1,180 research outputs found

    Quantifying Temporal Decorrelation over Boreal Forest at L- and P-band

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    Temporal decorrelation is probably the most critical factor towards a successful implementation of Pol-InSAR parameter inversion techniques in terms of repeat-pass InSAR scenarios. In this paper the effect and impact of temporal decorrelation at L- and P-band is quantified. For this, data acquired by DLR’s E-SAR system in the frame of the BioSAR campaign (initiated and sponsored by the European Space Agency (ESA)) over boreal forest with variable temporal baseline in 2007 in Sweden are analyzed. For validation lidar data and ground measurements data are used

    Estimation of Canopy Height from a Multi-SINC Model in Mediterranean Forest with Single-baseline TanDEM-X InSAR Data

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    TanDEM-X interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data have demonstrated promising advantages and potential in recent years for the inversion of forest height. InSAR coherence becomes the primary input feature when a precise digital terrain model (DTM) is unavailable, but the relationship between InSAR coherence and forest height remains uncertain because of the complexity of forest scenes. In this paper, a method for retrieving canopy height in Mediterranean forests, characterised by short and sparse trees, using a single-pass bistatic TanDEM-X InSAR dataset is proposed. To improve the accuracy of forest height inversion from the uncertain correlation between InSAR coherence and canopy height, we begin by using the established SINC model with two semi-empirical parameters and then expand the single curve into a collection of three curves, forming the Multi-SINC model. To determine the optimal relationship (curve) between TanDEM-X InSAR coherence and canopy height, the problem is shifted from parameter inversion to classification. To solve the problem, we used optical remote sensing data, a small amount of LiDAR data, and TanDEM-X InSAR data in combination with machine learning for classification. As a proof-of-concept, we conducted forest height retrieval at two study sites in Spain with complex terrain and diverse forest types. The results were verified by comparing them with LiDAR product forest height, which demonstrated improved performance (RMSE = 2.49 m and 1.7 m) compared to the SeEm-SINC model (RMSE = 3.28 m and 2.36 m).This work was funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2022YFB3902605), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 42227801), the Natural Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars of Hunan Province (No. 2023JJ20061), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (State Agency of Research, AEI), and the European Funds for Regional Development under Project PID2020-117303GB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Estimation of biophysical parameters in boreal forests from ERS and JERS SAR interferometry

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    The thesis describes investigations concerning the evaluation of ERS and JERS SAR images and repeat-pass interferometric SAR images for the retrieval of biophysical parameters in boreal forests. The availability of extensive data sets of images over several test sites located in Sweden, Finland and Siberia has allowed analysis of temporal dynamics of ERS and JERS backscatter and coherence, and of ERS interferometric phase. Modelling of backscatter, coherence and InSAR phase has been performed by means of the Water Cloud Model (WCM) and the Interferometric Water Cloud Model (IWCM); sensitivity analysis and implications for the retrieval of forest biophysical parameters have been thoroughly discussed. Model inversion has been carried out for stem volume retrieval using ERS coherence, ERS backscatter and JERS backscatter, whereas for tree height estimation the ERS interferometric phase has been used. Multi-temporal combination of ERS coherence images, and to a lesser extent of JERS backscatter images, can provide stem volume estimates comparable to stand-wise ground-based measurements. Since the information content of the interferometric phase is strongly degraded by phase noise and uncorrected atmospheric artefacts, the retrieved tree height shows large errors

    Forest Height Inversion by Combining Single-Baseline TanDEM-X InSAR Data with External DTM Data

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    Forest canopy height estimation is essential for forest management and biomass estimation. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the capacity of TanDEM-X interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data to estimate canopy height with the assistance of an external digital terrain model (DTM). A ground-to-volume ratio estimation model was proposed so that the canopy height could be precisely estimated from the random-volume-over-ground (RVoG) model. We also refined the RVoG inversion process with the relationship between the estimated penetration depth (PD) and the phase center height (PCH). The proposed method was tested by TanDEM-X InSAR data acquired over relatively homogenous coniferous forests (Teruel test site) and coniferous as well as broadleaved forests (La Rioja test site) in Spain. Comparing the TanDEM-X-derived height with the LiDAR-derived height at plots of size 50 m × 50 m, the root-mean-square error (RMSE) was 1.71 m (R2 = 0.88) in coniferous forests of Teruel and 1.97 m (R2 = 0.90) in La Rioja. To demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method, existing methods based on ignoring ground scattering contribution, fixing extinction, and assisting with simulated spaceborne LiDAR data were compared. The impacts of penetration and terrain slope on the RVoG inversion were also evaluated. The results show that when a DTM is available, the proposed method has the optimal performance on forest height estimation.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 41820104005, Grant 42030112, and Grant 41904004, Hunan Natural Science Foundation under Grant 2021JJ30808, and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, under Projects PID2020-117303GB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and PROWARM (PID2020-118444GA-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)

    Simultaneous Estimation of Sub-canopy Topography and Forest Height with Single-baseline Single-polarization TanDEM-X Interferometric Data Combined with ICESat-2 Data

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    To address the challenge of retrieving sub-canopy topography using single-baseline single-polarization TanDEM-X InSAR data, we propose a novel InSAR processing framework. Our methodology begins by employing the SINC model to estimate the penetration depth (PD). Subsequently, we establish a linear relationship between PD and phase center height (PCH) to generate a wall-to-wall PCH product. To achieve this, space-borne LiDAR data are employed to capture the elevation bias between actual ground elevation and InSAR-derived elevation. Finally, the sub-canopy topography is derived by subtracting the PCH from the conventional InSAR-based DEM. Moreover, this approach enables the simultaneous estimation of forest height from single-baseline TanDEM-X data by combining the estimated PD and PCH components. The approach has been validated against Airborne Lidar Scanning data over four diverse sites encompassing different forest types, terrain conditions, and climates. The derived sub-canopy topography in the boreal and hemi-boreal forest sites (Krycklan and Remningstorp) demonstrated notable improvement in accuracy. Additionally, the winter acquisitions outperformed the summer ones in terms of inversion accuracy. The achieved RMSEs for the winter scenarios were 2.45 m and 3.83 m, respectively, representing a 50% improvement over the InSAR-based DEMs. And the forest heights are also close to the ALS measurements, with RMSEs of 2.70 m and 3.33 m, respectively. For the Yanguas site in Spain, characterized by rugged terrain, sub-canopy topography in forest areas was estimated with an accuracy of 4.27m, a 35% improvement over the original DEM. For the denser tropical forest site, only an average elevation bias could be corrected.This work is funded by the National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2022YFB3902605), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 42227801, 42030112, 42204024, 42104016, 42330717), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (State Agency of Research, AEI) and the European Funds for Regional Development under Project PID2020-117303GB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, the Natural Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars of Hunan Province (No. 2023JJ20061), and in part by the China Scholarship Council Foundation to the Joint Ph.D. Studies at University of Alicante (No. 202106370125)

    Conceptual Study and Performance Analysis of Tandem Dual-Antenna Spaceborne SAR Interferometry

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    Multi-baseline synthetic aperture radar interferometry (MB-InSAR), capable of mapping 3D surface model with high precision, is able to overcome the ill-posed problem in the single-baseline InSAR by use of the baseline diversity. Single pass MB acquisition with the advantages of high coherence and simple phase components has a more practical capability in 3D reconstruction than conventional repeat-pass MB acquisition. Using an asymptotic 3D phase unwrapping (PU), it is possible to get a reliable 3D reconstruction using very sparse acquisitions but the interferograms should follow the optimal baseline design. However, current spaceborne SAR system doesn't satisfy this principle, inducing more difficulties in practical application. In this article, a new concept of Tandem Dual-Antenna SAR Interferometry (TDA-InSAR) system for single-pass reliable 3D surface mapping using the asymptotic 3D PU is proposed. Its optimal MB acquisition is analyzed to achieve both good relative height precision and flexible baseline design. Two indicators, i.e., expected relative height precision and successful phase unwrapping rate, are selected to optimize the system parameters and evaluate the performance of various baseline configurations. Additionally, simulation-based demonstrations are conducted to evaluate the performance in typical scenarios and investigate the impact of various error sources. The results indicate that the proposed TDA-InSAR is able to get the specified MB acquisition for the asymptotic 3D PU, which offers a feasible solution for single-pass 3D SAR imaging.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figure

    Assessment of L-Band SAOCOM InSAR coherence and its comparison with C-Band: A case study over managed forests in Argentina

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the behavior of short temporal baseline interferomet ric coherence in forested areas for L-band spaceborne SAR data. Hence, an exploratory assessment of the impacts of temporal and spatial baselines on coherence, with emphasis on how these effects vary between SAOCOM-1 L-band and Sentinel-1 C-band data is presented. The interferometric coherence is analyzed according to different imaging parameters. In the case of SAOCOM-1, the impacts of the variation of the incidence angle and the ascending and descending orbits over forested areas are also assessed. Finally, short-term 8-day interferometric coherence maps derived from SAOCOM-1 are especially addressed, since this is the first L-band spaceborne mission that allows us to acquire SAR images with such a short temporal span. The analysis is reported over two forest-production areas in Argentina, one of which is part of the most important region in terms of forest plantations at the national level. In the case of SAOCOM, interferometric configurations are characterized by a lack of control on the spatial baseline, so a zero-baseline orbital tube cannot be guaranteed. Nevertheless, this spatial baseline variability is crucial to exploit volume decorrelation for forest monitoring. The results from this exploratory analysis demonstrates that SAOCOM-1 short temporal baseline interferograms, 8 to 16 days, must be considered in order to mitigate temporal decorrelation effects and to be able to experiment with different spatial baseline configurations, in order to allow appropriate forest monitoring.This research was funded by the project INTERACT PID2020-114623RB-C32 funded by the Spanish MCIN /AEI /10.13039 /501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estimation of Forest Height Using Spaceborne Repeat-Pass L-Band InSAR Correlation Magnitude over the US State of Maine

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    This paper describes a novel, simple and efficient approach to estimate forest height over a wide region utilizing spaceborne repeat-pass InSAR correlation magnitude data at L-band. We start from a semi-empirical modification of the RVoG model that characterizes repeat-pass InSAR correlation with large temporal baselines (e.g., 46 days for ALOS) by taking account of the temporal change effect of dielectric fluctuation and random motion of scatterers. By assuming (1) the temporal change parameters and forest backscatter profile/extinction coefficient follow some mean behavior across each inteferogram; (2) there is minimal ground scattering contribution for HV-polarization; and (3) the vertical wavenumber is small, a simplified inversion approach is developed to link the observed HV-polarized InSAR correlation magnitude to forest height and validated using ALOS/PALSAR repeat-pass observations against LVIS lidar heights over the Howland Research Forest in central Maine, US (with RMSE \u3c 4 m at a resolution of 32 hectares). The model parameters derived from this supervised regression are used as the basis for propagating the estimates of forest height to available interferometric pairs for the entire state of Maine, thus creating a state-mosaic map of forest height. The present approach described here serves as an alternative and complementary tool for other PolInSAR inversion techniques when full-polarization data may not be available. This work is also meant to be an observational prototype for NASA’s DESDynI-R (now called NISAR) and JAXA’s ALOS-2 satellite missions