19 research outputs found

    Many 2-level polytopes from matroids

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    The family of 2-level matroids, that is, matroids whose base polytope is 2-level, has been recently studied and characterized by means of combinatorial properties. 2-level matroids generalize series-parallel graphs, which have been already successfully analyzed from the enumerative perspective. We bring to light some structural properties of 2-level matroids and exploit them for enumerative purposes. Moreover, the counting results are used to show that the number of combinatorially non-equivalent (n-1)-dimensional 2-level polytopes is bounded from below by cn5/2ρnc \cdot n^{-5/2} \cdot \rho^{-n}, where c0.03791727c\approx 0.03791727 and ρ14.88052854\rho^{-1} \approx 4.88052854.Comment: revised version, 19 pages, 7 figure

    On vertices and facets of combinatorial 2-level polytopes

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    2-level polytopes naturally appear in several areas of mathematics, including combinatorial optimization, polyhedral combinatorics, communication complexity, and statistics. We investigate upper bounds on the product of the number of facets and the number of vertices, where d is the dimension of a 2-level polytope P. This question was first posed in [3], where experimental results showed an upper bound of d2^{d+1} up to d = 6, where d is the dimension of the polytope. We show that this bound holds for all known (to the best of our knowledge) 2-level polytopes coming from combinatorial settings, including stable set polytopes of perfect graphs and all 2-level base polytopes of matroids. For the latter family, we also give a simple description of the facet-defining inequalities. These results are achieved by an investigation of related combinatorial objects, that could be of independent interest

    Recognizing Cartesian products of matrices and polytopes

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    The 1-product of matrices S1Rm1×n1S_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{m_1 \times n_1} and S2Rm2×n2S_2 \in \mathbb{R}^{m_2 \times n_2} is the matrix in R(m1+m2)×(n1n2)\mathbb{R}^{(m_1+m_2) \times (n_1n_2)} whose columns are the concatenation of each column of S1S_1 with each column of S2S_2. Our main result is a polynomial time algorithm for the following problem: given a matrix SS, is SS a 1-product, up to permutation of rows and columns? Our main motivation is a close link between the 1-product of matrices and the Cartesian product of polytopes, which goes through the concept of slack matrix. Determining whether a given matrix is a slack matrix is an intriguing problem whose complexity is unknown, and our algorithm reduces the problem to irreducible instances. Our algorithm is based on minimizing a symmetric submodular function that expresses mutual information in information theory. We also give a polynomial time algorithm to recognize a more complicated matrix product, called the 2-product. Finally, as a corollary of our 1-product and 2-product recognition algorithms, we obtain a polynomial time algorithm to recognize slack matrices of 22-level matroid base polytopes