634 research outputs found

    3-D inelastic analysis methods for hot section components. Volume 2: Advanced special functions models

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    This Annual Status Report presents the results of work performed during the third year of the 3-D Inelastic Analysis Methods for Hot Sections Components program (NASA Contract NAS3-23697). The objective of the program is to produce a series of computer codes that permit more accurate and efficient three-dimensional analyses of selected hot section components, i.e., combustor liners, turbine blades, and turbine vanes. The computer codes embody a progression of mathematical models and are streamlined to take advantage of geometrical features, loading conditions, and forms of material response that distinguish each group of selected components

    Structural Analysis and Matrix Interpetive System /SAMIS/ program Technical report, Feb. - Aug. 1966

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    Development of characteristic equations and error analysis for computer programs contained in structural analysis and matrix interpretive syste

    Development of an integrated BEM approach for hot fluid structure interaction

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    The progress made toward the development of a boundary element formulation for the study of hot fluid-structure interaction in Earth-to-Orbit engine hot section components is reported. The convective viscous integral formulation was derived and implemented in the general purpose computer program GP-BEST. The new convective kernel functions, in turn, necessitated the development of refined integration techniques. As a result, however, since the physics of the problem is embedded in these kernels, boundary element solutions can now be obtained at very high Reynolds number. Flow around obstacles can be solved approximately with an efficient linearized boundary-only analysis or, more exactly, by including all of the nonlinearities present in the neighborhood of the obstacle. The other major accomplishment was the development of a comprehensive fluid-structure interaction capability within GP-BEST. This new facility is implemented in a completely general manner, so that quite arbitrary geometry, material properties and boundary conditions may be specified. Thus, a single analysis code (GP-BEST) can be used to run structures-only problems, fluids-only problems, or the combined fluid-structure problem. In all three cases, steady or transient conditions can be selected, with or without thermal effects. Nonlinear analyses can be solved via direct iteration or by employing a modified Newton-Raphson approach

    Compressed absorbing boundary conditions via matrix probing

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    Absorbing layers are sometimes required to be impractically thick in order to offer an accurate approximation of an absorbing boundary condition for the Helmholtz equation in a heterogeneous medium. It is always possible to reduce an absorbing layer to an operator at the boundary by layer-stripping elimination of the exterior unknowns, but the linear algebra involved is costly. We propose to bypass the elimination procedure, and directly fit the surface-to-surface operator in compressed form from a few exterior Helmholtz solves with random Dirichlet data. The result is a concise description of the absorbing boundary condition, with a complexity that grows slowly (often, logarithmically) in the frequency parameter.Comment: 29 pages with 25 figure

    Seventh Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods

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    The Seventh Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods was held on 2-7 Apr. 1995 at Copper Mountain, Colorado. This book is a collection of many of the papers presented at the conference and so represents the conference proceedings. NASA Langley graciously provided printing of this document so that all of the papers could be presented in a single forum. Each paper was reviewed by a member of the conference organizing committee under the coordination of the editors. The multigrid discipline continues to expand and mature, as is evident from these proceedings. The vibrancy in this field is amply expressed in these important papers, and the collection shows its rapid trend to further diversity and depth

    hp-FEM for Two-component Flows with Applications in Optofluidics

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    This thesis is concerned with the application of hp-adaptive finite element methods to a mathematical model of immiscible two-component flows. With the aim of simulating the flow processes in microfluidic optical devices based on liquid-liquid interfaces, we couple the time-dependent incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with a level set method to describe the flow of the fluids and the evolution of the interface between them

    Contributions to solve the Multi-group Neutron Transport equation with different Angular Approaches

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    [ES] La forma más exacta de conocer el desplazamiento de los neutrones a través de un medio material se consigue resolviendo la Ecuación del Transporte Neutrónico. Tres diferentes aproximaciones de esta ecuación se han investigado en esta tesis: Ecuación del transporte neutrónico resuelta por el método de Ordenadas Discretas, Ecuación de la Difusión y Ecuación de Armónicos Esféricos Simplificados. Para resolver estás ecuaciones se estudian diferentes esquemas del Método de Diferencias Finitas. La solución a estas ecuaciones describe la población de neutrones y las reacciones ocasionadas dentro de un reactor nuclear. A su vez, estas variables están relacionadas con el flujo y la potencia, parámetros fundamentales para el Análisis de Seguridad Nuclear. La tesis introduce la definición de las ecuaciones mencionadas y en particular se detallan para el estado estacionario. Se plantea el Método Modal como solución a los problemas de autovalores definidos por dichas ecuaciones. Primero se desarrollan varios algoritmos para la resolución del estado estacionario de la Ecuación del Transporte de Neutrones con el Método de Ordenadas Discretas para la discretización angular y el Método de Diferencias Finitas para la discretización espacial. Se ha implementado una formulación capaz de resolver el problema de autovalores para cualquier número de grupos energéticos con upscattering y anisotropía. Varias cuadraturas utilizadas por este método en su resolución angular han sido estudiadas e implementadas para cualquier orden de aproximación de Ordenadas Discretas. Además, otra formulación se desarrolla para la solución del problema fuente de la ecuación del transporte neutrónico. A continuación, se lleva a cabo un algoritmo que permite resolver la Ecuación de la Difusión de Neutrones con dos variantes del método de diferencias Finitas, una centrada en celda y otra en vértice o nodo. Se utiliza también el Método Modal calculando cualquier número de autovalores para varios grupos de energía y con upscattering. También se implementan los dos esquemas del Método de Diferencias Finitas anteriormente mencionados en el desarrollo de diferentes algoritmos para resolver las Ecuaciones de Armónicos Esféricos Simplificados. Además, se ha realizado un análisis de diferentes aproximaciones de las condiciones de contorno. Finalmente, se han realizado cálculos de la constante de multiplicación, los modos subcríticos, el flujo neutrónico y la potencia para diferentes tipos de reactores nucleares. Estas variables resultan esenciales en Análisis de Seguridad Nuclear. Además, se han realizado diferentes estudios de sensibilidad de parámetros como tamaño de malla, orden utilizado en cuadraturas o tipo de cuadraturas.[CA] La forma més exacta de conèixer el desplaçament dels neutrons a través d'un mitjà material s'aconsegueix resolent l'Equació del Transport Neutrònic. Tres diferents aproximacions d'esta equació s'han investigat en aquesta tesi: Equació del Transport Neutrònic resolta pel mètode d'Ordenades Discretes, Equació de la Difusió i Equació d'Ármonics Esfèrics Simplificats. Per a resoldre estes equacions s'estudien diferents esquemes del Mètode de Diferències Finites. La solució a estes equacions descriu la població de neutrons i les reaccions ocasionades dins d'un reactor nuclear. Al seu torn, estes variables estan relacionades amb el flux i la potència, paràmetres fonamentals per a l'Anàlisi de Seguretat Nuclear. La tesi introduïx la definició de les equacions mencionades i en particular es detallen per a l'estat estacionari. Es planteja el Mètode Modal com a solució als problemes d'autovalors definits per les dites equacions. Primer es desenvolupen diversos algoritmes per a la resolució de l'estat estacionari de l'Equació del Transport de Neutrons amb el Mètode d'Ordenades Discretes per a la discretiztació angular i el Mètode de Diferències Finites per a la discretització espacial. S'ha implementat una formulació capaç de resoldre el problema d'autovalors per a qualsevol nombre de grups energètics amb upscattering i anisotropia. Diverses quadratures utilitzades per este mètode en la seua resolució angular han sigut estudiades i implementades per a qualsevol orde d'aproximació d'Ordenades Discretes. A més, una altra formulació es desenvolupa per a la solució del problema font de l'Equació del Transport Neutrònic. A continuació, es du a terme un algoritme que permet resoldre l'Equació de la Difusió de Neutrons amb dos variants del mètode de Diferències Finites, una centrada en cel·la i una altra en vèrtex o node. S'utilitza també el Mètode Modal calculant qualsevol nombre d'autovalors per a diversos grups d'energia i amb upscattering. També s'implementen els dos esquemes del Mètode de Diferències Finites anteriorment mencionats en el desenvolupament de diferents algoritmes per a resoldre les Equacions d'Harmònics Esfèrics Simplificats. A més, s'ha realitzat una anàlisi de diferents aproximacions de les condicions de contorn. Finalment, s'han realitzat càlculs de la constant de multiplicació, els modes subcrítics, el flux neutrònic i la potència per a diferents tipus de reactors nuclears. Estes variables resulten essencials en Anàlisi de Seguretat Nuclear. A més, s'han realitzat diferents estudis de sensibilitat de paràmetres com la grandària de malla, orde utilitzat en quadratures o tipus de quadratures.[EN] The most accurate way to know the movement of the neutrons through matter is achieved by solving the Neutron Transport Equation. Three different approaches to solve this equation have been investigated in this thesis: Discrete Ordinates Neutron Transport Equation, Neutron Diffusion Equation and Simplified Spherical Harmonics Equations. In order to solve the equations, different schemes of the Finite Differences Method were studied. The solution of these equations describes the population of neutrons and the occurred reactions inside a nuclear system. These variables are related with the flux and power, fundamental parameters for the Nuclear Safety Analysis. The thesis introduces the definition of the mentioned equations. In particular, they are detailed for the steady state case. The Modal Method is proposed as a solution to the eigenvalue problems determined by the equations. First, several algorithms for the solution of the steady state of the Neutron Transport Equation with the Discrete Ordinates Method for the angular discretization and Finite Difference Method for spatial discretization are developed. A formulation able to solve eigenvalue problems for any number of energy groups, with scattering and anisotropy has been developed. Several quadratures used by this method for the angular discretization have been studied and implemented for any order of approach of the discrete ordinates. Furthermore, an adapted formulation has been developed as a solution of the source problem for the Neutron Transport Equation. Next, an algorithm is carried out that allows to solve the Neutron Diffusion Equation with two variants of the Finite Difference Method, one with cell centered scheme and another edge entered. The Modal method is also used for calculating any number of eigenvalues for several energy groups and upscattering. Both Finite Difference schemes mentioned before are also implemented to solve the Simplified Spherical Harmonics Equations. Moreover, an analysis of different approaches of the boundary conditions is performed. Finally, calculations of the multiplication factor, subcritical modes, neutron flux and the power for different nuclear reactors were carried out. These variables result essential in Nuclear Safety Analysis. In addition, several sensitivity studies of parameters like mesh size, quadrature order or quadrature type were performed.Me gustaría dar las gracias al Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad y a la Agencia Estatal de Investigación de España por la concesión de mi contrato predoctoral de formación de personal investigador con referencia BES-2016-076782. La ayuda económica proporcionada por este contrato fue esencial para el desarrollo de esta tesis, así como para el financiamiento de una estancia.Morato Rafet, S. (2020). Contributions to solve the Multi-group Neutron Transport equation with different Angular Approaches [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/159271TESI

    Development of an integrated BEM approach for hot fluid structure interaction

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    A comprehensive boundary element method is presented for transient thermoelastic analysis of hot section Earth-to-Orbit engine components. This time-domain formulation requires discretization of only the surface of the component, and thus provides an attractive alternative to finite element analysis for this class of problems. In addition, steep thermal gradients, which often occur near the surface, can be captured more readily since with a boundary element approach there are no shape functions to constrain the solution in the direction normal to the surface. For example, the circular disc analysis indicates the high level of accuracy that can be obtained. In fact, on the basis of reduced modeling effort and improved accuracy, it appears that the present boundary element method should be the preferred approach for general problems of transient thermoelasticity

    Higher Order Discontinuous Finite Element Methods for Discrete Ordinates Thermal Radiative Transfer

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    The linear discontinuous finite element method (LDFEM) is the current work horse of the radiation transport community. The popularity of LDFEM is a result of LDFEM (and its Q1 multi-dimensional extensions) being both accurate and preserving the thick diffusion limit. In practice, the LDFEM equations must be “lumped” to mitigate negative radiation transport solutions. Negative solutions are non-physical, but are inherent to the mathematics of LDFEM and other spatial discretizations. Ongoing changes in high performance computing (HPC) are dictating a preference for increased numbers of floating point operations (FLOPS) per unknown. Higher order discontinuous finite element methods (DFEM), those with polynomial trial spaces greater than linear, have been found to offer more accuracy per unknown than LDFEM. However, DFEM with higher degree trial spaces have received only limited attention due to their increased computational time per unknown, LDFEM's preservation of the thick diffusion limit, and the relative accuracy of LDFEM compared to other historical spatial discretizations. As solution methods evolve to make the most efficient use of HPC, it is possible that the increased computational work of higher order DFEM may become a strength rather than a hindrance. For higher order DFEM to be useful in practice, lumping techniques must be developed to inhibit negative radiation transport solutions. We will show that traditional mass matrix lumping does not guarantee positive solutions and limits the overall accuracy of the DFEM scheme. To solve this problem, we propose a new, quadrature based, self-lumping technique. Our self-lumping technique does not limit solution order of convergence, improves solution positivity, and can be easily adapted to account for the within cell variation of interaction cross section. To test and demonstrate the characteristics of our self-lumping methodology, we apply our schemes to several test problems: a homogeneous, source-free pure absorber; a pure absorber with spatially varying cross section; a model fuel depletion problem; and finally, we solve the grey thermal radiative transfer equations