3,901 research outputs found

    Side-Information Coding with Turbo Codes and its Application to Quantum Key Distribution

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    Turbo coding is a powerful class of forward error correcting codes, which can achieve performances close to the Shannon limit. The turbo principle can be applied to the problem of side-information source coding, and we investigate here its application to the reconciliation problem occurring in a continuous-variable quantum key distribution protocol.Comment: 3 pages, submitted to ISITA 200


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    This report discusses the research done on the chosen topic, which is MEAL ORDERING APPLICATION FOR FAST FOOD RESTAURANT. This project shows that this application can improve the method of buying meals at fast food restaurant in Malaysia. The objective of this study is to develop an Android application that can improve on efficiency of our current queuing system in fast food restaurant. The scope of study is Android programming language, QR code technology, and their ability to be used as a new ordering technique for fast food restaurant customers. Current situation of ordering meals that happens in fast food restaurant will be explained in detail in the background of study. The literature review component explains on the studies that had been done in pre-development and post-development of the project, which will discuss on research related to queuing system, QR code technology, and spending behavior. The methodology section will explain the software development method being applied in order to complete the project which is the Rapid Application Development (RAD). Every phase in the process of developing the software will be provided such as the System Design phase, Prototyping phase, and also the Process Flow. The recommendation section will talk about any improvements that can be done in the future to keep the application up to date. The conclusion section concludes the overall project

    Configurable and Scalable Turbo Decoder for 4G Wireless Receivers

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    The increasing requirements of high data rates and quality of service (QoS) in fourth-generation (4G) wireless communication require the implementation of practical capacity approaching codes. In this chapter, the application of Turbo coding schemes that have recently been adopted in the IEEE 802.16e WiMax standard and 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard are reviewed. In order to process several 4G wireless standards with a common hardware module, a reconfigurable and scalable Turbo decoder architecture is presented. A parallel Turbo decoding scheme with scalable parallelism tailored to the target throughput is applied to support high data rates in 4G applications. High-level decoding parallelism is achieved by employing contention-free interleavers. A multi-banked memory structure and routing network among memories and MAP decoders are designed to operate at full speed with parallel interleavers. A new on-line address generation technique is introduced to support multiple Turbo interleaving patterns, which avoids the interleaver address memory that is typically necessary in the traditional designs. Design trade-offs in terms of area and power efficiency are analyzed for different parallelism and clock frequency goals

    Layer-Aware Forward Error Correction for Mobile Broadcast of Layered Media

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    The bitstream structure of layered media formats such as scalable video coding (SVC) or multiview video coding (MVC) opens up new opportunities for their distribution in Mobile TV services. Features like graceful degradation or the support of the 3-D experience in a backwards-compatible way are enabled. The reason is that parts of the media stream are more important than others with each part itself providing a useful media representation. Typically, the decoding of some parts of the bitstream is only possible, if the corresponding more important parts are correctly received. Hence, unequal error protection (UEP) can be applied protecting important parts of the bitstream more strongly than others. Mobile broadcast systems typically apply forward error correction (FEC) on upper layers to cope with transmission errors, which the physical layer FEC cannot correct. Today's FEC solutions are optimized to transmit single layer video. The exploitation of the dependencies in layered media codecs for UEP using FEC is the subject of this paper. The presented scheme, which is called layer-aware FEC (LA-FEC), incorporates the dependencies of the layered video codec into the FEC code construction. A combinatorial analysis is derived to show the potential theoretical gain in terms of FEC decoding probability and video quality. Furthermore, the implementation of LA-FEC as an extension of the Raptor FEC and the related signaling are described. The performance of layer-aware Raptor code with SVC is shown by experimental results in a DVB-H environment showing significant improvements achieved by LA-FEC. © 2011 IEEE.Hellge, C.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Schierl, T.; Wiegand, T. (2011). Layer-Aware Forward Error Correction for Mobile Broadcast of Layered Media. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 13(3):551-562. doi:10.1109/TMM.2011.2129499S55156213

    802.11 Payload Iterative decoding between multiple transmission attempts

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    Abstract. The institute of electrical and electronics engineers (IEEE) 802.11 standard specifies widely used technology for wireless local area networks (WLAN). Standard specifies high-performance physical and media access control (MAC) layers for a distributed network but lacks an effective hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ). Currently, the standard specifies forward error correction (FEC), error detection (ED), and automatic repeat request (ARQ), but in case of decoding errors, the previously transmitted information is not used when decoding the retransmitted packet. This is called Type 1 HARQ. Type 1 HARQ uses received energy inefficiently, but the simple implementation makes it an attractive solution. Unfortunately, research applying more sophisticated HARQ schemes on top of IEEE 802.11 is limited. In this Master’s Thesis, a novel HARQ technology based on packet retransmissions that can be decoded in a turbo-like manner, keeping as much as possible compatibility with vanilla 802.11, is proposed. The proposed technology is simulated with both the IEEE 802.11 code and with the robust, efficient and smart communication in unpredictable environments (RESCUE) code. An additional interleaver is added before the convolutional encoder in the proposed technology, interleaving either the whole frame or only the payload to enable effective iterative decoding. For received frames, turbo-like iterations are done between initially transmitted packet copy and retransmissions. Results are compared against the non-iterative combining method maximizing signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), maximum ratio combining (MRC). The main design goal for this technology is to maintain compatibility with the 802.11 standard while allowing efficient HARQ. Other design goals are range extension, higher throughput, and better performance in terms of bit error rate (BER) and frame error rate (FER). This technology can be used for range extension at low SNR range and may provide up to 4 dB gain at medium SNR range compared to MRC. At high SNR, technology can reduce the penalty from retransmission allowing higher average modulation and coding scheme (MCS). However, these gains come with the cost of computational complexity from the iterative decoding. The main limiting factors of the proposed technology are decoding errors in the header and the scrambler area, and resource-hungry-processing. In simulations, perfect synchronization and packet detection is assumed, but in reality, especially at low SNR, packet detection and synchronization would be challenging. 802.11 pakettien iteratiivinen dekoodaus lähetysten välillä. Tiivistelmä. IEEE 802.11-standardi määrittelee yleisesti käytetyn teknologian langattomille lähiverkoille. Standardissa määritellään tehokas fyysinen- ja verkkoliityntäkerros hajautetuille verkoille, mutta siitä puuttuu tehokas yhdistetty automaattinen uudelleenlähetys. Nykyisellään standardi määrittelee virheenkorjaavan koodin, virheellisen paketin tunnistuksen sekä automaattisen uudelleenlähetyksen, mutta aikaisemmin lähetetyn paketin informaatiota ei käytetä hyväksi uudelleenlähetystilanteessa. Tämä menetelmä tunnetaan tyypin yksi yhdistettynä automaattisena uudelleenlähetyksenä. Tyypin yksi yhdistetty automaattinen uudelleenlähetys käyttää vastaanotettua signaalia tehottomasti, mutta yksinkertaisuus tekee siitä houkuttelevan vaihtoehdon. Valitettavasti edistyneempien uudelleenlähetysvaihtoehtojen tutkimusta 802.11-standardiin on rajoitetusti. Tässä diplomityössä esitellään uusi yhdistetty uudelleenlähetysteknologia, joka pohjautuu pakettien uudelleenlähetykseen, sallien turbo-tyylisen dekoodaamisen säilyttäen mahdollisimman hyvän taaksepäin yhteensopivuutta alkuperäisen 802.11-standardin kanssa. Tämä teknologia on simuloitu käyttäen sekä 802.11- että nk. RESCUE-virheenkorjauskoodia. Teknologiassa uusi lomittaja on lisätty konvoluutio-enkoodaajan eteen, sallien tehokkaan iteratiivisen dekoodaamisen, lomittaen joko koko paketin tai ainoastaan hyötykuorman. Vastaanotetuille paketeille tehdään turbo-tyyppinen iteraatio alkuperäisen vastaanotetun kopion ja uudelleenlähetyksien välillä. Tuloksia vertaillaan eiiteratiiviseen yhdistämismenetelmään, maksimisuhdeyhdistelyyn, joka maksimoi yhdistetyn signaali-kohinasuhteen. Tärkeimpänä suunnittelutavoitteena tässä työssä on tehokas uudelleenlähetysmenetelmä, joka ylläpitää taaksepäin yhteensopivuutta IEEE 802.11-standardin kanssa. Muita tavoitteita ovat kantaman lisäys, nopeampi yhteys ja matalampi bitti- ja pakettivirhesuhde. Kehitettyä teknologiaa voidaan käyttää kantaman lisäykseen matalan signaalikohinasuhteen vallitessa ja se on jopa 4 dB parempi kohtuullisella signaalikohinasuhteella kuin maksimisuhdeyhdistely. Korkealla signaali-kohinasuhteella teknologiaa voidaan käyttää pienentämään häviötä epäonnistuneesta paketinlähetyksestä ja täten sallien korkeamman modulaatio-koodiasteen käyttämisen. Valitettavasti nämä parannukset tulevat kasvaneen laskennallisen monimutkaisuuden kustannuksella, johtuen iteratiivisesta dekoodaamisesta. Isoimmat rajoittavat tekijät teknologian käytössä ovat dekoodausvirheet otsikossa ja datamuokkaimen siemenessä. Tämän lisäksi käyttöä rajoittaa resurssisyöppö prosessointi. Simulaatioissa oletetaan täydellinen synkronisointi, mutta todellisuudessa, erityisesti matalalla signaali-kohinasuhteella, paketin tunnistus ja synkronointi voivat olla haasteellisia

    Computing at Lehigh

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    Turbo codes and turbo algorithms

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    In the first part of this paper, several basic ideas that prompted the coming of turbo codes are commented on. We then present some personal points of view on the main advances obtained in past years on turbo coding and decoding such as the circular trellis termination of recursive systematic convolutional codes and double-binary turbo codes associated with Max-Log-MAP decoding. A novel evaluation method, called genieinitialised iterative processing (GIIP), is introduced to assess the error performance of iterative processing. We show that using GIIP produces a result that can be viewed as a lower bound of the maximum likelihood iterative decoding and detection performance. Finally, two wireless communication systems are presented to illustrate recent applications of the turbo principle, the first one being multiple-input/multiple-output channel iterative detection and the second one multi-carrier modulation with linear precoding