3 research outputs found

    A Review of integrity constraint maintenance and view updating techniques

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    Two interrelated problems may arise when updating a database. On one hand, when an update is applied to the database, integrity constraints may become violated. In such case, the integrity constraint maintenance approach tries to obtain additional updates to keep integrity constraints satisfied. On the other hand, when updates of derived or view facts are requested, a view updating mechanism must be applied to translate the update request into correct updates of the underlying base facts. This survey reviews the research performed on integrity constraint maintenance and view updating. It is proposed a general framework to classify and to compare methods that tackle integrity constraint maintenance and/or view updating. Then, we analyze some of these methods in more detail to identify their actual contribution and the main limitations they may present.Postprint (published version

    El M猫tode dels esdeveniments per a l'Actualitzaci贸 de vistes en bases de dades deductives

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    En esta tesis se presenta un nuevo m茅todo, llamado m茅todo de los eventos, para la actualizaci贸n de vistas en bases de datos deductivas. Este m茅todo aumenta la base de datos con un conjunto de reglas, llamadas reglas de transici贸n y de evento, que definen expl铆citamente las inserciones y las supresiones inducidas por una modificaci贸n de la base de datos. Mediante estas reglas, se utiliza la resoluci贸n SIDNF para obtener todas las traducciones m铆nimas que satisfacen una petici贸n de actualizaci贸n de vista.Una de las contribuciones principales de esta tesis es la demostraci贸n del hecho que el m茅todo de los eventos es completo en bases de datos estratificados. Es decir, en este tipo de bases de datos dicho m茅todo obtiene todas las traducciones validas. Otras ventajas importantes del m茅todo son la incorporaci贸n de la comprobaci贸n de integridad en el proceso de traducci贸n, el tratamiento uniforme de inserciones y supresiones, la posibilidad de prevenir efectos laterales y la traducci贸n de peticiones de modificaci贸n de vista.Por todas estas razones, se puede decir que el m茅todo de los eventos tiene todo el poder de los m茅todos propuestos hasta el momento actual para la utilizaci贸n de vistas en bases de datos deductivas, pero sin presentar algunas de sus limitaciones

    A Development Method for the Conceptual Design of Multi-View Modeling Tools with an Emphasis on Consistency Requirements

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    The main objective of this thesis is to bridge the gap between modeling method experts on the one side and tool developers on the other. More precisely, the focus is on the specification of requirements for multi-view modeling tools. In this regard, the thesis introduces a methodological approach that supports the specification of conceptual designs for multi-view modeling tools in a stepwise manner: the MuVieMoT approach. MuVieMoT utilizes generic multi-view modeling concepts and the model-driven engineering paradigm to establish an overarching specification of multi-view modeling tools with an emphasis on consistency requirements. The approach builds on and extends the theoretical foundation of metamodeling and multi-view modeling: generic multi-view modeling concepts, integrated multi-view modeling approaches, and possibilities for formalized modeling method specifications. Applicability and utility of MuVieMoT are evaluated using an illustrative scenario, therefore specifying a conceptual design for a multi-view modeling tool for the Semantic Object Model enterprise modeling method. The thesis moreover introduces the MuVieMoT modeling environment, enabling the efficient application of the approach as well as the model-driven development of initial multi-view modeling tools based on the conceptual models created with MuVieMoT. Consequently, the approach fosters an intersubjective and unambiguous understanding of the tool requirements between method experts and tool developers