36 research outputs found

    The Influence of Additive Allee Effect and Periodic Harvesting to the Dynamics of Leslie-Gower Predator-Prey Model

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    In this paper, the influence of additive Allee effect in prey and periodic harvesting in predator to the dynamics of the Leslie-Gower predator-prey model is proposed. We first simplify the model to the non-dimensional system by scaling the variable and transform the model into an autonomous system. If the effect Allee is weak, we have at most two equilibrium points, else if the Allee effect is strong, at most four equilibrium points may exist. Furthermore, the behavior of the system around equilibrium points is investigated. In the end, we give numerical simulations to support theoretical results

    Qualitative Analysis of a Modified Leslie-Gower Predator-prey Model with Weak Allee Effect II

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    The article aims to study a modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with Allee effect II, affecting the functional response with the assumption that the extent to which the environment provides protection to both predator and prey is the same. The model has been studied analytically as well as numerically, including stability and bifurcation analysis. Compared with the predator-prey model without Allee effect, it is found that the weak Allee effect II can bring rich and complicated dynamics, such as the model undergoes to a series of bifurcations (Homoclinic, Hopf, Saddle-node and Bogdanov-Takens). The existence of Hopf bifurcation has been shown for models with (without) Allee effect and the local existence and stability of the limit cycle emerging through Hopf bifurcation has also been studied. The phase portrait diagrams are sketched to validate analytical and numerical findings

    Qualitative Analysis of a Modified Leslie-Gower Predator-prey Model with Weak Allee Effect II

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    The article aims to study a modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with Allee effect II, affecting the functional response with the assumption that the extent to which the environment provides protection to both predator and prey is the same. The model has been studied analytically as well as numerically, including stability and bifurcation analysis. Compared with the predator-prey model without Allee effect, it is found that the weak Allee effect II can bring rich and complicated dynamics, such as the model undergoes to a series of bifurcations (Homoclinic, Hopf, Saddle-node and Bogdanov-Takens). The existence of Hopf bifurcation has been shown for models with (with- out) Allee effect and the local existence and stability of the limit cycle emerging through Hopf bifurcation has also been studied. The phase portrait diagrams are sketched to validate analytical and numerical findings

    Modelling and analysis of a modified May-Holling-Tanner predator-prey model with Allee effect in the prey and an alternative food source for the predator

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    In the present study, we have modified the traditional May-Holling-Tanner predator-prey model used to represent the interaction between least weasel and field-vole population by adding an Allee effect (strong and weak) on the field-vole population and alternative food source for the weasel population. It is shown that the dynamic is different from the original May-Holling-Tanner predator-prey interaction since new equilibrium points have appeared in the first quadrant. Moreover, the modified model allows the extinction of both species when the Allee effect (strong and weak) on the prey is included, while the inclusion of the alternative food source for the predator shows that the system can support the coexistence of the populations, extinction of the prey and coexistence and oscillation of the populations at the same time. Furthermore, we use numerical simulations to illustrate the impact that changing the predation rate and the predator intrinsic growth rate have on the basin of attraction of the stable equilibrium point or stable limit cycle in the first quadrant. These simulations show the stabilisation of predator and prey populations and/or the oscillation of these two species over time.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Un modelo de depredación del tipo Leslie-Gower considerando depredadores generalistas y efecto Allee en las presas

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    The main feature of the Leslie-Gower-type predation model is that the predator’s growth function is one of logistic-type. Thus, it is a model assuming implicitly the competition among predators. In this work the dynamics of a modified Leslie-Gower type predator-prey model is analyzed, considering two important aspects: (i) the predators capture an alternative food when the quantity of prey is scarce and (ii) the prey population is affected by an Allee effect. Considering a topological equivalent system, the main properties of the system are established. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and local stability of equilibria are determined, also showing the existence of a homoclinic orbit and of at least a limit cycle. When the predators are generalists the dynamics of the model differ enough respecting the model considering predators specialist since appearing more equilibrium points and the mentioned homoclinic orbit.La característica principal de los modelos del tipo Leslie-Gower, es que la ecuación de crecimiento de los depredadores es descrita por la función de logística. Por lo tanto, es un modelo que supone implícitamente la competencia entre los depredadores. En este trabajo se analiza la dinámica de un modelo derivado del modelo de Leslie-Gower,considerando dos aspectos importantes: (i) los depredadores capturan un alimento alternativo cuando la cantidad de presas es escasa y (ii) la población de presas se ve afectada por un efecto Allee. Considerando un sistema equivalente topológico, se establecen las principales propiedades del modelo. Se determinan las condiciones necesarias y suficientes para la existencia y la estabilidad local de los equilibrios. Además, se prueba la existencia de una órbita homoclínica y de al menos un ciclo límite. Cuando los depredadores son generalistas, la dinámica del modelo difiere bastante con respecto al modelo donde los depredadores son especialistas. Dinámicamente aparecen más puntos de equilibrio y una órbita homoclínica

    Bifurkasi Hopf pada Model Lotka-Volterra Orde-Fraksional dengan Efek Allee Aditif pada Predator

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    This article aims to study the dynamics of a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model with Allee effect in predator. According to the biological condition, the Caputo fractional-order derivative is chosen as its operator. The analysis is started by identifying the existence, uniqueness, and non-negativity of the solution. Furthermore, the existence of equilibrium points and their stability is investigated. It has shown that the model has two equilibrium points namely both populations extinction point which is always a saddle point, and a conditionally stable co-existence point, both locally and globally. One of the interesting phenomena is the occurrence of Hopf bifurcation driven by the order of derivative. Finally, the numerical simulations are given to validate previous theoretical results

    Una clase de modelo de depredación del tipo Leslie-Gower con respuesta funcional racional no monotónica y alimento alternativo para los depredadores

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    The interactions between two species are basic in the study of complex food chains, particularly the relation among the predators and their prey.The analysis of simple models, described by continuous-time systems, in which some ecological phenomena are incorporated giving lights about this interesting interrelationship.In this work, a Leslie-Gower type predator-prey model is analyzed, considering two aspects: the prey defends from the predation, forming group defense and the predators have an alternative food. So, a rational Holling type IV functional response and a modification of the predators carrying capacity are assumed, to describe each phenomenon.We determine conditions on the parameter space for the existence of the equilibria and their nature.Using the Lyapunov quantities method, we also establish conditions on the parameter values for which there exist a unique positive equilibrium point, which is stable and surrounded by two limit cycle, the innermost unstable and the outermost sable.We conclude that the parameter indicating the existence of alternative food for predator has a great importance on the dynamic of model, because appear new equilibrum points and separatrix curves in the phase plane.Some simulations are given to reinforce our findings the ecological interpretations of resultas are given.Las interacciones entre dos especies son básicas en el estudio de cadenas alimentarias complejas, en particular la relación entre los depredadores y sus presas.El análisis de modelos simples, descritos por sistemas de tiempo continuo, en los cuales se incorporan algunos fenómenos ecológicos dando luces sobre esta interesante interrelación.En este trabajo, se analiza un modelo de depredador-presa del tipo Leslie-Gower, descrito por un sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias (EDO) considerando dos aspectos: la presa se defiende de la depredación, formando grupo de defensa, y los depredadores disponen un alimento alternativo, cuando su alimento favorito escasea. Por lo tanto, se asume una respuesta funcional racional de Holling tipo IV y una modificación de la capacidad de carga de los depredadores para describir estos fenómenos.Determinamos las condiciones en el espacio de parámetros para la existencia de los equilibrios y la naturaleza de cada uno de ellos.Concluimos que el parámetro que indica la existencia de alimento alternativo para depredadores tiene una gran importancia en la dinámica del modelo, porque aparecen nuevos puntos de equilibrio y curvas de separatriz en el plano de fase.Por simulaciones numéricas comprobamos que existe un subconjunto de parámetros para los cuales hay un único punto de equilibrio positivo en el plano de fase, el cual es estable y está rodeado por dos ciclos límites originados por bifurcación de Hopf, el interior inestable y el exterior estable

    Dynamical Analysis of a Stochastic Predator-Prey Model with an Allee Effect

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    We present and analyze a modified Holling type-II predator-prey model that includes some important factors such as Allee effect, density-dependence, and environmental noise. By constructing suitable Lyapunov functions and applying Itô formula, some qualitative properties are given, such as the existence of global positive solutions, stochastic boundedness, and the global asymptotic stability. A series of numerical simulations to illustrate these mathematical findings are presented

    Dynamical Analysis of a Stochastic Predator-Prey Model with an Allee Effect

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    We present and analyze a modified Holling type-II predator-prey model that includes some important factors such as Allee effect, density-dependence, and environmental noise. By constructing suitable Lyapunov functions and applying Itô formula, some qualitative properties are given, such as the existence of global positive solutions, stochastic boundedness, and the global asymptotic stability. A series of numerical simulations to illustrate these mathematical findings are presented