381 research outputs found

    Strong Refutation Heuristics for Random k-SAT

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    This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.A simple first moment argument shows that in a randomly chosen kk-SAT formula with mm clauses over nn boolean variables, the fraction of satisfiable clauses is 12k+o(1)1-2^{-k}+o(1) as m/nm/n\rightarrow\infty almost surely. In this paper, we deal with the corresponding algorithmic strong refutation problem: given a random kk-SAT formula, can we find a certificate that the fraction of satisfiable clauses is 12k+o(1)1-2^{-k}+o(1) in polynomial time? We present heuristics based on spectral techniques that in the case k=3k=3 and mln(n)6n3/2m\geq\ln(n)^6n^{3/2}, and in the case k=4k=4 and mCn2m\geq Cn^2, find such certificates almost surely. In addition, we present heuristics for bounding the independence number (resp. the chromatic number) of random kk-uniform hypergraphs from above (resp. from below) for k=3,4k=3,4.Peer Reviewe

    Going after the k-SAT Threshold

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    Random kk-SAT is the single most intensely studied example of a random constraint satisfaction problem. But despite substantial progress over the past decade, the threshold for the existence of satisfying assignments is not known precisely for any k3k\geq3. The best current results, based on the second moment method, yield upper and lower bounds that differ by an additive kln22k\cdot \frac{\ln2}2, a term that is unbounded in kk (Achlioptas, Peres: STOC 2003). The basic reason for this gap is the inherent asymmetry of the Boolean value `true' and `false' in contrast to the perfect symmetry, e.g., among the various colors in a graph coloring problem. Here we develop a new asymmetric second moment method that allows us to tackle this issue head on for the first time in the theory of random CSPs. This technique enables us to compute the kk-SAT threshold up to an additive ln212+O(1/k)0.19\ln2-\frac12+O(1/k)\approx 0.19. Independently of the rigorous work, physicists have developed a sophisticated but non-rigorous technique called the "cavity method" for the study of random CSPs (M\'ezard, Parisi, Zecchina: Science 2002). Our result matches the best bound that can be obtained from the so-called "replica symmetric" version of the cavity method, and indeed our proof directly harnesses parts of the physics calculations

    The asymptotics of the clustering transition for random constraint satisfaction problems

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    Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems exhibit several phase transitions when their density of constraints is varied. One of these threshold phenomena, known as the clustering or dynamic transition, corresponds to a transition for an information theoretic problem called tree reconstruction. In this article we study this threshold for two CSPs, namely the bicoloring of kk-uniform hypergraphs with a density α\alpha of constraints, and the qq-coloring of random graphs with average degree cc. We show that in the large k,qk,q limit the clustering transition occurs for α=2k1k(lnk+lnlnk+γd+o(1))\alpha = \frac{2^{k-1}}{k} (\ln k + \ln \ln k + \gamma_{\rm d} + o(1)), c=q(lnq+lnlnq+γd+o(1))c= q (\ln q + \ln \ln q + \gamma_{\rm d}+ o(1)), where γd\gamma_{\rm d} is the same constant for both models. We characterize γd\gamma_{\rm d} via a functional equation, solve the latter numerically to estimate γd0.871\gamma_{\rm d} \approx 0.871, and obtain an analytic lowerbound γd1+ln(2(21))0.812\gamma_{\rm d} \ge 1 + \ln (2 (\sqrt{2}-1)) \approx 0.812. Our analysis unveils a subtle interplay of the clustering transition with the rigidity (naive reconstruction) threshold that occurs on the same asymptotic scale at γr=1\gamma_{\rm r}=1.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Reconstruction of Random Colourings

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    Reconstruction problems have been studied in a number of contexts including biology, information theory and and statistical physics. We consider the reconstruction problem for random kk-colourings on the Δ\Delta-ary tree for large kk. Bhatnagar et. al. showed non-reconstruction when Δ12klogko(klogk)\Delta \leq \frac12 k\log k - o(k\log k) and reconstruction when Δklogk+o(klogk)\Delta \geq k\log k + o(k\log k). We tighten this result and show non-reconstruction when Δk[logk+loglogk+1ln2o(1)]\Delta \leq k[\log k + \log \log k + 1 - \ln 2 -o(1)] and reconstruction when Δk[logk+loglogk+1+o(1)]\Delta \geq k[\log k + \log \log k + 1+o(1)].Comment: Added references, updated notatio