371,172 research outputs found

    Three-in-a-Tree in Near Linear Time

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    The three-in-a-tree problem is to determine if a simple undirected graph contains an induced subgraph which is a tree connecting three given vertices. Based on a beautiful characterization that is proved in more than twenty pages, Chudnovsky and Seymour [Combinatorica 2010] gave the previously only known polynomial-time algorithm, running in O(mn2)O(mn^2) time, to solve the three-in-a-tree problem on an nn-vertex mm-edge graph. Their three-in-a-tree algorithm has become a critical subroutine in several state-of-the-art graph recognition and detection algorithms. In this paper we solve the three-in-a-tree problem in O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) time, leading to improved algorithms for recognizing perfect graphs and detecting thetas, pyramids, beetles, and odd and even holes. Our result is based on a new and more constructive characterization than that of Chudnovsky and Seymour. Our new characterization is stronger than the original, and our proof implies a new simpler proof for the original characterization. The improved characterization gains the first factor nn in speed. The remaining improvement is based on dynamic graph algorithms.Comment: 46 pages, 12 figures, accepted to STOC 202

    Variational tensor network renormalization in imaginary time: Two-dimensional quantum compass model at finite temperature

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    Progress in describing thermodynamic phase transitions in quantum systems is obtained by noticing that the Gibbs operator e−βHe^{-\beta H} for a two-dimensional (2D) lattice system with a Hamiltonian HH can be represented by a three-dimensional tensor network, the third dimension being the imaginary time (inverse temperature) β\beta. Coarse-graining the network along β\beta results in a 2D projected entangled-pair operator (PEPO) with a finite bond dimension DD. The coarse-graining is performed by a tree tensor network of isometries. The isometries are optimized variationally --- taking into account full tensor environment --- to maximize the accuracy of the PEPO. The algorithm is applied to the isotropic quantum compass model on an infinite square lattice near a symmetry-breaking phase transition at finite temperature. From the linear susceptibility in the symmetric phase and the order parameter in the symmetry-broken phase the critical temperature is estimated at Tc=0.0606(4)J{\cal T}_c=0.0606(4)J, where JJ is the isotropic coupling constant between S=1/2S=1/2 pseudospins.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, slightly revised after referees' report

    In pursuit of linear complexity in discrete and computational geometry

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    Many computational problems arise naturally from geometric data. In this thesis, we consider three such problems: (i) distance optimization problems over point sets, (ii) computing contour trees over simplicial meshes, and (iii) bounding the expected complexity of weighted Voronoi diagrams. While these topics are broad, here the focus is on identifying structure which implies linear (or near linear) algorithmic and descriptive complexity. The first topic we consider is in geometric optimization. More specifically, we define a large class of distance problems, for which we provide linear time exact or approximate solutions. Roughly speaking, the class of problems facilitate either clustering together close points (i.e. netting) or throwing out outliers (i.e pruning), allowing for successively smaller summaries of the relevant information in the input. A surprising number of classical geometric optimization problems are unified under this framework, including finding the optimal k-center clustering, the kth ranked distance, the kth heaviest edge of the MST, the minimum radius ball enclosing k points, and many others. In several cases we get the first known linear time approximation algorithm for a given problem, where our approximation ratio matches that of previous work. The second topic we investigate is contour trees, a fundamental structure in computational topology. Contour trees give a compact summary of the evolution of level sets on a mesh, and are typically used on massive data sets. Previous algorithms for computing contour trees took Θ(n log n) time and were worst-case optimal. Here we provide an algorithm whose running time lies between Θ(nα(n)) and Θ(n log n), and varies depending on the shape of the tree, where α(n) is the inverse Ackermann function. In particular, this is the first algorithm with O(nα(n)) running time on instances with balanced contour trees. Our algorithmic results are complemented by lower bounds indicating that, up to a factor of α(n), on all instance types our algorithm performs optimally. For the final topic, we consider the descriptive complexity of weighted Voronoi diagrams. Such diagrams have quadratic (or higher) worst-case complexity, however, as was the case for contour trees, here we push beyond worst-case analysis. A new diagram, called the candidate diagram, is introduced, which allows us to bound the complexity of weighted Voronoi diagrams arising from a particular probabilistic input model. Specifically, we assume weights are randomly permuted among fixed Voronoi sites, an assumption which is weaker than the more typical sampled locations assumption. Under this assumption, the expected complexity is shown to be near linear
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