120,918 research outputs found

    Detection of Communities within the Multibody System Dynamics Network and Analysis of Their Relations

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    Multibody system dynamics is already a well developed branch of theoretical, computational and applied mechanics. Thousands of documents can be found in any of the well-known scientific databases. In this work it is demonstrated that multibody system dynamics is built of many thematic communities. Using the Elsevier’s abstract and citation database SCOPUS, a massive amount of data is collected and analyzed with the use of the open source visualization tool Gephi. The information is represented as a large set of nodes with connections to study their graphical distribution and explore geometry and symmetries. A randomized radial symmetry is found in the graphical representation of the collected information. Furthermore, the concept of modularity is used to demonstrate that community structures are present in the field of multibody system dynamics. In particular, twenty-four different thematic communities have been identified. The scientific production of each community is analyzed, which allows to predict its growing rate in the next years. The journals and conference proceedings mainly used by the authors belonging to the community as well as the cooperation between them by country are also analyzed

    On the state space geometry of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky flow in a periodic domain

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    The continuous and discrete symmetries of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky system restricted to a spatially periodic domain play a prominent role in shaping the invariant sets of its chaotic dynamics. The continuous spatial translation symmetry leads to relative equilibrium (traveling wave) and relative periodic orbit (modulated traveling wave) solutions. The discrete symmetries lead to existence of equilibrium and periodic orbit solutions, induce decomposition of state space into invariant subspaces, and enforce certain structurally stable heteroclinic connections between equilibria. We show, on the example of a particular small-cell Kuramoto-Sivashinsky system, how the geometry of its dynamical state space is organized by a rigid `cage' built by heteroclinic connections between equilibria, and demonstrate the preponderance of unstable relative periodic orbits and their likely role as the skeleton underpinning spatiotemporal turbulence in systems with continuous symmetries. We also offer novel visualizations of the high-dimensional Kuramoto-Sivashinsky state space flow through projections onto low-dimensional, PDE representation independent, dynamically invariant intrinsic coordinate frames, as well as in terms of the physical, symmetry invariant energy transfer rates.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures; added references, corrected typos. Due to file size restrictions some figures in this preprint are of low quality. A high quality copy may be obtained from http://www.cns.gatech.edu/~predrag/papers/preprints.html#rp

    Time-dependent quantum many-body theory of identical bosons in a double well: Early time ballistic interferences of fragmented and number entangled states

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    A time-dependent multiconfigurational self-consistent field theory is presented to describe the many-body dynamics of a gas of identical bosonic atoms confined to an external trapping potential at zero temperature from first principles. A set of generalized evolution equations are developed, through the time-dependent variational principle, which account for the complete and self-consistent coupling between the expansion coefficients of each configuration and the underlying one-body wave functions within a restricted two state Fock space basis that includes the full effects of the condensate's mean field as well as atomic correlation. The resulting dynamical equations are a classical Hamiltonian system and, by construction, form a well-defined initial value problem. They are implemented in an efficient numerical algorithm. An example is presented, highlighting the generality of the theory, in which the ballistic expansion of a fragmented condensate ground state is compared to that of a macroscopic quantum superposition state, taken here to be a highly entangled number state, upon releasing the external trapping potential. Strikingly different many-body matter-wave dynamics emerge in each case, accentuating the role of both atomic correlation and mean-field effects in the two condensate states.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation in turbulent wake transition

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    Results are reported on direct numerical simulations of transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional states due to secondary instability in the wake of a circular cylinder. These calculations quantify the nonlinear response of the system to three-dimensional perturbations near threshold for the two separate linear instabilities of the wake: mode A and mode B. The objectives are to classify the nonlinear form of the bifurcation to mode A and mode B and to identify the conditions under which the wake evolves to periodic, quasi-periodic, or chaotic states with respect to changes in spanwise dimension and Reynolds number. The onset of mode A is shown to occur through a subcritical bifurcation that causes a reduction in the primary oscillation frequency of the wake at saturation. In contrast, the onset of mode B occurs through a supercritical bifurcation with no frequency shift near threshold. Simulations of the three-dimensional wake for fixed Reynolds number and increasing spanwise dimension show that large systems evolve to a state of spatiotemporal chaos, and suggest that three-dimensionality in the wake leads to irregular states and fast transition to turbulence at Reynolds numbers just beyond the onset of the secondary instability. A key feature of these ‘turbulent’ states is the competition between self-excited, three-dimensional instability modes (global modes) in the mode A wavenumber band. These instability modes produce irregular spatiotemporal patterns and large-scale ‘spot-like’ disturbances in the wake during the breakdown of the regular mode A pattern. Simulations at higher Reynolds number show that long-wavelength interactions modulate fluctuating forces and cause variations in phase along the span of the cylinder that reduce the fluctuating amplitude of lift and drag. Results of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional simulations are presented for a range of Reynolds number from about 10 up to 1000

    Plyades: A Python Library for Space Mission Design

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    Plyades: A Python Library for Space Mission Design Designing a space mission is a computation-heavy task. Software tools that conduct the necessary numerical simulations and optimizations are therefore indispensable. The usability of existing software, written in Fortran and MATLAB, suffers because of high complexity, low levels of abstraction and out-dated programming practices. We propose Python as a viable alternative for astrodynamics tools and demonstrate the proof-of-concept library Plyades which combines powerful features with Pythonic ease of use

    Simultaneous Learning of Nonlinear Manifold and Dynamical Models for High-dimensional Time Series

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    The goal of this work is to learn a parsimonious and informative representation for high-dimensional time series. Conceptually, this comprises two distinct yet tightly coupled tasks: learning a low-dimensional manifold and modeling the dynamical process. These two tasks have a complementary relationship as the temporal constraints provide valuable neighborhood information for dimensionality reduction and conversely, the low-dimensional space allows dynamics to be learnt efficiently. Solving these two tasks simultaneously allows important information to be exchanged mutually. If nonlinear models are required to capture the rich complexity of time series, then the learning problem becomes harder as the nonlinearities in both tasks are coupled. The proposed solution approximates the nonlinear manifold and dynamics using piecewise linear models. The interactions among the linear models are captured in a graphical model. By exploiting the model structure, efficient inference and learning algorithms are obtained without oversimplifying the model of the underlying dynamical process. Evaluation of the proposed framework with competing approaches is conducted in three sets of experiments: dimensionality reduction and reconstruction using synthetic time series, video synthesis using a dynamic texture database, and human motion synthesis, classification and tracking on a benchmark data set. In all experiments, the proposed approach provides superior performance.National Science Foundation (IIS 0308213, IIS 0329009, CNS 0202067
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