127,184 research outputs found

    Connection between electrical conductivity and diffusion coefficient of a conductive porous material filled with electrolyte

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    The paper focuses on the cross-property connection between the effective electrical conductivity and the overall mass transfer coefficient of a two phase material. The two properties are expressed in terms of the tortuosity parameter which generalized to the case of a material with two conductive phases. Elimination of this parameter yields the cross-property connection. The theoretical derivation is verified by comparison with computer simulation

    How Interactive can a Lecture Become?

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    The uses of technology have been well documented and many people have tried to use the available technology. In an age of increasingly idevices dependent generation where on average students check their portable devices at least every 15 minutes for 15 seconds, the way students engage with the lecture and the lecturer has changed. The dynamic environment of the lecture is one which can be very enjoyable, demanding and noisy. It requires the attention of the student, note taking skills, teaching techniques, audio visual aids and timing of the lecture to work seamlessly. However, not only the student attitudes have changed but also their approach to learning and demands for more summarized information. They want less to read, eBook style information but mostly in the form of PowerPoint rather than books. They want access to the Google search engine and the algorithm to generate the correct answers in the very first search results. Unfortunately the standard social media interfaces are not particularly designed for lectures and there is always the temptation to read and answer the threads on your Facebook. A pilot study has been implemented in order to facilitate the use of social media, portable devices, forums and the good old chalk and talk technique to bring the big lectures back to life. Improve the student experience and the learning by engaging everyone. The dynamic environment of the lectures would be enhanced by allowing interaction on all levels from delivery of the unit to questions and answers to setting and sitting examinations and assignments. Even the feedback mechanism would need to change. The research would require a huge shift in the way everything is done and the cultural consequences of the change may be more of effect towards the academics, especially ones with longer teaching experience

    Bifurcation into functional niches in adaptation

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    One of the central questions in evolutionary biology concerns the dynamics of adaptation and diversification. This issue can be addressed experimentally if replicate populations adapting to identical environments Call be investigated in detail. We have studied 501 such replicas Using digital organisms adapting to at least two fundamentally different functional niches (survival strategies) present in the same environment: one in which fast replication is the way to live, and another where exploitation of the environment's complexity leads to complex organisms with longer life spans and smaller replication rates. While these two modes of survival are closely analogous to those expected to emerge in so-called r and K selection scenarios respectively, the bifurcation of evolutionary histories according to these functional niches occurs in identical environments, under identical selective pressures. We find that the branching occurs early, and leads to drastic phenotypic differences (in fitness, sequence length, and gestation time) that are permanent and irreversible. This study confirms an earlier experimental effort using microorganisms, in that diversification can be understood at least in part in terms of bifurcations on saddle points leading to peak shifts, as in the picture drawn by Sewall Wright

    Behavioural Evidence Analysis Applied to Digital Forensics: An Empirical Analysis of Child Pornography Cases using P2P Networks

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    The utility of Behavioural Evidence Analysis (BEA) has gained attention in the field of Digital Forensics in recent years. It has been recognized that, along with technical examination of digital evidence, it is important to learn as much as possible about the individuals behind an offence, the victim(s) and the dynamics of a crime. This can assist the investigator in producing a more accurate and complete reconstruction of the crime, in interpreting associated digital evidence, and with the description of investigative findings. Despite these potential benefits, the literature shows limited use of BEA for the investigation of cases of the possession and dissemination of Sexually Exploitative Imagery of Children (SEIC). This paper represents a step towards filling this gap. It reports on the forensic analysis of 15 SEIC cases involving P2P filesharing networks, obtained from the Dubai Police. Results confirmed the predicted benefits and indicate that BEA can assist digital forensic practitioners and prosecutors

    In loco intellegentia: Human factors for the future European train driver

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    The European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) represents a step change in technology for rail operations in Europe. It comprises track-to-train communications and intelligent on-board systems providing an unprecedented degree of support to the train driver. ERTMS is designed to improve safety, capacity and performance, as well as facilitating interoperability across the European rail network. In many ways, particularly from the human factors perspective, ERTMS has parallels with automation concepts in the aviation and automotive industries. Lessons learned from both these industries are that such a technology raises a number of human factors issues associated with train driving and operations. The interaction amongst intelligent agents throughout the system must be effectively coordinated to ensure that the strategic benefits of ERTMS are realised. This paper discusses the psychology behind some of these key issues, such as Mental Workload (MWL), interface design, user information requirements, transitions and migration and communications. Relevant experience in aviation and vehicle automation is drawn upon to give an overview of the human factors challenges facing the UK rail industry in implementing ERTMS technology. By anticipating and defining these challenges before the technology is implemented, it is hoped that a proactive and structured programme of research can be planned to meet them

    Opening the Black Box: Explaining the Process of Basing a Health Recommender System on the I-Change Behavioral Change Model

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    Recommender systems are gaining traction in healthcare because they can tailor recommendations based on users' feedback concerning their appreciation of previous health-related messages. However, recommender systems are often not grounded in behavioral change theories, which may further increase the effectiveness of their recommendations. This paper's objective is to describe principles for designing and developing a health recommender system grounded in the I-Change behavioral change model that shall be implemented through a mobile app for a smoking cessation support clinical trial. We built upon an existing smoking cessation health recommender system that delivered motivational messages through a mobile app. A group of experts assessed how the system may be improved to address the behavioral change determinants of the I-Change behavioral change model. The resulting system features a hybrid recommender algorithm for computer tailoring smoking cessation messages. A total of 331 different motivational messages were designed using 10 health communication methods. The algorithm was designed to match 58 message characteristics to each user pro le by following the principles of the I-Change model and maintaining the bene ts of the recommender system algorithms. The mobile app resulted in a streamlined version that aimed to improve the user experience, and this system's design bridges the gap between health recommender systems and the use of behavioral change theories. This article presents a novel approach integrating recommender system technology, health behavior technology, and computer-tailored technology. Future researchers will be able to build upon the principles applied in this case study.European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant 68112

    A note on the shortest common superstring of NGS reads

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    The Shortest Superstring Problem (SSP) consists, for a set of strings S = {s_1,...,s_n}, to find a minimum length string that contains all s_i, 1 <= i <= k, as substrings. This problem is proved to be NP-Complete and APX-hard. Guaranteed approximation algorithms have been proposed, the current best ratio being 2+11/23, which has been achieved following a long and difficult quest. However, SSP is highly used in practice on next generation sequencing (NGS) data, which plays an increasingly important role in sequencing. In this note, we show that the SSP approximation ratio can be improved on NGS reads by assuming specific characteristics of NGS data that are experimentally verified on a very large sampling set
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