3,099 research outputs found

    A Deterministic Algorithm for Computing the Weight Distribution of Polar Codes

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    We present a deterministic algorithm for computing the entire weight distribution of polar codes. As the first step, we derive an efficient recursive procedure to compute the weight distributions that arise in successive cancellation decoding of polar codes along any decoding path. This solves the open problem recently posed by Polyanskaya, Davletshin, and Polyanskii. Using this recursive procedure, we can compute the entire weight distribution of certain polar cosets in time O(n^2). Any polar code can be represented as a disjoint union of such cosets; moreover, this representation extends to polar codes with dynamically frozen bits. This implies that our methods can be also used to compute the weight distribution of polar codes with CRC precoding, of polarization-adjusted convolutional (PAC) codes and, in fact, general linear codes. However, the number of polar cosets in such representation scales exponentially with a parameter introduced herein, which we call the mixing factor. To reduce the exponential complexity of our algorithm, we make use of the fact that polar codes have a large automorphism group, which includes the lower-triangular affine group LTA(m,2). We prove that LTA(m,2) acts transitively on certain sets of monomials, thereby drastically reducing the number of polar cosets we need to evaluate. This complexity reduction makes it possible to compute the weight distribution of any polar code of length up to n=128

    Families of nested completely regular codes and distance-regular graphs

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    In this paper infinite families of linear binary nested completely regular codes are constructed. They have covering radius ρ\rho equal to 33 or 44, and are 1/2i1/2^i-th parts, for i{1,,u}i\in\{1,\ldots,u\} of binary (respectively, extended binary) Hamming codes of length n=2m1n=2^m-1 (respectively, 2m2^m), where m=2um=2u. In the usual way, i.e., as coset graphs, infinite families of embedded distance-regular coset graphs of diameter DD equal to 33 or 44 are constructed. In some cases, the constructed codes are also completely transitive codes and the corresponding coset graphs are distance-transitive

    Computing coset leaders and leader codewords of binary codes

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    In this paper we use the Gr\"obner representation of a binary linear code C\mathcal C to give efficient algorithms for computing the whole set of coset leaders, denoted by CL(C)\mathrm{CL}(\mathcal C) and the set of leader codewords, denoted by L(C)\mathrm L(\mathcal C). The first algorithm could be adapted to provide not only the Newton and the covering radius of C\mathcal C but also to determine the coset leader weight distribution. Moreover, providing the set of leader codewords we have a test-set for decoding by a gradient-like decoding algorithm. Another contribution of this article is the relation stablished between zero neighbours and leader codewords

    Explicit Constructions of Quasi-Uniform Codes from Groups

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    We address the question of constructing explicitly quasi-uniform codes from groups. We determine the size of the codebook, the alphabet and the minimum distance as a function of the corresponding group, both for abelian and some nonabelian groups. Potentials applications comprise the design of almost affine codes and non-linear network codes