601 research outputs found

    Control of Homodirectional and General Heterodirectional Linear Coupled Hyperbolic PDEs

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    Research on stabilization of coupled hyperbolic PDEs has been dominated by the focus on pairs of counter-convecting ("heterodirectional") transport PDEs with distributed local coupling and with controls at one or both boundaries. A recent extension allows stabilization using only one control for a system containing an arbitrary number of coupled transport PDEs that convect at different speeds against the direction of the PDE whose boundary is actuated. In this paper we present a solution to the fully general case, in which the number of PDEs in either direction is arbitrary, and where actuation is applied on only one boundary (to all the PDEs that convect downstream from that boundary). To solve this general problem, we solve, as a special case, the problem of control of coupled "homodirectional" hyperbolic linear PDEs, where multiple transport PDEs convect in the same direction with arbitrary local coupling. Our approach is based on PDE backstepping and yields solutions to stabilization, by both full-state and observer-based output feedback, trajectory planning, and trajectory tracking problems

    Stabilization of non-admissible curves for a class of nonholonomic systems

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    The problem of tracking an arbitrary curve in the state space is considered for underactuated driftless control-affine systems. This problem is formulated as the stabilization of a time-varying family of sets associated with a neighborhood of the reference curve. An explicit control design scheme is proposed for the class of controllable systems whose degree of nonholonomy is equal to 1. It is shown that the trajectories of the closed-loop system converge exponentially to any given neighborhood of the reference curve provided that the solutions are defined in the sense of sampling. This convergence property is also illustrated numerically by several examples of nonholonomic systems of degrees 1 and 2.Comment: This is the author's version of the manuscript accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 2019 European Control Conference (ECC'19

    Nonlinear stability and control study of highly maneuverable high performance aircraft, phase 2

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    This research should lead to the development of new nonlinear methodologies for the adaptive control and stability analysis of high angle-of-attack aircraft such as the F18 (HARV). The emphasis has been on nonlinear adaptive control, but associated model development, system identification, stability analysis and simulation is performed in some detail as well. Various models under investigation for different purposes are summarized in tabular form. Models and simulation for the longitudinal dynamics have been developed for all types except the nonlinear ordinary differential equation model. Briefly, studies completed indicate that nonlinear adaptive control can outperform linear adaptive control for rapid maneuvers with large changes in alpha. The transient responses are compared where the desired alpha varies from 5 degrees to 60 degrees to 30 degrees and back to 5 degrees in all about 16 sec. Here, the horizontal stabilator is the only control used with an assumed first-order linear actuator with a 1/30 sec time constant

    Deadbeat Source Localization from Range-only Measurements: a Robust Kernel-based Approach

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    This paper presents a novel framework for the problem of target localization based on the range information collected by a single mobile agent. The proposed methodology exploits the algebra of Volterra integral operators to annihilate the influence of initial conditions on the transient phase, thus achieving a deadbeat performance. The robustness properties against additive measurement perturbations are analyzed, and the bias caused by the time discretization is characterized as well. Extensive simulation results and comparisons are provided showing the effectiveness of the proposed technique in coping with both stationary and drifting targets

    Deadbeat Source Localization from Range-only Measurements: a Robust Kernel-based Approach

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    Abstract\u2014This paper presents a novel framework for the problem of target localization based on the range information collected by a single mobile agent. The proposed methodology exploits the algebra of Volterra integral operators to annihilate the influence of initial conditions on the transient phase, thus achieving a deadbeat performance. The robustness properties against additive measurement perturbations are analyzed and the bias caused by the time-discretization is characterized as well. Extensive simulation results and comparisons are provided showing the effectiveness of the proposed technique in coping with both stationary and drifting targets

    Novel Lyapunov - based autonomous controllers for Qquadrotors

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    In this paper, we look into the dynamic motion planning and control of an unmanned aerial vehicle, namely, the quadrotor, governed by its dynamical equations. It is shown for the first time that the Direct or the Second Method of Lyapunov is an effective tool to derive a set of continuous nonlinear control laws that not only provide smooth trajectories from a designated initial position to a designated target, but also continuously minimise the roll and pitch of the quadrotor en route to its targets. The latter successfully addresses the challenging problem of a quadrotor autonomously transporting valuable and fragile payloads safely to the designated target. Computer simulations are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control laws

    Contributions to improve the technologies supporting unmanned aircraft operations

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorUnmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), in their smaller versions known as drones, are becoming increasingly important in today's societies. The systems that make them up present a multitude of challenges, of which error can be considered the common denominator. The perception of the environment is measured by sensors that have errors, the models that interpret the information and/or define behaviors are approximations of the world and therefore also have errors. Explaining error allows extending the limits of deterministic models to address real-world problems. The performance of the technologies embedded in drones depends on our ability to understand, model, and control the error of the systems that integrate them, as well as new technologies that may emerge. Flight controllers integrate various subsystems that are generally dependent on other systems. One example is the guidance systems. These systems provide the engine's propulsion controller with the necessary information to accomplish a desired mission. For this purpose, the flight controller is made up of a control law for the guidance system that reacts to the information perceived by the perception and navigation systems. The error of any of the subsystems propagates through the ecosystem of the controller, so the study of each of them is essential. On the other hand, among the strategies for error control are state-space estimators, where the Kalman filter has been a great ally of engineers since its appearance in the 1960s. Kalman filters are at the heart of information fusion systems, minimizing the error covariance of the system and allowing the measured states to be filtered and estimated in the absence of observations. State Space Models (SSM) are developed based on a set of hypotheses for modeling the world. Among the assumptions are that the models of the world must be linear, Markovian, and that the error of their models must be Gaussian. In general, systems are not linear, so linearization are performed on models that are already approximations of the world. In other cases, the noise to be controlled is not Gaussian, but it is approximated to that distribution in order to be able to deal with it. On the other hand, many systems are not Markovian, i.e., their states do not depend only on the previous state, but there are other dependencies that state space models cannot handle. This thesis deals a collection of studies in which error is formulated and reduced. First, the error in a computer vision-based precision landing system is studied, then estimation and filtering problems from the deep learning approach are addressed. Finally, classification concepts with deep learning over trajectories are studied. The first case of the collection xviiistudies the consequences of error propagation in a machine vision-based precision landing system. This paper proposes a set of strategies to reduce the impact on the guidance system, and ultimately reduce the error. The next two studies approach the estimation and filtering problem from the deep learning approach, where error is a function to be minimized by learning. The last case of the collection deals with a trajectory classification problem with real data. This work completes the two main fields in deep learning, regression and classification, where the error is considered as a probability function of class membership.Los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV) en sus versiones de pequeño tamaño conocidos como drones, van tomando protagonismo en las sociedades actuales. Los sistemas que los componen presentan multitud de retos entre los cuales el error se puede considerar como el denominador común. La percepción del entorno se mide mediante sensores que tienen error, los modelos que interpretan la información y/o definen comportamientos son aproximaciones del mundo y por consiguiente también presentan error. Explicar el error permite extender los límites de los modelos deterministas para abordar problemas del mundo real. El rendimiento de las tecnologías embarcadas en los drones, dependen de nuestra capacidad de comprender, modelar y controlar el error de los sistemas que los integran, así como de las nuevas tecnologías que puedan surgir. Los controladores de vuelo integran diferentes subsistemas los cuales generalmente son dependientes de otros sistemas. Un caso de esta situación son los sistemas de guiado. Estos sistemas son los encargados de proporcionar al controlador de los motores información necesaria para cumplir con una misión deseada. Para ello se componen de una ley de control de guiado que reacciona a la información percibida por los sistemas de percepción y navegación. El error de cualquiera de estos sistemas se propaga por el ecosistema del controlador siendo vital su estudio. Por otro lado, entre las estrategias para abordar el control del error se encuentran los estimadores en espacios de estados, donde el filtro de Kalman desde su aparición en los años 60, ha sido y continúa siendo un gran aliado para los ingenieros. Los filtros de Kalman son el corazón de los sistemas de fusión de información, los cuales minimizan la covarianza del error del sistema, permitiendo filtrar los estados medidos y estimarlos cuando no se tienen observaciones. Los modelos de espacios de estados se desarrollan en base a un conjunto de hipótesis para modelar el mundo. Entre las hipótesis se encuentra que los modelos del mundo han de ser lineales, markovianos y que el error de sus modelos ha de ser gaussiano. Generalmente los sistemas no son lineales por lo que se realizan linealizaciones sobre modelos que a su vez ya son aproximaciones del mundo. En otros casos el ruido que se desea controlar no es gaussiano, pero se aproxima a esta distribución para poder abordarlo. Por otro lado, multitud de sistemas no son markovianos, es decir, sus estados no solo dependen del estado anterior, sino que existen otras dependencias que los modelos de espacio de estados no son capaces de abordar. Esta tesis aborda un compendio de estudios sobre los que se formula y reduce el error. En primer lugar, se estudia el error en un sistema de aterrizaje de precisión basado en visión por computador. Después se plantean problemas de estimación y filtrado desde la aproximación del aprendizaje profundo. Por último, se estudian los conceptos de clasificación con aprendizaje profundo sobre trayectorias. El primer caso del compendio estudia las consecuencias de la propagación del error de un sistema de aterrizaje de precisión basado en visión artificial. En este trabajo se propone un conjunto de estrategias para reducir el impacto sobre el sistema de guiado, y en última instancia reducir el error. Los siguientes dos estudios abordan el problema de estimación y filtrado desde la perspectiva del aprendizaje profundo, donde el error es una función que minimizar mediante aprendizaje. El último caso del compendio aborda un problema de clasificación de trayectorias con datos reales. Con este trabajo se completan los dos campos principales en aprendizaje profundo, regresión y clasificación, donde se plantea el error como una función de probabilidad de pertenencia a una clase.I would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Innovation for granting me the funding with reference PRE2018-086793, associated to the project TEC2017-88048-C2-2-R, which provide me the opportunity to carry out all my PhD. activities, including completing an international research internship.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Antonio Berlanga de Jesús.- Secretario: Daniel Arias Medina.- Vocal: Alejandro Martínez Cav

    Nonlinear stability and control study of highly maneuverable high performance aircraft

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    This project is intended to research and develop new nonlinear methodologies for the control and stability analysis of high-performance, high angle-of-attack aircraft such as HARV (F18). Past research (reported in our Phase 1, 2, and 3 progress reports) is summarized and more details of final Phase 3 research is provided. While research emphasis is on nonlinear control, other tasks such as associated model development, system identification, stability analysis, and simulation are performed in some detail as well. An overview of various models that were investigated for different purposes such as an approximate model reference for control adaptation, as well as another model for accurate rigid-body longitudinal motion is provided. Only a very cursory analysis was made relative to type 8 (flexible body dynamics). Standard nonlinear longitudinal airframe dynamics (type 7) with the available modified F18 stability derivatives, thrust vectoring, actuator dynamics, and control constraints are utilized for simulated flight evaluation of derived controller performance in all cases studied

    Computational modelling of the human motor control system: Nonlinear enhancement of the adaptive model theory through simulation and experiment

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    Adaptive Model Theory (AMT) proposes that the brain forms and adaptively maintains inverse models of the world around it for adaptive feedforward control. This leading motor control theory unites principles of neurobiology, psychology and engineering. A modified version of AMT was developed with the capacity to control nonlinear systems, to predict signals with nonlinear statistical characteristics, and to perform simultaneous feedback and feedforward adaptive control. The modified version is called nonlinear Adaptive Model Theory or nAMT. An experimental study was also performed investigating inverse model formation in the human motor control system, the results of which were then compared with the nAMT model. A nonlinear dynamic system identification method was developed for nAMT to replace the linear structures employed by AMT. This method employs a neurobiologically-inspired locally-recurrent neural-network structure. A multi-layer adaptation algorithm was also developed specifically for this structure. Nonlinear AutoRegressive Moving-Average (NARMA) adaptive predictor structures replace the linear Moving Average (MA) predictor circuits used in AMT. Adaptive feedback control is augmented using a nonlinear dynamic forward model observer to improve the quality of the estimated response signal. Nonlinear dynamic inverse models are formed by placing the forward model in an internal feedback loop in which the gain function is adjusted to maintain stability. The internal inverse model motor-control hypothesis was tested experimentally in a study looking at human open-loop performance in a tracking task. The study was aimed at directly demonstrating the formation of an internal inverse model of a novel visuomotor relationship for feedforward control in the brain. The study involved 20 normal adult subjects who performed a pursuit random tracking task with a steering wheel for input. During learning the response cursor was periodically blanked, removing all feedback about the external system (i.e., about the relationship between hand motion and response cursor motion). Results showed a transfer of learning from the unblanked runs to the blanked runs for a static nonlinear system (14% median improvement between first 4 and last 4 runs, p = .001) thereby demonstrating adaptive feedforward control in the nervous system. No such transfer was observed for a dynamic linear system, indicating a dominant adaptive feedback control component. The observed open-loop responses showed a high-pass frequency response which could not be explained using traditional control-systems motor control models. Experimental results were compared with simulated results from the nAMT model. Results from the experimental study were used to verify and tune the computational model. The resulting simulations produced effects that mirrored the closed- and openloop characteristics of the experimental response trajectories. This supports the claim that an internal feedback loop is used for the inversion of external systems in the human brain. Other control-systems models (both AMT and feedback-error learning) would require substantial ad hoc modification to reproduce the observed disparity between closed- and open-loop results. In contrast, nAMT naturally reproduced the effect as a consequence of its novel nonlinear inversion method. In nAMT an inverse model is formed by embedding a forward model in an internal feedback loop incorporating a low derivative gain. The derivative loop-gain caused the inverse model to be relatively inaccurate at low frequencies, for which the feedback control loop was adequate, but to be increasingly accurate at higher frequencies. Maintenance of the loop-gain at the lowest possible levels maximizes the internal stability of the inverse. The simulation work confirmed that the nAMT model is capable of reproducing human behaviour under a wide range of conditions