9 research outputs found


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    Memahami keamanan siber sangat penting di era digital saat ini, dan penelitian telah dilakukan untuk memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan atau kegagalannya. Faktor manusia berperan penting dalam keamanan siber, dan lebih dari 95% serangan yang berhasil disebabkan oleh kesalahan manusia. Tekanan waktu adalah faktor lain yang tidak boleh diabaikan, karena organisasi sering kali menghadapi tekanan waktu yang tinggi dalam lingkungan bisnis yang kompetitif dan dinamis. Penelitian mengenai faktor manusia dalam keamanan siber menunjukkan bahwa faktor manusia masih menjadi perhatian utama dibandingkan dengan teknologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perkembangan dan tren keamanan siber mengenai faktor manusia dan tekanan waktu dari tahun 2014 hingga 2023 menggunakan Analisis Bibliometrik dari software R studio. Metodologi penelitian meliputi perencanaan, identifikasi kata kunci, pencarian data Scopus, dan pembatasan pencarian pada "semua bidang" untuk memperoleh data yang sesuai dengan tema penelitian. Penelitian dibatasi sebanyak 110 jurnal yang diambil dari database Scopus. Kesimpulannya, memahami faktor manusia dan tekanan waktu dalam keamanan siber sangat penting bagi organisasi untuk meningkatkan langkah-langkah keamanan siber mereka. Dengan menganalisis perkembangan dan tren faktor-faktor ini, para peneliti dapat lebih memahami masa depan keamanan siber dan mengambil keputusan yang tepat untuk melindungi informasi dan infrastruktur penting.

    Exploring the Applicability of Test Driven Development in the Big Data Domain

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    Big data analytics and the according applications have gained huge importance in daily life. This results on the one hand from their versatility and on the other hand from their capability to greatly improve an organization’s performance when utilized appropriately. However, despite their prevalence and the corresponding attention through practitioners as well as the scientific world, the actual implementation still remains a challenging task. Therefore, without the adequate testing, the reliability of the systems and thus the obtained outputs is uncertain. This might reduce their utilization, or even worse, lead to a diminished decision-making quality. The publication at hand explores the adoption of test driven development as a potential approach for addressing this issue. Subsequently, using the design science research methodology, a microservice-based test driven development concept for big data (MBTDD-BD) is proposed. In the end, possible avenues for future research endeavours are indicated

    Bibliometric analysis of research trends on disability in Indonesia

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    Indonesian people have a unique perception of understanding the concept of disability. Researchers use various terminologies to address topics of disabilities in their published studies. There is no national roadmap for disability research that may integrate and guide studies on the subject. This study investigated scientific outputs made by academics researching disabilities topics in Indonesia. Publications on topics of disabilities it found 3,220 publications, indexed in the national indexing service “Garuda” (abbreviation for Garba Rujukan Digital, meaning: Digital Reference Portal), published from 2010 to 2019. This study employed a bibliometric approach, browsing and analyzing numerical trends of several publications, quantitative distribution of publication years, authors’ characteristics, publishers, subject names, and keywords used. Findings research were compared with relevant references to provide a holistic picture of trends in disability studies over the last decade. Research result showed that the number of publications increased significantly from 2010 to 2019, and discussions on relevant and current disabilities conditions progressed according to the development of national and global works on the subject. Most studies focus on educational topics, dictating publication trends, with some published works, authors, subjects, and keywords being dominated by disability papers on education, with authors and publishers from western Indonesia dominantly publishing a significantly higher number of publications than their counterparts in the central and eastern parts. This study concludes that research trends on disability in Indonesia show significant development from year to year regarding the number of publications, the distribution of authors, and subject specifics

    Revealing the research landscape of Master's degrees via bibliometric analyses

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    The evolution of a Master's programme, like many other human institutions, can be viewed as a self-organising system whose underlying structures and dynamics arise primarily from the interaction of its faculty and students. Identifying these hidden properties may not be a trivial task, due to the complex behaviour implicit in such evolution. Nonetheless, we argue that the programme's body of research production (represented mainly by dissertations) can serve this purpose. Bibliometric analyses of such data can reveal insights about production growth, collaborative networks, and visual mapping of established, niche, and emerging research topics, among other facets. Thus, we propose a bibliometric workflow aimed at discovering the production dynamics, as well as the conceptual, social and intellectual structures developed by the Master's degree, in the interest of guiding decision-makers to better assess the strengths of the programme and to prioritise strategic goals. In addition, we report two case studies to illustrate the realisation of the proposed workflow. We conclude with considerations on the possible application of the approach to other academic research units

    Research Implication for Infectious Skin Disease and Phytotherapy in Developing Countries Based on 21st Century Bibliometric Trends

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    Dermatological infectious disease remains one of the least in terms of treatment consideration, especially in developing countries with high prevalence. Based on the World Health Organization initiative towards traditional and complementary medicine (WHA62.13); this study identifies the recent developments in scientific research and gaps in the search for affordable plant-based treatment to combat the threat of infectious skin diseases. Bibliometric methodology was adopted for this study. Relevant research documents were retrieved based on well structured query from the Scopus database. The study covered documents published between the periods 1 January 2001 to 22 November 2022. The preliminary query reviewed all document types and was subsequently limited to original research documents. Excel and VOSviewer were used for bibliometric analysis and visualization. A total of 7,908 articles were retrieved based on the original query input for citation information, with 5,917 being original research articles. The highest number of original research articles was recorded in India (15.28%), followed by the United States (13.81%) and China (9.90%). However, most developing countries in Africa still have lower levels of research output. The combined percentage of original articles published in the top three (3) Journal outlets is 8.26%. The latest 2000 articles identified an extensive 6,108 keywords, most centered on wound healing. The exponential rate of research publications reported in this study shows potential for growth and the need for specialization in this field of phytomedicine in treating skin infections. The results also provide useful information for funding bodies and international health agencies on promoting the international exchange of phytotherapeutic research knowledge, especially in poor developing communities in Africa. If implemented, this will help proffer solutions to the menace of skin infectious diseases reported in the primary health care system of these developing countries

    Theme Mapping and Bibliometrics Analysis of One Decade of Big Data Research in the Scopus Database

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    Recently, the popularity of big data as a research field has shown continuous and wide-scale growth. This study aims to capture the scientific structure and topic evolution of big data research using bibliometrics and text mining-based analysis methods. Bibliographic data of journal articles regarding big data published between 2009 to 2018 were collected from the Scopus database and analyzed. The results show a significant growth of publications since 2014. Furthermore, the findings of this study highlight the core journals, most cited articles, top productive authors, countries, and institutions. Secondly, a unique approach to identifying and analyzing major research themes in big data publications was proposed. Keywords were clustered, and each cluster was labeled as a theme. Moreover, the papers were divided into four sub-periods to observe the thematic evolution. The theme mapping reveals that research on big data is dominated by big data analytics, which covers methods, tools, supporting infrastructure, and applications. Other critical aspects of big data research are security and privacy. Social networks and the Internet of things are significant sources of big data, and the resources and services offered by cloud computing strongly support the management and processing of big data

    Structures and dynamics of production, consumption and appropriation of new knowledge in the masters of engineering a at the Francisco José de Caldas District University

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    Los programas de maestrías como sistemas autoorganizados y complejos surgen de las interacciones de docentes y estudiantes, que bajo el principio de la educación su objetivo principal se encamina a la producción de nuevo conocimiento. Por lo anterior, los resultados reportados principalmente como tesis de investigaciones durante los procesos de formación evidencian el comportamiento y evolución de los programas. De esta manera, estudios bibliométricos pueden servir para este propósito, y en particular esta tesis pretende desarrollar un marco metodológico que permita ayudar a comprender las estructuras y dinámicas que han tenido las maestrías de ingeniería de la Universidad Distrital en la última década, que, como beneficio adicional, permita generar insumos para diseñar estrategias que evalúen rutas y políticas de investigación, incremente la productividad de artículos, mejore indicadores de impacto y la toma de decisiones o formulación de nuevos trabajos con base a los avances y resultados de las investigaciones ya publicadas. Para este fin, se realizó un análisis de las tesis sustentadas entre los años 2010 y 2020 en las maestrías de la facultad de ingeniería de la UD, soportado en herramientas bibliométricas de impacto y de mapeo científico, que permiten vislumbrar la evolución de las mencionadas dinámicas u estructuras. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, se propone un flujo de trabajo metodológico que sirva de guía para realizar este tipo de estudios.Master's programs as self-organized and complex systems arise from the interactions of teachers and students, whose main objective under the principle of education is aimed at the production of new knowledge. Due to the above, the results reported mainly as research theses during the training processes show the behavior and evolution of the programs. In this way, bibliometric studies can serve this purpose, and in particular this thesis aims to develop a methodological framework that allows to help understand the structures and dynamics that the engineering master's degrees of the District University have had in the last decade, which, as additional benefit, it allows the generation of inputs to design strategies that evaluate research routes and policies, increase the productivity of articles, improve impact indicators and decision-making or formulation of new works based on the advances and results of already published research. For this purpose, an analysis of the theses supported between the years 2010 and 2020 in the master's degrees of the engineering faculty of the UD was carried out, supported by impact bibliometric tools and scientific mapping, which allow us to glimpse the evolution of the aforementioned dynamics. or structures. According to the results obtained, a methodological workflow is proposed to serve as a guide to carry out this type of study

    Modelo de gestión basado en Ecosistemas Antifrágiles de Innovación.

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    236 p.Los retos tecnológicos, económicos y sociales actuales son tan exigentes que las organizaciones precisan de innovar constantemente. La capacidad de innovación depende de su posición proactiva y de la estrategia de crecimiento establecida. Europa es el entorno más exigente. A su vez, la definición de esta estrategia se basa en directrices marcadas por la Unión Europea en su diferentes Programas Marco de Investigación e Innovación. El objetivo de estos programas, como Horizon 2020 o Horizon Europa (2021-2027) es establecer un crecimiento en las bases científicas y tecnológicas, estimular la capacidad de innovación, competitividad, la generación de empleo, cumplir con las prioridades de la ciudadanía y además apoyar al modelo socioeconómico y de valores UE.Para dar respuesta a los retos tecnológicos, económicos y sociales las organizaciones buscan desarrollar e implementar herramientas y modelos innovadoras sostenibles que les aporten valor añadido para desarrollar sus funciones y ejecutar su estrategia, y así para poder superar las dificultades existentes y superar los retos tecnológicos, económicos y sociales asociados.En este sentido los modelos de gestión están, ligados a todos los ámbitos y tareas de la organización, entendiendo la gestión como la capacidad de aprovechar los recursos internos y externos para el desarrollo de sus funciones, desde las organizaciones hasta las tecnológicas, con el fin de dotar a todos los agentes competencias necesarias. Este proyecto de investigación se alinea con la misión de definir los modelos de gestión innovadores necesarios en esta época de constante cambio.Ante esta situación, esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal definir un modelo de gestión para organizaciones innovadoras, a través del análisis, entre otros aspectos, de la diversidad de género, la gestión del conocimiento y la innovación abierta.Para ello, se ha recurrido el análisis de los conceptos y a la definición del marco de los aspectos mencionados anteriormente, lo que ha permitido analizar el estado de partida d estas en publicaciones científicas. En esta búsqueda bibliográfica, se ha identificado la proximidad del término Antifrágilidad, gestado por N.Taleb, con las características de los sistemas abiertos y complejas. A través de este concepto, se ha definido un nuevo modelo de gestión basado ¿Ecosistemas Antifrágiles de Innovación¿ (EAI). La clave de este modelo son los equipos antifrágiles de innovación, con una filosofía antifrágil tal como indica su nombre y, además, dotados de diversidad, con herramientas de gestión de conocimiento (GC) e interactuando con el entorno.Finalmente, mediante la Metodología Q se realizó un análisis de organizaciones vascas de innovación, comparando su modelo de gestión al basado en Ecosistemas Antifrágiles de Innovación (EAI). Dentro de las principales conclusiones se observó que el modelo de gestión basado en Ecosistemas Antifrágiles de Innovación para los centros tecnológicos del País Vasco debe permitir la existencia de equipos multidisciplinares y autónomos, con capacidad y voluntad para observar las oportunidades que aparecen en el exterior