158 research outputs found

    Aerial Field Robotics

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    Aerial field robotics research represents the domain of study that aims to equip unmanned aerial vehicles - and as it pertains to this chapter, specifically Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs)- with the ability to operate in real-life environments that present challenges to safe navigation. We present the key elements of autonomy for MAVs that are resilient to collisions and sensing degradation, while operating under constrained computational resources. We overview aspects of the state of the art, outline bottlenecks to resilient navigation autonomy, and overview the field-readiness of MAVs. We conclude with notable contributions and discuss considerations for future research that are essential for resilience in aerial robotics.Comment: Accepted in the Encyclopedia of Robotics, Springe

    Long-range UAV Thermal Geo-localization with Satellite Imagery

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    Onboard sensors, such as cameras and thermal sensors, have emerged as effective alternatives to Global Positioning System (GPS) for geo-localization in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) navigation. Since GPS can suffer from signal loss and spoofing problems, researchers have explored camera-based techniques such as Visual Geo-localization (VG) using satellite RGB imagery. Additionally, thermal geo-localization (TG) has become crucial for long-range UAV flights in low-illumination environments. This paper proposes a novel thermal geo-localization framework using satellite RGB imagery, which includes multiple domain adaptation methods to address the limited availability of paired thermal and satellite images. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in achieving reliable thermal geo-localization performance, even in thermal images with indistinct self-similar features. We evaluate our approach on real data collected onboard a UAV. We also release the code and \textit{Boson-nighttime}, a dataset of paired satellite-thermal and unpaired satellite images for thermal geo-localization with satellite imagery. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to propose a thermal geo-localization method using satellite RGB imagery in long-range flights.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, IROS 202

    Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: Towards the Robust-Perception Age

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)consists in the concurrent construction of a model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those who are users of SLAM. By looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: Do robots need SLAM? and Is SLAM solved

    State of the art in vision-based localization techniques for autonomous navigation systems

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    Application of computer vision for roller operation management

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    Compaction is the last and possibly the most important phase in construction of asphalt concrete (AC) pavements. Compaction densifies the loose (AC) mat, producing a stable surface with low permeability. The process strongly affects the AC performance properties. Too much compaction may cause aggregate degradation and low air void content facilitating bleeding and rutting. On the other hand too little compaction may result in higher air void content facilitating oxidation and water permeability issues, rutting due to further densification by traffic and reduced fatigue life. Therefore, compaction is a critical issue in AC pavement construction.;The common practice for compacting a mat is to establish a roller pattern that determines the number of passes and coverages needed to achieve the desired density. Once the pattern is established, the roller\u27s operator must maintain the roller pattern uniformly over the entire mat.;Despite the importance of uniform compaction to achieve the expected durability and performance of AC pavements, having the roller operator as the only mean to manage the operation can involve human errors.;With the advancement of technology in recent years, the concept of intelligent compaction (IC) was developed to assist the roller operators and improve the construction quality. Commercial IC packages for construction rollers are available from different manufacturers. They can provide precise mapping of a roller\u27s location and provide the roller operator with feedback during the compaction process.;Although, the IC packages are able to track the roller passes with impressive results, there are also major hindrances. The high cost of acquisition and potential negative impact on productivity has inhibited implementation of IC.;This study applied computer vision technology to build a versatile and affordable system to count and map roller passes. An infrared camera is mounted on top of the roller to capture the operator view. Then, in a near real-time process, image features were extracted and tracked to estimate the incremental rotation and translation of the roller. Image featured are categorized into near and distant features based on the user defined horizon. The optical flow is estimated for near features located in the region below the horizon. The change in roller\u27s heading is constantly estimated from the distant features located in the sky region. Using the roller\u27s rotation angle, the incremental translation between two frames will be calculated from the optical flow. The roller\u27s incremental rotation and translation will put together to develop a tracking map.;During system development, it was noted that in environments with thermal uniformity, the background of the IR images exhibit less featured as compared to images captured with optical cameras which are insensitive to temperature. This issue is more significant overnight, since nature elements are not able to reflect the heat energy from sun. Therefore to improve roller\u27s heading estimation where less features are available in the sky region a unique methodology that allows heading detection based on the asphalt mat edges was developed for this research. The heading measurements based on the slope of the asphalt hot edges will be added to the pool of the headings measured from sky region. The median of all heading measurements will be used as the incremental roller\u27s rotation for the tracking analysis.;The record of tracking data is used for QC/QA purposes and verifying the proper implementation of the roller pattern throughout a job constructed under the roller pass specifications.;The system developed during this research was successful in mapping roller location for few projects tested. However the system should be independently validated

    Combined Learned and Classical Methods for Real-Time Visual Perception in Autonomous Driving

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    Autonomy, robotics, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are among the main defining themes of next-generation societies. Of the most important applications of said technologies is driving automation which spans from different Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) to full self-driving vehicles. Driving automation is promising to reduce accidents, increase safety, and increase access to mobility for more people such as the elderly and the handicapped. However, one of the main challenges facing autonomous vehicles is robust perception which can enable safe interaction and decision making. With so many sensors to perceive the environment, each with its own capabilities and limitations, vision is by far one of the main sensing modalities. Cameras are cheap and can provide rich information of the observed scene. Therefore, this dissertation develops a set of visual perception algorithms with a focus on autonomous driving as the target application area. This dissertation starts by addressing the problem of real-time motion estimation of an agent using only the visual input from a camera attached to it, a problem known as visual odometry. The visual odometry algorithm can achieve low drift rates over long-traveled distances. This is made possible through the innovative local mapping approach used. This visual odometry algorithm was then combined with my multi-object detection and tracking system. The tracking system operates in a tracking-by-detection paradigm where an object detector based on convolution neural networks (CNNs) is used. Therefore, the combined system can detect and track other traffic participants both in image domain and in 3D world frame while simultaneously estimating vehicle motion. This is a necessary requirement for obstacle avoidance and safe navigation. Finally, the operational range of traditional monocular cameras was expanded with the capability to infer depth and thus replace stereo and RGB-D cameras. This is accomplished through a single-stream convolution neural network which can output both depth prediction and semantic segmentation. Semantic segmentation is the process of classifying each pixel in an image and is an important step toward scene understanding. Literature survey, algorithms descriptions, and comprehensive evaluations on real-world datasets are presented.Ph.D.College of Engineering & Computer ScienceUniversity of Michiganhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153989/1/Mohamed Aladem Final Dissertation.pdfDescription of Mohamed Aladem Final Dissertation.pdf : Dissertatio

    Artificial Intelligence Applications for Drones Navigation in GPS-denied or degraded Environments

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    Runtime resource management for vision-based applications in mobile robots

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    Computer-vision (CV) applications are an important part of mobile robot automation, analyzing the perceived raw data from vision sensors and providing a rich amount of information on the surrounding environment. The design of a high-speed and energy-efficient CV application for a resource-constrained mobile robot, while maintaining a certain targeted level of accuracy in computation, is a challenging task. This is because such applications demand a lot of resources, e.g. computing capacity and battery energy, to run seamlessly in real time. Moreover, there is always a trade-off between accuracy, performance and energy consumption, as these factors dynamically affect each other at runtime. In this thesis, we investigate novel runtime resource management approaches to improve performance and energy efficiency of vision-based applications in mobile robots. Due to the dynamic correlation between different management objectives, such as energy consumption and execution time, both environmental and computational observations need to be dynamically updated, and the actuators are manipulated at runtime based on these observations. Algorithmic and computational parameters of a CV application (output accuracy and CPU voltage/frequency) are adjusted by measuring the key factors associated with the intensity of computations and strain on CPUs (environmental complexity and instantaneous power). Furthermore, we show how mechanical characteristics of the robot, i.e. the speed of movement in this thesis, can affect the computational behaviour. Based on this investigation, we add the speed of a robot, as an actuator, to our resource management algorithm besides the considered computational knobs (output accuracy and CPU voltage/frequency). To evaluate the proposed approach, we perform several experiments on an unmanned ground vehicle equipped with an embedded computer board and use RGB and event cameras as the vision sensors for CV applications. The obtained results show that the presented management strategy improves the performance and accuracy of vision-based applications while significantly reducing the energy consumption compared with the state-of-the-art solutions. Moreover, we demonstrate that considering simultaneously both computational and mechanical aspects in management of CV applications running on mobile robots significantly reduces the energy consumption compared with similar methods that consider these two aspects separately, oblivious to each other’s outcome

    Towards Robust Autonomous MAV Landing with a Gimbal Camera

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    As micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) become increasingly common as platforms for aerial inspection, monitoring and tracking, the need for robust automated landing methods increases, for both static and dynamic landing targets. Precision MAV landings are difficult, even for experienced human pilots. While semi-autonomous MAV landings have proven effective, they add additional requirements for multiple skilled operators, which in turn increase the operational costs. This is not always practical and the human in the loop prevents the possibility of more efficient robotic teams that do not require human operators. As such, an automated landing system has been a growing topic of interest to both industry and academia. In this thesis the aim is to address three different issues. First, in order for a MAV to land autonomously onto a moving target, a complete tracking and landing system for MAVs is needed. An end-to-end system termed ATL is introduced. Results show that ATL is able to track and execute a planned trajectory onto a moving landing target at speeds of 10m/s in simulation. Secondly, to enable autonomous MAV landings in GPS-denied environments, multiple cameras are needed for simultaneously tracking the landing target and performing state estimation. With the prevalence of gimbal cameras on commercially available MAVs for applications such as cinematography, it is advantageous to use the gimbal camera along with other cameras on-board for state estimation. An encoder-less gimbal calibration method is introduced to enable gimbal cameras to be used with state estimation algorithms. The method was validated by modifying OKVIS to jointly optimize for the gimbal joint angle. Finally, to achieve full MAV autonomy, all software components on-board must run in real-time on a computer with limited resources. To address this issue and to take advantage of a gimbal camera the Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter (MSCKF) algorithm is extended by incorporating a gimbal camera. The method was validated in simulation and on a KITTI raw dataset both show promising results
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