27 research outputs found

    Almost Shortest Paths with Near-Additive Error in Weighted Graphs

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    Let G=(V,E,w)G=(V,E,w) be a weighted undirected graph with nn vertices and mm edges, and fix a set of ss sources SVS\subseteq V. We study the problem of computing {\em almost shortest paths} (ASP) for all pairs in S×VS \times V in both classical centralized and parallel (PRAM) models of computation. Consider the regime of multiplicative approximation of 1+ϵ1+\epsilon, for an arbitrarily small constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 . In this regime existing centralized algorithms require Ω(min{Es,nω})\Omega(\min\{|E|s,n^\omega\}) time, where ω<2.372\omega < 2.372 is the matrix multiplication exponent. Existing PRAM algorithms with polylogarithmic depth (aka time) require work Ω(min{Es,nω})\Omega(\min\{|E|s,n^\omega\}). Our centralized algorithm has running time O((m+ns)nρ)O((m+ ns)n^\rho), and its PRAM counterpart has polylogarithmic depth and work O((m+ns)nρ)O((m + ns)n^\rho), for an arbitrarily small constant ρ>0\rho > 0. For a pair (s,v)S×V(s,v) \in S\times V, it provides a path of length d^(s,v)\hat{d}(s,v) that satisfies d^(s,v)(1+ϵ)dG(s,v)+βW(s,v)\hat{d}(s,v) \le (1+\epsilon)d_G(s,v) + \beta \cdot W(s,v), where W(s,v)W(s,v) is the weight of the heaviest edge on some shortest svs-v path. Hence our additive term depends linearly on a {\em local} maximum edge weight, as opposed to the global maximum edge weight in previous works. Finally, our β=(1/ρ)O(1/ρ)\beta = (1/\rho)^{O(1/\rho)}. We also extend a centralized algorithm of Dor et al. \cite{DHZ00}. For a parameter κ=1,2,\kappa = 1,2,\ldots, this algorithm provides for {\em unweighted} graphs a purely additive approximation of 2(κ1)2(\kappa -1) for {\em all pairs shortest paths} (APASP) in time O~(n2+1/κ)\tilde{O}(n^{2+1/\kappa}). Within the same running time, our algorithm for {\em weighted} graphs provides a purely additive error of 2(κ1)W(u,v)2(\kappa - 1) W(u,v), for every vertex pair (u,v)(V2)(u,v) \in {V \choose 2}, with W(u,v)W(u,v) defined as above. On the way to these results we devise a suit of novel constructions of spanners, emulators and hopsets

    Deterministic Algorithms for Decremental Approximate Shortest Paths: Faster and Simpler

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    In the decremental (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate Single-Source Shortest Path (SSSP) problem, we are given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with n=V,m=En = |V|, m = |E|, undergoing edge deletions, and a distinguished source sVs \in V, and we are asked to process edge deletions efficiently and answer queries for distance estimates dist~G(s,v)\widetilde{\mathbf{dist}}_G(s,v) for each vVv \in V, at any stage, such that distG(s,v)dist~G(s,v)(1+ϵ)distG(s,v)\mathbf{dist}_G(s,v) \leq \widetilde{\mathbf{dist}}_G(s,v) \leq (1+ \epsilon)\mathbf{dist}_G(s,v). In the decremental (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate All-Pairs Shortest Path (APSP) problem, we are asked to answer queries for distance estimates dist~G(u,v)\widetilde{\mathbf{dist}}_G(u,v) for every u,vVu,v \in V. In this article, we consider the problems for undirected, unweighted graphs. We present a new \emph{deterministic} algorithm for the decremental (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate SSSP problem that takes total update time O(mn0.5+o(1))O(mn^{0.5 + o(1)}). Our algorithm improves on the currently best algorithm for dense graphs by Chechik and Bernstein [STOC 2016] with total update time O~(n2)\tilde{O}(n^2) and the best existing algorithm for sparse graphs with running time O~(n1.25m)\tilde{O}(n^{1.25}\sqrt{m}) [SODA 2017] whenever m=O(n1.5o(1))m = O(n^{1.5 - o(1)}). In order to obtain this new algorithm, we develop several new techniques including improved decremental cover data structures for graphs, a more efficient notion of the heavy/light decomposition framework introduced by Chechik and Bernstein and the first clustering technique to maintain a dynamic \emph{sparse} emulator in the deterministic setting. As a by-product, we also obtain a new simple deterministic algorithm for the decremental (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate APSP problem with near-optimal total running time O~(mn/ϵ)\tilde{O}(mn /\epsilon) matching the time complexity of the sophisticated but rather involved algorithm by Henzinger, Forster and Nanongkai [FOCS 2013].Comment: Appeared in SODA'2

    Path-Reporting Distance Oracles with Near-Logarithmic Stretch and Linear Size

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    Given an nn-vertex undirected graph G=(V,E,w)G=(V,E,w), and a parameter k1k\geq1, a path-reporting distance oracle (or PRDO) is a data structure of size S(n,k)S(n,k), that given a query (u,v)V2(u,v)\in V^2, returns an f(k)f(k)-approximate shortest uvu-v path PP in GG within time q(k)+O(P)q(k)+O(|P|). Here S(n,k)S(n,k), f(k)f(k) and q(k)q(k) are arbitrary functions. A landmark PRDO due to Thorup and Zwick, with an improvement of Wulff-Nilsen, has S(n,k)=O(kn1+1k)S(n,k)=O(k\cdot n^{1+\frac{1}{k}}), f(k)=2k1f(k)=2k-1 and q(k)=O(logk)q(k)=O(\log k). The size of this oracle is Ω(nlogn)\Omega(n\log n) for all kk. Elkin and Pettie and Neiman and Shabat devised much sparser PRDOs, but their stretch was polynomially larger than the optimal 2k12k-1. On the other hand, for non-path-reporting distance oracles, Chechik devised a result with S(n,k)=O(n1+1k)S(n,k)=O(n^{1+\frac{1}{k}}), f(k)=2k1f(k)=2k-1 and q(k)=O(1)q(k)=O(1). In this paper we make a dramatic progress in bridging the gap between path-reporting and non-path-reporting distance oracles. We devise a PRDO with size S(n,k)=O(kloglognlognn1+1k)S(n,k)=O(\lceil\frac{k\log\log n}{\log n}\rceil\cdot n^{1+\frac{1}{k}}), stretch f(k)=O(k)f(k)=O(k) and query time q(k)=O(logkloglognlogn)q(k)=O(\log\lceil\frac{k\log\log n}{\log n}\rceil). We can also have size O(n1+1k)O(n^{1+\frac{1}{k}}), stretch O(kkloglognlogn)O(k\cdot\lceil\frac{k\log\log n}{\log n}\rceil) and query time q(k)=O(logkloglognlogn)q(k)=O(\log\lceil\frac{k\log\log n}{\log n}\rceil). Our results on PRDOs are based on novel constructions of approximate distance preservers, that we devise in this paper. Specifically, we show that for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0, any k=1,2,...k=1,2,..., and any graph GG and a collection P\mathcal{P} of pp vertex pairs, there exists a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate preserver with O(γ(ϵ,k)p+nlogk+n1+1k)O(\gamma(\epsilon,k)\cdot p+n\log k+n^{1+\frac{1}{k}}) edges, where γ(ϵ,k)=(logkϵ)O(logk)\gamma(\epsilon,k)=(\frac{\log k}{\epsilon})^{O(\log k)}. These new preservers are significantly sparser than the previous state-of-the-art approximate preservers due to Kogan and Parter.Comment: 61 pages, 3 figure

    Sparse Hopsets in Congested Clique

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    We give the first Congested Clique algorithm that computes a sparse hopset with polylogarithmic hopbound in polylogarithmic time. Given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), a (β,ϵ)(\beta,\epsilon)-hopset HH with "hopbound" β\beta, is a set of edges added to GG such that for any pair of nodes uu and vv in GG there is a path with at most β\beta hops in GHG \cup H with length within (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) of the shortest path between uu and vv in GG. Our hopsets are significantly sparser than the recent construction of Censor-Hillel et al. [6], that constructs a hopset of size O~(n3/2)\tilde{O}(n^{3/2}), but with a smaller polylogarithmic hopbound. On the other hand, the previously known constructions of sparse hopsets with polylogarithmic hopbound in the Congested Clique model, proposed by Elkin and Neiman [10],[11],[12], all require polynomial rounds. One tool that we use is an efficient algorithm that constructs an \ell-limited neighborhood cover, that may be of independent interest. Finally, as a side result, we also give a hopset construction in a variant of the low-memory Massively Parallel Computation model, with improved running time over existing algorithms

    A Unified Framework for Hopsets

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    Given an undirected graph G = (V,E), an (?,?)-hopset is a graph H = (V,E\u27), so that adding its edges to G guarantees every pair has an ?-approximate shortest path that has at most ? edges (hops), that is, d_G(u,v) ? d_{G?H}^(?)(u,v) ? ?? d_G(u,v). Given the usefulness of hopsets for fundamental algorithmic tasks, several different algorithms and techniques were developed for their construction, for various regimes of the stretch parameter ?. In this work we devise a single algorithm that can attain all state-of-the-art hopsets for general graphs, by choosing the appropriate input parameters. In fact, in some cases it also improves upon the previous best results. We also show a lower bound on our algorithm. In [Ben-Levy and Parter, 2020], given a parameter k, a (O(k^?),O(k^{1-?}))-hopset of size O?(n^{1+1/k}) was shown for any n-vertex graph and parameter 0 < ? < 1, and they asked whether this result is best possible. We resolve this open problem, showing that any (?,?)-hopset of size O(n^{1+1/k}) must have ??? ? ?(k)


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    Many fundamental computational tasks can be modeled by distances on a graph. This has inspired studying various structures that preserve approximate distances, but trade off this approximation factor with size, running time, or the number of hops on the approximate shortest paths. Our focus is on three important objects involving preservation of graph distances: hopsets, in which our goal is to ensure that small-hop paths also provide approximate shortest paths; distance oracles, in which we build a small data structure that supports efficient distance queries; and spanners, in which we find a sparse subgraph that approximately preserves all distances. We study efficient constructions and applications of these structures in various models of computation that capture different aspects of computational systems. Specifically, we propose new algorithms for constructing hopsets and distance oracles in two modern distributed models: the Massively Parallel Computation (MPC) and the Congested Clique model. These models have received significant attention recently due to their close connection to present-day big data platforms. In a different direction, we consider a centralized dynamic model in which the input changes over time. We propose new dynamic algorithms for constructing hopsets and distance oracles that lead to state-of-the-art approximate single-source, multi-source and all-pairs shortest path algorithms with respect to update-time. Finally, we study the problem of finding optimal spanners in a different distributed model, the LOCAL model. Unlike our other results, for this problem our goal is to find the best solution for a specific input graph rather than giving a general guarantee that holds for all inputs. One contribution of this work is to emphasize the significance of the tools and the techniques used for these distance problems rather than heavily focusing on a specific model. In other words, we show that our techniques are broad enough that they can be extended to different models

    Decremental Single-Source Shortest Paths on Undirected Graphs in Near-Linear Total Update Time

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    In the decremental single-source shortest paths (SSSP) problem we want to maintain the distances between a given source node ss and every other node in an nn-node mm-edge graph GG undergoing edge deletions. While its static counterpart can be solved in near-linear time, this decremental problem is much more challenging even in the undirected unweighted case. In this case, the classic O(mn)O(mn) total update time of Even and Shiloach [JACM 1981] has been the fastest known algorithm for three decades. At the cost of a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation factor, the running time was recently improved to n2+o(1)n^{2+o(1)} by Bernstein and Roditty [SODA 2011]. In this paper, we bring the running time down to near-linear: We give a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm with m1+o(1)m^{1+o(1)} expected total update time, thus obtaining near-linear time. Moreover, we obtain m1+o(1)logWm^{1+o(1)} \log W time for the weighted case, where the edge weights are integers from 11 to WW. The only prior work on weighted graphs in o(mn)o(m n) time is the mn0.9+o(1)m n^{0.9 + o(1)}-time algorithm by Henzinger et al. [STOC 2014, ICALP 2015] which works for directed graphs with quasi-polynomial edge weights. The expected running time bound of our algorithm holds against an oblivious adversary. In contrast to the previous results which rely on maintaining a sparse emulator, our algorithm relies on maintaining a so-called sparse (h,ϵ)(h, \epsilon)-hop set introduced by Cohen [JACM 2000] in the PRAM literature. An (h,ϵ)(h, \epsilon)-hop set of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E) is a set FF of weighted edges such that the distance between any pair of nodes in GG can be (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximated by their hh-hop distance (given by a path containing at most hh edges) on G=(V,EF)G'=(V, E\cup F). Our algorithm can maintain an (no(1),ϵ)(n^{o(1)}, \epsilon)-hop set of near-linear size in near-linear time under edge deletions.Comment: Accepted to Journal of the ACM. A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 55th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2014). Abstract shortened to respect the arXiv limit of 1920 character