.e. a very dense community linked to a much more sparsely connected periphery.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure