26,303 research outputs found

    Complexity dichotomy on partial grid recognition

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    Deciding whether a graph can be embedded in a grid using only unit-length edges is NP-complete, even when restricted to binary trees. However, it is not difficult to devise a number of graph classes for which the problem is polynomial, even trivial. A natural step, outstanding thus far, was to provide a broad classification of graphs that make for polynomial or NP-complete instances. We provide such a classification based on the set of allowed vertex degrees in the input graphs, yielding a full dichotomy on the complexity of the problem. As byproducts, the previous NP-completeness result for binary trees was strengthened to strictly binary trees, and the three-dimensional version of the problem was for the first time proven to be NP-complete. Our results were made possible by introducing the concepts of consistent orientations and robust gadgets, and by showing how the former allows NP-completeness proofs by local replacement even in the absence of the latter

    Metric characterizations of superreflexivity in terms of word hyperbolic groups and finite graphs

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    We show that superreflexivity can be characterized in terms of bilipschitz embeddability of word hyperbolic groups. We compare characterizations of superreflexivity in terms of diamond graphs and binary trees. We show that there exist sequences of series-parallel graphs of increasing topological complexity which admit uniformly bilipschitz embeddings into a Hilbert space, and thus do not characterize superreflexivity

    On the Effect of Quantum Interaction Distance on Quantum Addition Circuits

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    We investigate the theoretical limits of the effect of the quantum interaction distance on the speed of exact quantum addition circuits. For this study, we exploit graph embedding for quantum circuit analysis. We study a logical mapping of qubits and gates of any Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n)-depth quantum adder circuit for two nn-qubit registers onto a practical architecture, which limits interaction distance to the nearest neighbors only and supports only one- and two-qubit logical gates. Unfortunately, on the chosen kk-dimensional practical architecture, we prove that the depth lower bound of any exact quantum addition circuits is no longer Ω(logn)\Omega(\log {n}), but Ω(nk)\Omega(\sqrt[k]{n}). This result, the first application of graph embedding to quantum circuits and devices, provides a new tool for compiler development, emphasizes the impact of quantum computer architecture on performance, and acts as a cautionary note when evaluating the time performance of quantum algorithms.Comment: accepted for ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing System

    Bounding Embeddings of VC Classes into Maximum Classes

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    One of the earliest conjectures in computational learning theory-the Sample Compression conjecture-asserts that concept classes (equivalently set systems) admit compression schemes of size linear in their VC dimension. To-date this statement is known to be true for maximum classes---those that possess maximum cardinality for their VC dimension. The most promising approach to positively resolving the conjecture is by embedding general VC classes into maximum classes without super-linear increase to their VC dimensions, as such embeddings would extend the known compression schemes to all VC classes. We show that maximum classes can be characterised by a local-connectivity property of the graph obtained by viewing the class as a cubical complex. This geometric characterisation of maximum VC classes is applied to prove a negative embedding result which demonstrates VC-d classes that cannot be embedded in any maximum class of VC dimension lower than 2d. On the other hand, we show that every VC-d class C embeds in a VC-(d+D) maximum class where D is the deficiency of C, i.e., the difference between the cardinalities of a maximum VC-d class and of C. For VC-2 classes in binary n-cubes for 4 <= n <= 6, we give best possible results on embedding into maximum classes. For some special classes of Boolean functions, relationships with maximum classes are investigated. Finally we give a general recursive procedure for embedding VC-d classes into VC-(d+k) maximum classes for smallest k.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Scalable Routing Easy as PIE: a Practical Isometric Embedding Protocol (Technical Report)

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    We present PIE, a scalable routing scheme that achieves 100% packet delivery and low path stretch. It is easy to implement in a distributed fashion and works well when costs are associated to links. Scalability is achieved by using virtual coordinates in a space of concise dimensionality, which enables greedy routing based only on local knowledge. PIE is a general routing scheme, meaning that it works on any graph. We focus however on the Internet, where routing scalability is an urgent concern. We show analytically and by using simulation that the scheme scales extremely well on Internet-like graphs. In addition, its geometric nature allows it to react efficiently to topological changes or failures by finding new paths in the network at no cost, yielding better delivery ratios than standard algorithms. The proposed routing scheme needs an amount of memory polylogarithmic in the size of the network and requires only local communication between the nodes. Although each node constructs its coordinates and routes packets locally, the path stretch remains extremely low, even lower than for centralized or less scalable state-of-the-art algorithms: PIE always finds short paths and often enough finds the shortest paths.Comment: This work has been previously published in IEEE ICNP'11. The present document contains an additional optional mechanism, presented in Section III-D, to further improve performance by using route asymmetry. It also contains new simulation result

    Phylogenetic toric varieties on graphs

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    We define phylogenetic projective toric model of a trivalent graph as a generalization of a binary symmetric model of a trivalent phylogenetic tree. Generators of the pro- jective coordinate ring of the models of graphs with one cycle are explicitly described. The phylogenetic models of graphs with the same topological invariants are deforma- tion equivalent and share the same Hilbert function. We also provide an algorithm to compute the Hilbert function.Comment: 36 pages, improved expositio

    Few smooth d-polytopes with n lattice points

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    We prove that, for fixed n there exist only finitely many embeddings of Q-factorial toric varieties X into P^n that are induced by a complete linear system. The proof is based on a combinatorial result that for fixed nonnegative integers d and n, there are only finitely many smooth d-polytopes with n lattice points. We also enumerate all smooth 3-polytopes with at most 12 lattice points. In fact, it is sufficient to bound the singularities and the number of lattice points on edges to prove finiteness.Comment: 20+2 pages; major revision: new author, new structure, new result