545 research outputs found

    A passive GHz frequency-division multiplexer/demultiplexer based on anisotropic magnon transport in magnetic nanosheets

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    The emerging field of magnonics employs spin waves and their quanta, magnons, to implement wave-based computing on the micro- and nanoscale. Multi-frequency magnon networks allow for parallel data processing within single logic elements whereas this is not the case with conventional transistor-based electronic logic. However, a lack of experimentally proven solutions to efficiently combine and separate magnons of different frequencies has impeded the intensive use of this concept. In this Letter, we demonstrate the experimental realization of a spin-wave demultiplexer enabling frequency-dependent separation of GHz signals. The device is based on two-dimensional magnon transport in the form of spin-wave beams in unpatterned magnetic nanosheets. The intrinsic frequency-dependence of the beam direction is exploited to realize a passive functioning obviating an external control and additional power consumption. This approach paves the way to magnonic multiplexing circuits enabling simultaneous information transport and processing.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Analysis, design and implementation of front-end reconfigurable antenna systems (FERAS)

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    The increase in demand on reconfigurable systems and especially for wireless communications applications has stressed the need for smart and agile RF devices that sense and respond to the RF changes in the environment. Many different applications require frequency agility with software control ability such as in a cognitive radio environment where antenna systems have to be designed to fulfill the extendable and reconfigurable multi-service and multi-band requirements. Such applications increase spectrum efficiency as well as the power utilization in modern wireless systems. The emphasis of this dissertation revolves around the following question: Is it possible to come up with new techniques to achieve reconfigurable antenna systems with better performance?\u27 Two main branches constitute the outline of this work. The first one is based on the design of reconfigurable antennas by incorporating photoconductive switching elements in order to change the antenna electrical properties. The second branch relies on the change in the physical structure of the antenna via a rotational motion. In this work a new photoconductive switch is designed with a new light delivery technique. This switch is incorporated into new optically pumped reconfigurable antenna systems (OPRAS). The implementation of these antenna systems in applications such as cognitive radio is demonstrated and discussed. A new radio frequency (RF) technique for measuring the semiconductor carrier lifetime using optically reconfigurable transmission lines is proposed. A switching time investigation for the OPRAS is also accomplished to better cater for the cognitive radio requirements. Moreover, different reconfiguration mechanisms are addressed such as physical alteration of antenna parts via a rotational motion. This technique is supported by software to achieve a complete controlled rotatable reconfigurable cognitive radio antenna system. The inter-correlation between neural networks and cellular automata is also addressed for the design of reconfigurable and multi-band antenna systems for various applications.\u2

    Analysis and Synthesis of Magnetically Negative (MNG) Material using Softcomputing Techniques

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    Unique properties of Metamaterial are widely used in Electromagnetic Engineering, and the metamaterial has gained significant attention to be a major research area. Some of its recent research areas are carpet cloaking and metasurface design. The unique properties of these materials include simultaneous negative electromagnetic property, i.e., both permeability and permittivity are negative, because of which a negative refractive index is generated.Thus there are three primary classes of metamaterials. When only the permittivity is negative, the material is called ENG (Electrical Negative). Similarly material with only negative permeability is known as MNG (Magnetic Negative). Further when both are negative the material is regarded as DNG (Double Negative). Out of these three, the analysis and synthesis of MNG is very complicated and difficult. Therefore, the focus in this work is only on MNG, and the word "metamaterial" refers to MNG unless otherwise mentioned specifically. These type of materials don’t occur in nature and hence manufactured by making array of small unit cells of specific structure(s) made up of conductors. Although the concept of the existence of negative refractive index was proposed in the 1960s by Veselago, it took around 40 years to be verified practically when smith et al. did the experiment in 2001. They used an array of unit cell structures as Split-Ring-Resonators (SRR) and thin wires to verify the concept. Thereafter researchers are working to develop different forms of metamaterial unit cells and for which metamaterial is still an open area of research. However, while designing a metamaterial unit cell, absence of an empirical formula makes the model analysis and synthesis difficult. Although with the help of EM simulation tools this is possible, it usually is too difficult, time consuming and costly. Due to this researchers are motivated to look for alternative methods. In this work, some techniques to develop CAD models are presented based on soft computing techniques for metamaterial analysis and synthesis. Use of different soft computing techniques in the field of microwave engineering is documented in the literature. However, unconventional unit cell structures are difficult to analysis because of unavailability of predefined mathematical formulas and equivalent analysis. This can be done by the complex Modified Nicolson-Ross-Weir (NRW) method with the support of EM simulation tools which are expensive. Frequency dependency of metamaterial characteristics for any kind of unit cell structure follows a similar pattern which is obtained from Lorentz model. The basic idea in this work, which develops CAD Models for metamaterial unit cell of unconventional structures is based on the assumption that each type of unit cell can be mapped to an equivalent SRR structure, for which empirical formula is available. This is done by implementing the concept of Space Mapping technique or surrogate based modeling. Most important contribution of the work is the development of Space Mapped CAD model for analysis of an Ω atom. The developed model is validated with a Deformed-Ω atom, which is developed by integrating the concept of Space Mapping (SM) and Artificial Neural Network. Thereafter, the work progresses with proposing CAD models for synthesis of SRR. The objective is to find the design parameters of SRR for a desired material characteristic and frequency. With the availability of only a complex non-linear analysis formula, the synthesis becomes a reverse engineering problem, which is difficult to process. Three different models are proposed to solve the problem. The first approach is use of Inverse Artificial Neural Network concept, which uses a trained neural network (IANN) to perform output-to-input mapping. The developed CAD model using this approach includes integration of three concepts: IANN, Prior Knowledge Input-Difference (PKI-D) and SM. Although the model is capable of synthesizing a metamaterial unit cell, still it has some disadvantages. To overcome the disadvantages (such as lower convergence rate, lower accuracy and complex programming), use of Evolutionary Algorithms (Genetic Algorithm and Differential Evolution) is proposed. While developing CAD model based on EA, the methodology is first tested by synthesizing Rectangular Microstrip Antenna (RMPA) and then using the same concept, an SRR is synthesized. A comparison shows DE based model to be more efficient than IANN and GA based models in terms of convergence speed, accuracy and robustness

    Radar Technology

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    In this book “Radar Technology”, the chapters are divided into four main topic areas: Topic area 1: “Radar Systems” consists of chapters which treat whole radar systems, environment and target functional chain. Topic area 2: “Radar Applications” shows various applications of radar systems, including meteorological radars, ground penetrating radars and glaciology. Topic area 3: “Radar Functional Chain and Signal Processing” describes several aspects of the radar signal processing. From parameter extraction, target detection over tracking and classification technologies. Topic area 4: “Radar Subsystems and Components” consists of design technology of radar subsystem components like antenna design or waveform design

    NASA Tech Briefs, September 1990

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    Topics covered include: New Product Ideas; NASA TU Services; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences

    Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment of Printed Antennas for Sustainable Wireless Systems

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Kablosuz sensör ağlarinda yönlü antenlerle enerji̇ veri̇mli̇ yönlendi̇rme

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    Without measurements, sustainable development effort can not progress in the right direction. Wireless sensor networks are vital for monitoring in real time and making accurate measurements for such an endeavor. However small energy storage in the sensors can become a bottleneck if the wireless sensor network is not optimized at the hardware and software level. Directional antennas are such optimization technologies at the hardware level. They have advantages over the omnidirectional antennas, such as high gain, less interference, longer transmission range, and less power consumption. In wireless sensor networks, most of the energy is consumed for communication. Considering the limited energy in small scale batteries of the sensors, energy efficient (aware) routing, is one of the most important software optimization techniques. The main goal of the technique is to improve the lifetime of the wireless sensor networks. In the light of these observations, it is desirable to do a coupled design of directional antennas with network software, for fully exploiting the advantages offered by directional antenna technology. In this thesis, the possibilities of doing such integrated design are surveyed and improvements are suggested. The design of the proposed microstrip patch antenna array is discussed and the performance characteristics are assessed through simulations. In the benchmarks, the proposed routing method showed improvements in energy usage compared to the existing approaches.Ölçümler olmadan sürdürülebilir kalkınma çabaları doğru yönde ilerleyemez. Bu tür çabalar için, kablosuz sensör ağları, gerçek zamanlı olarak izleme ve kesin ölçümler yapmak için vazgeçilemez unsurdur. Ancak, sensör ağı, donanım ve yazılım düzeylerinde optimize edilmemişse, sensörlerde enerji yetersizliği görülebilinir. Yönlü antenler, donanım düzeyinde uygulanan optimizasyon teknolojilerinden biri olmakla birlikte, çok yönlü antenlerden farklı olarak, yüksek kazanç, daha az parazit, daha uzun iletim mesafesi ve daha az güç tüketimi sağlarlar. Kablosuz sensör ağlarında enerjinin çoğu iletişim için tüketilir. Sensörlerdeki limitli enerjili küçük ölçekli piller göz önüne alındığında, yazılım düzeyindeki önemli metodlardan biri olan enerji verimli (duyarlı) yönlendirme protokolü, kablosuz sensör ağının genel enerji kullanımını optimize etmek ve ömrünü uzatmak için gereklidir. Bu gözlemlerin ışığında, yönlü anten teknolojisinin sunduğu potansiyel avantajlardan tam olarak yararlanmak için, yönlü antenlerin ağ yazılımıyla birlikte entegre tasarımını yapmak arzu edilir. Bu tezde, böyle bir entegre tasarımın yapılma olasılıkları araştırılmış ve iyileştirmeler önerilmiştir. Tezde, küçük şeritli yamalı anten dizisinin tasarımı tartışılmış ve performans karakteristikleri simulasyonlarla ölçülmüştür. Önerilen yönlendirme algoritması, diğer yönlendirme algoritmaları ile karşılaştırıldığında, enerji kullanımında iyileştirmeler göstermiştirM.S. - Master of Scienc

    1-D broadside-radiating leaky-wave antenna based on a numerically synthesized impedance surface

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    A newly-developed deterministic numerical technique for the automated design of metasurface antennas is applied here for the first time to the design of a 1-D printed Leaky-Wave Antenna (LWA) for broadside radiation. The surface impedance synthesis process does not require any a priori knowledge on the impedance pattern, and starts from a mask constraint on the desired far-field and practical bounds on the unit cell impedance values. The designed reactance surface for broadside radiation exhibits a non conventional patterning; this highlights the merit of using an automated design process for a design well known to be challenging for analytical methods. The antenna is physically implemented with an array of metal strips with varying gap widths and simulation results show very good agreement with the predicted performance

    Machine learning-assisted design and analysis of electromagnetic structures

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