24,087 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Student’s Books Buying Behavior In Malaysia Higher Learning Institutions

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    The growing importance of higher education (Mahdzan & Fauziah, 1999) with the rapid growth of student enrollments is expected to increase the textbooks purchase in higher education market. However, the textbook sales seem to be much lower than the expected. This study undertakes to explore the current level and patterns of textbook purchase and the influence of external market factors on student’s books buying in public and private institutions in Malaysia. The theoretical framework adapted from Cohen’s (1991) buying decision process model proposed hypotheses to assess the relationship between the 4Ps and substitutions and the books purchased

    Determining Factors For The Usage Of Web-Based Marketing Applications: An Analysis Of Smes In Penang, Malaysia

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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal-pasti faktor penentu terhadap penggunaan pemasaran melalui web di kalangan firma-firma saiz kecil dan sederhana di Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. The purpose of this study is to investigate the determining factors for the usage of Web-Based Marketing applications by Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Penang, Malaysia

    Technology-enabled Learning (TEL): YouTube as a Ubiquitous Learning Aid.

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    The use of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in the society has become ubiquitous. The advent of communication technologies alongside other unification trends and notions such as media convergence and digital content allow the users of the social network to integrate these networks in their everyday life. There have been several attempts in the literature to investigate and explain the use of social networks such as Facebook and WhatsApp by university students in the Arab region. However, little research has been done on how university students utilise online audiovisual materials in their academic activities in the UAE. This research aims to elucidate the use of YouTube as a learning aid for university students in the UAE. We adopt the technology acceptance model (TAM) as the theoretical framework for this investigation. A quantitative methodology is employed to answer the research question. Primary data consisting of 221 correspondents were analysed, covering patterns of using YouTube as an academic audiovisual learning aid. Statistical techniques including descriptive, correlations, regression tests were used to analyse the data. The study concluded that students use YouTube as a learning tool for their academic studies and enriching their general knowledge; and there is a positive relationship between the use of YouTube videos in academic settings and the students’ overall performance. This study can shed light for teachers, curriculum designers, government entities, and other stakeholders on how to best utilise and integrate the online technology — YouTube — as a learning aid

    Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, v. 4, no. 2

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    Technological Capability as a Determinant of FDI Inflows - Evidence from Developing Asia & India

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    During 2006-07, FDI inflows into India were more than double than those in 2005-06. Indeed, during April-January 2006-07, inward FDI into India at US16.4billion,wasfarhigherthantheannualaverageinflowofUS16.4 billion, was far higher than the annual average inflow of US2-3 billion during the late 1990s. In recent years, India has also emerged as one of the leading FDI destinations in Asia. On the whole, the pattern of FDI inflows to developing Asia itself has changed significantly over the years. Some leading Southeast Asian economies (for example, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines) no longer attract as much FDI as they used to in the past. Thisis in sharp contrast to some East and Southeast Asian economies that continue to draw large FDI (for example, China, Hong Kong and Singapore). In the above context, this paper attempts to explain the country-wise variations in the pattern of FDI flows to developing Asian economies by empirically identifying location specific features influencing such flows. The paper argues that some countries in the region, which have developed long term sources of comparative advantages in the form of superior technological capabilities and supporting infrastructure have consistently attracted greater volumes of export-oriented FDI. These attributes are also crucial for explaining the steady improvement in FDI flows to India. The paper finds that with production processes becoming increasingly complex and technology-intensive, developing countries like India, must devote greater attention to the development of R&D and frontier technologies, failing which, they might lose out in the race for FDI.FDI inflows, technology and technological capabilities, locational advantages, IT-based communication facilities

    Technological Capability as a Determinant of FDI Inflows: Evidence from Developing Asia & India

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    This paper contributes to the empirical literature on determinants of FDI by addressing the question: Why do some developing countries from Asia continue to receive more FDI, while others from the region have fallen behind? It finds R&D-based innovative capacities, and the ability to apply such capacities through modern IT-based techniques, as the two key determinants explaining FDI inflows to developing Asian economies. These traits are found significant for inward FDI in India too with more technology intensive sectors receiving greater FDI. The findings of the paper suggest that in the absence of strong technological foundations and well-developed communications infrastructure, liberal policies alone are not enough for drawing FDI, once initial advantages, like cheap labour, fizzle out. For developing countries like India, strong thrust on R&D and innovative skills is needed for attracting FDI in technology-intensive exports. Therefore, policy actions would have to go further than a broad-based opening up of sectors to FDI, and increasing the limit of such investment in these sectors, for sustained inflows of FDI.FDI inflows, technology and technological capabilities, locational advantages, IT-based communication facilities

    Non-business e-commerce in Malaysia: An investigation of key adoption

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    Problem statement: Non-business EC is a relatively new research niche in the general e-commerce stream. Application of e-commerce by profit oriented organization already become bread and butter but still limited applied in non-business sectors such as academic institutions (as in the present study), non-profit organizations, religious organizations and government agencies. Nowadays e-commerce becomes crucially essential in reducing their expenses and improving their operations.Therefore, application of this new innovation should enhance to no non-business sectors to be livelier.Understanding the key factors of facilitating and adopting the e-commerce in non-business are still need to enrich in particularly within Malaysian context. A field survey was conducted to determine key factors that facilitate the adoption of non-business EC in Malaysian Universities. Approach: One main focus of IT implementation research has been to determine why people accept or reject new technology. The current research will explore why Non-business institutions will accept or reject e- commerce. Since e-commerce adoption decision is a strategic one, a comprehensive list of potential facilitators and non-facilitators for the strategic use of information technology was derived from past research. Thus factors used as the basis for collecting data from 65 schools, centers and units from 5 public universities in Kota Kinabalu and Kuala Lumpur. These data were factor-analyzed to determine the key underlying dimensions of facilitators. On the basis of the resulting 5 dimensions namely, relative advantage, network orientation, information efficiency, innovativeness and competitiveness, regression analysis was done to determine the impact of the 5 dimensions on adoption. Results: They suggest that relative advantage, network orientation and information efficiency are the most important facilitators to the used of e-commerce in non-business sectors. Inhibitors were not estimated eventually, as there were no non-users among the respondents. Conclusion: The results implies the non-business sectors should look into advantages, network orientation and information efficiency as a strategic based for implementing e-commerce in more effective manner to achieve their goals

    Determinats of purchase decision of client-server hardware system (C-SHS) in Malaysian SME businesses

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    Information and communications technologies (ICT) is regarded as an essential tool in enhancing competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in global marketplaces. Consequently, client-server hardware system (C-SHS) has gained its popularity in SM enterprises. However, there is no specific research done about determinants of purchase decision of C-SHS in SMEs particularly in Malaysia. Thus, this research filled this gap and developed a research problem on why and how to establish the determinants of purchase decision of C-SHS in Malaysian SME businesses. A preliminary theoretical framework based on literature and also the integration of Technology Acceptance Model, Diffusion of Innovation theory, and Technology, Organization, and Environment framework was developed. This research employed qualitative methodology using convergent interview and thematic data analysis techniques to explore and confirm the preliminary theoretical framework. Convergent interview is opted since it allows a greater depth of data collection than other types of interviews as it attempts to gain insight into the informant’s understanding of a situation or process. The identification of respondents in this research was based on a snowballing technique. The findings from this research confirmed 16 determinants of purchase decision of C-SHS in SMEs, that are, relative advantage, compatibility system, complexity system, existing IT infrastructure, trialability, cost of purchase, top management support, end user IT skill, owner characteristics, resources availability/constraint, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, competitive pressure, government support, customer pressure, vendors competency & support. In addition, five (5) newly determinants had been discovered, that are, scalability system, security system, new initiative, brand loyalty, and green IT environment. These newly discovered determinants represent new contributions to the body of knowledge. As a consequent, a revised theoretical framework is derived to capture these new discoveries. The finding of this research has implications on policy, practice, and methodological aspects


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    Abstract Objectives: This paper explains, synthesizes, reviews the main findings, and provides suggestions for future research to deepen and enrich understanding of technology-based banking services (banking technology). Methods: This research uses a systematic literature review or structured review as a research methodology, which will analyze scientific articles based on widely used methods, theories, and constructs. Results: The results shown that TAM as an established concept is the model most often used in research in the context of technology-based banking services. However, this does not guarantee that only the TAM construct (PU, PEOU, Social Influence, and Attitude) is able to explain individual attitudes and intentions in adopting and using banking technology. Therefore, exploration is needed within a phenomenological framework to find other values (besides the TAM construct) to enrich scientific insights. In addition, a comparative study is also needed to see the role of the cultural dimension in influencing the adoption and use of technology in a country. In turn, our study is not without limitations. The ability to access reputable journals has been a major factor in our study covering only 20 scientific articles over the last ten years. The number is relatively small, making our study unable to examine other antecedents (besides those mentioned in table 4.5) used in the context of technology banking. Implications: Our study has implications for the development of studies in the context of banking technology, where our study can be taken into consideration for developing an integrated model that covers all perspectives in the context of technology adoption and use. Type of Paper: Empirical

    Exploring critical factors for choice of mobile service providers and its effectiveness on Malaysian consumers

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    From the late 1990 to till now the growth rate of Malaysian telecommunication sector is remarkable manner. Under this circumstances new players to these businesses soaring dramatic business competition. Nowadays they are trying to attract customers by offering aggressive marketing strategy for instance: price promotion. As competition is looming among the companies, it deems a necessity for them to learn the consumers’ inherent perceptions that can play significant factors in terms of choosing the tele-service providers. The aim of this study was to find out what were the factors that may have played significant role to select the telecommunication service providers. To accomplish the objectives, this research explains the related concepts and theories; revealed and synchronized literature on consumer perception. In general this research has an intention to develop a research framework grounded on a strong theoretical and literature review background. The survey instruments employed on Malaysian consumers included demographic background, price, service quality, product quality and availability, and promotional offers for consumer perception. Thus the structural equation modeling approach was necessary in order to examine the variables. The data analysis was conducted using SPSS and AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) with the software package for windows. From the result it is revealed that paths are related to the casual processes significantly. Among all the significant variables, from our result, Price is the most important among our respondents followed by Service quality, product quality and promotion. However, the findings of this study may provide needed feedback and contribute to the improvement of players’ strategy and their marketing program