254,231 research outputs found

    Abstract State Machines 1988-1998: Commented ASM Bibliography

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    An annotated bibliography of papers which deal with or use Abstract State Machines (ASMs), as of January 1998.Comment: Also maintained as a BibTeX file at http://www.eecs.umich.edu/gasm

    An Upper Bound on the Complexity of Recognizable Tree Languages

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    The third author noticed in his 1992 PhD Thesis [Sim92] that every regular tree language of infinite trees is in a class (D_n(Σ0_2))\Game (D\_n({\bf\Sigma}^0\_2)) for some natural number n1n\geq 1, where \Game is the game quantifier. We first give a detailed exposition of this result. Next, using an embedding of the Wadge hierarchy of non self-dual Borel subsets of the Cantor space 2ω2^\omega into the class Δ1_2{\bf\Delta}^1\_2, and the notions of Wadge degree and Veblen function, we argue that this upper bound on the topological complexity of regular tree languages is much better than the usual Δ1_2{\bf\Delta}^1\_2

    Index to Library Trends Volume 38

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    Beyond Language Equivalence on Visibly Pushdown Automata

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    We study (bi)simulation-like preorder/equivalence checking on the class of visibly pushdown automata and its natural subclasses visibly BPA (Basic Process Algebra) and visibly one-counter automata. We describe generic methods for proving complexity upper and lower bounds for a number of studied preorders and equivalences like simulation, completed simulation, ready simulation, 2-nested simulation preorders/equivalences and bisimulation equivalence. Our main results are that all the mentioned equivalences and preorders are EXPTIME-complete on visibly pushdown automata, PSPACE-complete on visibly one-counter automata and P-complete on visibly BPA. Our PSPACE lower bound for visibly one-counter automata improves also the previously known DP-hardness results for ordinary one-counter automata and one-counter nets. Finally, we study regularity checking problems for visibly pushdown automata and show that they can be decided in polynomial time.Comment: Final version of paper, accepted by LMC

    Decision Problems For Turing Machines

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    We answer two questions posed by Castro and Cucker, giving the exact complexities of two decision problems about cardinalities of omega-languages of Turing machines. Firstly, it is D2(Σ11)D_2(\Sigma_1^1)-complete to determine whether the omega-language of a given Turing machine is countably infinite, where D2(Σ11)D_2(\Sigma_1^1) is the class of 2-differences of Σ11\Sigma_1^1-sets. Secondly, it is Σ11\Sigma_1^1-complete to determine whether the omega-language of a given Turing machine is uncountable.Comment: To appear in Information Processing Letter

    A rich hierarchy of functionals of finite types

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    We are considering typed hierarchies of total, continuous functionals using complete, separable metric spaces at the base types. We pay special attention to the so called Urysohn space constructed by P. Urysohn. One of the properties of the Urysohn space is that every other separable metric space can be isometrically embedded into it. We discuss why the Urysohn space may be considered as the universal model of possibly infinitary outputs of algorithms. The main result is that all our typed hierarchies may be topologically embedded, type by type, into the corresponding hierarchy over the Urysohn space. As a preparation for this, we prove an effective density theorem that is also of independent interest.Comment: 21 page

    Algorithmic Randomness as Foundation of Inductive Reasoning and Artificial Intelligence

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    This article is a brief personal account of the past, present, and future of algorithmic randomness, emphasizing its role in inductive inference and artificial intelligence. It is written for a general audience interested in science and philosophy. Intuitively, randomness is a lack of order or predictability. If randomness is the opposite of determinism, then algorithmic randomness is the opposite of computability. Besides many other things, these concepts have been used to quantify Ockham's razor, solve the induction problem, and define intelligence.Comment: 9 LaTeX page

    Artificial life meets computational creativity?

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    I review the history of work in Artificial Life on the problem of the open-ended evolutionary growth of complexity in computational worlds. This is then put into the context of evolutionary epistemology and human creativity