587 research outputs found

    Three-coloring triangle-free graphs on surfaces III. Graphs of girth five

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    We show that the size of a 4-critical graph of girth at least five is bounded by a linear function of its genus. This strengthens the previous bound on the size of such graphs given by Thomassen. It also serves as the basic case for the description of the structure of 4-critical triangle-free graphs embedded in a fixed surface, presented in a future paper of this series.Comment: 53 pages, 7 figures; updated according to referee remark

    DP-3-coloring of planar graphs without certain cycles

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    DP-coloring is a generalization of list coloring, which was introduced by Dvo\v{r}\'{a}k and Postle [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 129 (2018) 38--54]. Zhang [Inform. Process. Lett. 113 (9) (2013) 354--356] showed that every planar graph with neither adjacent triangles nor 5-, 6-, 9-cycles is 3-choosable. Liu et al. [Discrete Math. 342 (2019) 178--189] showed that every planar graph without 4-, 5-, 6- and 9-cycles is DP-3-colorable. In this paper, we show that every planar graph with neither adjacent triangles nor 5-, 6-, 9-cycles is DP-3-colorable, which generalizes these results. Yu et al. gave three Bordeaux-type results by showing that (i) every planar graph with the distance of triangles at least three and no 4-, 5-cycles is DP-3-colorable; (ii) every planar graph with the distance of triangles at least two and no 4-, 5-, 6-cycles is DP-3-colorable; (iii) every planar graph with the distance of triangles at least two and no 5-, 6-, 7-cycles is DP-3-colorable. We also give two Bordeaux-type results in the last section: (i) every plane graph with neither 5-, 6-, 8-cycles nor triangles at distance less than two is DP-3-colorable; (ii) every plane graph with neither 4-, 5-, 7-cycles nor triangles at distance less than two is DP-3-colorable.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Three-coloring triangle-free graphs on surfaces I. Extending a coloring to a disk with one triangle

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    Let G be a plane graph with exactly one triangle T and all other cycles of length at least 5, and let C be a facial cycle of G of length at most six. We prove that a 3-coloring of C does not extend to a 3-coloring of G if and only if C has length exactly six and there is a color x such that either G has an edge joining two vertices of C colored x, or T is disjoint from C and every vertex of T is adjacent to a vertex of C colored x. This is a lemma to be used in a future paper of this series

    Planar graphs without normally adjacent short cycles

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    Let G\mathscr{G} be the class of plane graphs without triangles normally adjacent to 88^{-}-cycles, without 44-cycles normally adjacent to 66^{-}-cycles, and without normally adjacent 55-cycles. In this paper, it is showed that every graph in G\mathscr{G} is 33-choosable. Instead of proving this result, we directly prove a stronger result in the form of "weakly" DP-33-coloring. The main theorem improves the results in [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 129 (2018) 38--54; European J. Combin. 82 (2019) 102995]. Consequently, every planar graph without 44-, 66-, 88-cycles is 33-choosable, and every planar graph without 44-, 55-, 77-, 88-cycles is 33-choosable. In the third section, it is proved that the vertex set of every graph in G\mathscr{G} can be partitioned into an independent set and a set that induces a forest, which strengthens the result in [Discrete Appl. Math. 284 (2020) 626--630]. In the final section, tightness is considered.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. The result is strengthened, and a new result is adde

    Structural properties of 1-planar graphs and an application to acyclic edge coloring

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    A graph is called 1-planar if it can be drawn on the plane so that each edge is crossed by at most one other edge. In this paper, we establish a local property of 1-planar graphs which describes the structure in the neighborhood of small vertices (i.e. vertices of degree no more than seven). Meanwhile, some new classes of light graphs in 1-planar graphs with the bounded degree are found. Therefore, two open problems presented by Fabrici and Madaras [The structure of 1-planar graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 307, (2007), 854-865] are solved. Furthermore, we prove that each 1-planar graph GG with maximum degree Δ(G)\Delta(G) is acyclically edge LL-choosable where L=max{2Δ(G)2,Δ(G)+83}L=\max\{2\Delta(G)-2,\Delta(G)+83\}.Comment: Please cite this published article as: X. Zhang, G. Liu, J.-L. Wu. Structural properties of 1-planar graphs and an application to acyclic edge coloring. Scientia Sinica Mathematica, 2010, 40, 1025--103

    On the multiple Borsuk numbers of sets

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    The Borsuk number of a set S of diameter d >0 in Euclidean n-space is the smallest value of m such that S can be partitioned into m sets of diameters less than d. Our aim is to generalize this notion in the following way: The k-fold Borsuk number of such a set S is the smallest value of m such that there is a k-fold cover of S with m sets of diameters less than d. In this paper we characterize the k-fold Borsuk numbers of sets in the Euclidean plane, give bounds for those of centrally symmetric sets, smooth bodies and convex bodies of constant width, and examine them for finite point sets in the Euclidean 3-space.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure