6 research outputs found

    Riding the Referral Express: Examining the Impact of Referral Reward Programs on Digital Transportation Platforms

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    This paper examines the effectiveness of referral reward programs (RRP) in sustaining network effects in digital transportation platforms (DTP). Using data of 119,130 users, the study assesses differences between referred and non-referred users in terms of revenue, retention, and engagement. Results show that referred users spend 5.77% more on average, have 11.66% less likelihood to defect and refer seven times more than non-referred users. However, the positive effects of RRPs do not significantly affect revenue of younger users and increases risk of defection in older generations over time. The study recommends firms to balance the referral and organic word-of-mouth effects of RRPs as one-size does not fit all

    A versengés új színterei: platformok stratégiaimenedzsment-megközelítésből

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    A platformosodás jelenségének vizsgálata feltörekvő kutatási terület, az olyan cégek sikerei nyomán, mint az Apple, Facebook vagy Google. Jelen cikk a témakörben írt nemzetközi szakirodalmakat gyűjti össze és elemzi, megvizsgálva a platform fogalmát stratégiai menedzsment, piacelmélet (IO) és technológiai menedzsment szempontjából. A stratégiai menedzsment nézőpontjából a platformok sikerességét alapvetően három tényező határozza meg (1) a hálózati hatás ereje, (2) a platform minősége és (3) a résztvevői. Szerzők, a sikertényezőket interakció-alapú, viselkedési, stratégiai és funkcionalista megközelítésekből is vizsgálva, három propozíciót fogalmaznak meg, melyeket empirikus kutatásokkal érdemes a későbbiekben tanulmányozni. Megállapították, hogy a platformok sikere az üzleti modell felépítésétől függ, hiszen a szabályozó mechanizmusokon keresztül a tulajdonos vállalat tudja kontrollálni, kik és hogyan szerepelhetnek, állíthatnak elő szolgáltatást a vevők részére a platformon. Végső soron az alkotók által generált tartalom az, ami közvetlenül befolyásolja a fogyasztóknak nyújtott minőséget

    Evaluation of the Company Competitiveness in the Service Industry

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    Nekonečný souboj s konkurencí vyžaduje hluboké znalosti o prostředí, ve kterém se podnik pohybuje. Tato diplomová shrnuje nezbytnou teorii analýzy konkurenceschopnosti, která je dále prakticky využita pro analýzu podnikatelského prostředí v Panamě, analýzu podniku poskytující internetové inzertní služby a analýzu konkurce tohoto podniku. Závěr práce je věnován vyhodnocení těchto analýz a sestavení návrhů strategií pro posílení konkurenceschopnosti daného podniku.A company needs a deep knowledge of the environment both inside and outside of the company in order to be able to wage an endless fight against its competition. This thesis introduces necessary theory of competitiveness analysis, which is then applied to environment analysis of Panama, analysis of a company providing online advertising services and analysis of its competitors. The final chapter is dedicated to evaluation of these analyses and formulation of strategies promoting competitiveness of the company.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávýborn

    Ecosystem synergies, change and orchestration

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    This thesis investigates ecosystem synergies, change, and orchestration. The research topics are motivated by my curiosity, a fragmented research landscape, theoretical gaps, and new phenomena that challenge extant theories. To address these motivators, I conduct literature reviews to organise existing studies and identify their limited assumptions in light of new phenomena. Empirically, I adopt a case study method with abductive reasoning for a longitudinal analysis of the Alibaba ecosystem from 1999 to 2020. My findings provide an integrated and updated conceptualisation of ecosystem synergies that comprises three distinctive but interrelated components: 1) stack and integrate generic resources for efficiency and optimisation, 2) empower generative changes for variety and evolvability, and 3) govern tensions for sustainable growth. Theoretically grounded and empirically refined, this new conceptualisation helps us better understand the unique synergies of ecosystems that differ from those of alternative collective organisations and explain the forces that drive voluntary participation for value co-creation. Regarding ecosystem change, I find a duality relationship between intentionality and emergence and develop a phasic model of ecosystem sustainable growth with internal and external drivers. This new understanding challenges and extends prior discussions on their dominant dualism view, focus on partial drivers, and taken-for-granted lifecycle model. I propose that ecosystem orchestration involves systematic coordination of technological, adoption, internal, and institutional activities and is driven by long-term visions and adjusted by re-visioning. My analysis reveals internal orchestration's important role (re-envisioning, piloting, and organisation architectural reconfiguring), the synergy and system principles in designing adoption activities, and the expanding arena of institutional activities. Finally, building on the above findings, I reconceptualise ecosystems and ecosystem sustainable growth to highlight multi-stakeholder value creation, inclusivity, long-term orientation and interpretative approach. The thesis ends with discussing the implications for practice, policy, and future research.Open Acces

    Three paradoxes of building platforms

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