809 research outputs found

    Effective Classification using a small Training Set based on Discretization and Statistical Analysis

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    This work deals with the problem of producing a fast and accurate data classification, learning it from a possibly small set of records that are already classified. The proposed approach is based on the framework of the so-called Logical Analysis of Data (LAD), but enriched with information obtained from statistical considerations on the data. A number of discrete optimization problems are solved in the different steps of the procedure, but their computational demand can be controlled. The accuracy of the proposed approach is compared to that of the standard LAD algorithm, of Support Vector Machines and of Label Propagation algorithm on publicly available datasets of the UCI repository. Encouraging results are obtained and discusse

    Inductive vs transductive inference, global vs local models: SVM, TSVM, and SVMT for gene expression classification problems

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    This paper compares inductive-, versus transductive modeling, and also global-, versus local models with the use of SVM for gene expression classification problems. SVM are used in their three variants - inductive SVM, transductive SVM (TSVM), and SVM tree (SVMT) -the last two techniques being recently introduced by the authors. The problem of gene expression classification is used for illustration and four benchmark data sets are used to compare the different SVM methods. The TSVM outperforms the inductive SVM models applied on a small to medium variable (gene) set and a small to medium sample set, while SVMT is superior when the problem is defined with a large data set, or - a large set of variables (e.g. 7,000 genes, with little or no variable pre-selection)

    NFI: a neuro-fuzzy inference method for transductive reasoning

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    This paper introduces a novel neural fuzzy inference method - NFI for transductive reasoning systems. NFI develops further some ideas from DENFIS - dynamic neuro-fuzzy inference systems for both online and offline time series prediction tasks. While inductive reasoning is concerned with the development of a model (a function) to approximate data in the whole problem space (induction), and consecutively - using this model to predict output values for a new input vector (deduction), in transductive reasoning systems a local model is developed for every new input vector, based on some closest to this vector data from an existing database (also generated from an existing model). NFI is compared with both inductive connectionist systems (e.g., MLP, DENFIS) and transductive reasoning systems (e.g., K-NN) on three case study prediction/identification problems. The first one is a prediction task on Mackey Glass time series; the second one is a classification on Iris data; and the last one is a real medical decision support problem of estimating the level of renal function of a patient, based on measured clinical parameters for the purpose of their personalised treatment. The case studies have demonstrated better accuracy obtained with the use of the NFI transductive reasoning in comparison with the inductive reasoning systems. © 2005 IEEE

    Transductive hyperspectral image classification: toward integrating spectral and relational features via an iterative ensemble system

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    Remotely sensed hyperspectral image classification is a very challenging task due to the spatial correlation of the spectral signature and the high cost of true sample labeling. In light of this, the collective inference paradigm allows us to manage the spatial correlation between spectral responses of neighboring pixels, as interacting pixels are labeled simultaneously. The transductive inference paradigm allows us to reduce the inference error for the given set of unlabeled data, as sparsely labeled pixels are learned by accounting for both labeled and unlabeled information. In this paper, both these paradigms contribute to the definition of a spectral-relational classification methodology for imagery data. We propose a novel algorithm to assign a class to each pixel of a sparsely labeled hyperspectral image. It integrates the spectral information and the spatial correlation through an ensemble system. For every pixel of a hyperspectral image, spatial neighborhoods are constructed and used to build application-specific relational features. Classification is performed with an ensemble comprising a classifier learned by considering the available spectral information (associated with the pixel) and the classifiers learned by considering the extracted spatio-relational information (associated with the spatial neighborhoods). The more reliable labels predicted by the ensemble are fed back to the labeled part of the image. Experimental results highlight the importance of the spectral-relational strategy for the accurate transductive classification of hyperspectral images and they validate the proposed algorithm
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