3,474 research outputs found

    Accurate a priori signal integrity estimation using a multilevel dynamic interconnect model for deep submicron VLSI design.

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    A multilevel dynamic interconnect model was derived for accurate a priori signal integrity estimates. Cross-talk and delay estimations over interconnects in deep submicron technology were analyzed systematically using this model. Good accuracy and excellent time-efficiency were found compared with electromagnetic simulations. We aim to build a dynamic interconnect library with this model to facilitate the interconnect issues for future VLSI design

    Eigenmode-based capacitance calculations with applications in passivation layer design

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    The design of high-speed metallic interconnects such as microstrips requires the correct characterization of both the conductors and the surrounding dielectric environment, in order to accurately predict their propagation characteristics. A fast boundary integral equation approach is obtained by modeling all materials as equivalent surface charge densities in free space. The capacitive behavior of a finite dielectric environment can then be determined by means of a transformation matrix, relating these charge densities to the boundary value of the electric potential. In this paper, a new calculation method is presented for the important case that the dielectric environment is composed of homogeneous rectangles. The method, based on a surface charge expansion in terms of the Robin eigenfunctions of the considered rectangles, is not only more efficient than traditional methods, but is also more accurate, as shown in some numerical experiments. As an application, the design and behavior of a microstrip passivation layer is treated in some detail

    Entire domain basis function expansion of the differential surface admittance for efficient broadband characterization of lossy interconnects

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    This article presents a full-wave method to characterize lossy conductors in an interconnect setting. To this end, a novel and accurate differential surface admittance operator for cuboids based on entire domain basis functions is formulated. By combining this new operator with the augmented electric field integral equation, a comprehensive broadband characterization is obtained. Compared with the state of the art in differential surface admittance operator modeling, we prove the accuracy and improved speed of the novel formulation. Additional examples support these conclusions by comparing the results with commerical software tools and with measurements

    A Parameterization Scheme for Lossy Transmission Line Macromodels with Application to High Speed Interconnects in Mobile Devices

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    We introduce a novel parameterization scheme based on the generalized method of characteristics (MoC) formacromodels of transmission-line structures having a cross section depending on several free geometrical and material parameters. This situation is common in early design stages, when the physical structures still have to be finalized and optimized under signal integrity and electromagnetic compatibility constraints. The topology of the adopted line macromodels has been demonstrated to guarantee excellent accuracy and efficiency. The key factors are propagation delay extraction and rational approximations, which intrinsically lead to a SPICE-compatible macromodel stamp. We introduce a scheme that parameterizes this stamp as a function of geometrical and material parameters such as conductor-width and separation, dielectric thickness, and permettivity. The parameterization is performed via multidimensional interpolation of the residue matrices in the rational approximation of characteristic admittance and propagation operators. A significant advantage of this approach consists of the possibility of efficiently utilizing the MoC methodology in an optimization scheme and eventually helping the design of interconnects.We apply the proposed scheme to flexible printed interconnects that are typically found in portable devices having moving parts. Several validations demonstrate the effectiveness of the approac

    De-embedding method for electrical response extraction of through-silicon via (TSV) in silicon interposer technology and signal integrity performance comparison with embedded multi-die interconnect bridge (EMIB) technology

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    Traditional two-dimensional system-in-package (2D SiP) can no longer support the scaling of size, power, bandwidth, and cost at the same rate required by Moore\u27s Law. Three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D-ICs), 2.5D silicon interposer technology in which through silicon vias are widely used, are implemented to meet these challenges. Embedded multi-die interconnect bridge (EMIB) technology are proposed as well. In Section 1, a novel de-embedding method is proposed for TSV characterization by using a set of simple yet efficient test patterns. Full wave models and corresponding equivalent circuits are provided to explain the electrical performance of the test patterns clearly. Furthermore, broadband measurement is performed for all test patterns up to 40 GHz, to verify the accuracy of the developed full wave models. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) measurements are taken for all the test patterns to optimize the full wave models. Finally, the proposed de-embedding method is applied to extract the response of the TSV pair. Good agreement between the de-embedded results with analytical characterization and the full-wave simulation for a single TSV pair indicates that the proposed de-embedding method works effectively up to 40 GHz. In Section 2, the signal integrity performance of EMIB technology is evaluated and compared with silicon interposer technology. Two examples are available for each technology, one is simple with only one single trace pair considered; the other is complex with three differential pairs considered in the full wave simulation. Results of insertion loss, return loss, crosstalk and eye diagram are provided as criteria to evaluate the signal integrity performance for both technologies. This work provides guidelines to both top-level decision and specific IC or channel design --Abstract, page iii