2,522 research outputs found

    Biology and biochemistry : thesis and antithesis

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    Sanctions and the liberation struggles in Southern Africa: thesis and antithesis of imperialism

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    A conference paper on the effects of sanctions to the the liberation struggles of Southern Africa. Paper presented at: Seminar on Southern African Responses to Imperialism, 22-24 April 1987.The imposition of sanctions whether economic, involving military arms, cultural or otherwise is ultimately a political act aimed at weakening or disrupting the economic, social and political structure and/or stability of the target country. In the case of South Africa, both for its internal fascist policies and its illegal colonial occupation of Namibia,the international movement for collective imposition of economic sanctions as represented by the International Conference on Economic Sanctions against South Africa recognized this objective as early as 1964, a good 23 years ago, when it observed that: 2. It was agreed that the object of economic sanctions was to produce.a sufficient breakdown in the operation of the South African economy to create a situation 4 in which apartheid would be brought to an end........

    Comparison between Hegel’s Being-Nothing-Becoming and I-Ching’s Yin-Yang-I (Change)

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    This article introduces a cross-cultural comparative study on Hegel’s Western triad of Being-Nothing-Becoming and I-Ching (including Tao-Teh-Ching, TTK)’s Eastern triad of Yin-Yang-I (Change). The study exposes the similarities and differences between the two triads in three aspects: concept, internal motivation, and external manifestation. Results include: (1) Hegel’s “Tao” is not identical to that of the Yin-Yang paradigm; (2) Hegel’s envision of Becoming is intrinsically far away from the essence of I-Ching’s I

    Dialectic Schemes in Thesaurus Creation

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    This article looks at the logical relationships between the categories that have led to the development of the thesaurus, including the historical origins of thesaurus construction. The research uses the dialectical, logical relationships of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. Each step in the dialectic of thesaurus creation includes subjective and objective thought as part of the thesis and antithesis, resolved by the more absolute thinking of the synthesis

    Hegel's Eurocentric Triads of Dialectics and its Transformation to Kelly's Planetary Paradigm

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    This article introduces Hegel's Eurocentric philosophy of dialectics in the 19th century and its transformation to Kelly’s planetary paradigm at the turn of the 20th-21st century. The new theory develops Hegel’s thesis—antitheses—synthesis to identity—difference—new-identity which is applicable for the entire human history, including the planetary era. The new triad generalizes Hegel’s mechanic view of nature by suggesting a dominant worldview which is featured by a series of tightening and converging dynamic fractal cycles

    The Dialectical Circumplex Model: A Theory of Dialectic and Its Implications for Education

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    A veil of mystery shrouds the origin and meaning of the dialectical method known as thesis-antithesis-synthesis. Many scholars reject the commonly-held notion that this triadic dialectic began with the enigmatic philosopher Hegel. Wheat’s recent book Hegel’s Undiscovered Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis Dialectics, however, reaffirms the connection between Hegel and the triadic dialectic while offering a reinterpretation of the Hegelian dialectical format. Still, Wheat dismisses the dialectical method as outdated and without value. With this theoretical dissertation, I seek to demystify the seemingly esoteric concept of dialectic and evaluate the potential educational value of the dialectical method. First, I trace the conceptual development of dialectic from its origins in ancient Chinese, Indian, and Greek philosophy to its more modern interpretations in German idealism and Marxism. Next, I review the applications of dialectic within the fields of psychology and education. For instance, psychological literature alternatively presents dialectical thinking as a stage of intellectual development, a cultural thinking style, and an epistemological belief. From here, I propose a new theory of dialectic, which includes a unified definition of dialectic and a reinterpretation of the Hegelian dialectical method in tetradic form. I map this tetradic dialectical format (i.e., thesis-antithesis-synthesis-diathesis) onto a two-dimensional circumplex model in what I term the dialectical circumplex model. The purpose of this conceptual model is to facilitate dialectical thinking about, generate insights into, and create a more holistic representation of complex phenomena. I demonstrate this function with a dialectical model of knowing, which applies the dialectical circumplex model to the literature on epistemological development. I also explore the educational value of dialectic by outlining a dialectical method for learning. Lastly, I discuss implications of this new theory of dialectic and identify directions for future research

    T. R. V. Murti's Reason

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    Hegel, Kant and the Antinomies of pure reason

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    Hegel is profoundly critical of Kant’s account of the antinomies of pure reason and especially of what he regards as Kant’s “trivial” resolution of them (EL § 48 Remark). Yet at the same time Hegel emphasises the considerable significance of Kant’s account. “These Kantian antinomies”, he writes, “will always remain an important part of the critical philosophy”, since “they, more than anything else, brought about the downfall of previous metaphysics and can be regarded as a main transition into more recent philosophy” (in particular that of Hegel himself) (SL 190 / LS 198). 1 How then, according to Hegel, did the antinomies help take us from pre-Kantian metaphysics to his own speculative philosophy
