62 research outputs found

    Type Inference for Deadlock Detection in a Multithreaded Polymorphic Typed Assembly Language

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    We previously developed a polymorphic type system and a type checker for a multithreaded lock-based polymorphic typed assembly language (MIL) that ensures that well-typed programs do not encounter race conditions. This paper extends such work by taking into consideration deadlocks. The extended type system verifies that locks are acquired in the proper order. Towards this end we require a language with annotations that specify the locking order. Rather than asking the programmer (or the compiler's backend) to specifically annotate each newly introduced lock, we present an algorithm to infer the annotations. The result is a type checker whose input language is non-decorated as before, but that further checks that programs are exempt from deadlocks

    Automatic Verification of Message-Based Device Drivers

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    We develop a practical solution to the problem of automatic verification of the interface between device drivers and the OS. Our solution relies on a combination of improved driver architecture and verification tools. It supports drivers written in C and can be implemented in any existing OS, which sets it apart from previous proposals for verification-friendly drivers. Our Linux-based evaluation shows that this methodology amplifies the power of existing verification tools in detecting driver bugs, making it possible to verify properties beyond the reach of traditional techniques.Comment: In Proceedings SSV 2012, arXiv:1211.587

    Configuration Lifting: Verification meets Software Configuration

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    Configurable software is ubiquitous, and the term Soft-ware Product Line (SPL) has been coined for it lately. It remains a challenge, however, how such software can be verified over all variants. Enumerating all variants and an-alyzing them individually is inefficient, as knowledge can-not be shared between analysis runs. Instead of enumera-tion we present a new technique called lifting that converts all variants into a meta-program, and thus facilitates the configuration-aware application of verification techniques like static analysis, model checking and deduction-based approaches. As a side-effect, lifting provides a technique for checking software feature models, which describe soft-ware variants, for consistency. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by check-ing configuration dependent hazards for the highly config-urable Linux kernel which possesses several thousand of configurable features. Using our techniques, two novel bugs in the kernel configuration system were found.

    Thread verification vs. interrupt verification

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    Journal ArticleInterrupts are superficially similar to threads, but there are subtle semantic differences between the two abstractions. This paper compares and contrasts threads and interrupts from the point of view of verifying the absence of race conditions. We identify a small set of extensions that permit thread verification tools to also verify interrupt-driven software, and we present examples of source-to-source transformations that turn interrupt-driven code into semantically equivalent thread-based code that can be checked by a thread verifier

    Precise static analysis of untrusted driver binaries

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    Most closed source drivers installed on desktop systems today have never been exposed to formal analysis. Without vendor support, the only way to make these often hastily written, yet critical programs accessible to static analysis is to directly work at the binary level. In this paper, we describe a full architecture to perform static analysis on binaries that does not rely on unsound external components such as disassemblers. To precisely calculate data and function pointers without any type information, we introduce Bounded Address Tracking, an abstract domain that is tailored towards machine code and is path sensitive up to a tunable bound assuring termination. We implemented Bounded Address Tracking in our binary analysis platform Jakstab and used it to verify API specifications on several Windows device drivers. Even without assumptions about executable layout and procedures as made by state of the art approaches, we achieve more precise results on a set of drivers from the Windows DDK. Since our technique does not require us to compile drivers ourselves, we also present results from analyzing over 300 closed source drivers

    Correctness proofs for device drivers in embedded systems

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    Journal ArticleComputer systems do not exist in isolation: they must interact with the world through I/O devices. Our work, which focuses on constrained embedded systems, provides a framework for verifying device driver software at the machine code level. We created an abstract device model that can be plugged into an existing formal semantics for an instruction set architecture. We have instantiated the abstract model with a model for the serial port for a real embedded processor, and we have verified the full functional correctness of the transmit and receive functions from an open-source driver for this device

    An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Hardware/Software Co-verification

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