24 research outputs found

    Maximum Weight Independent Sets in Odd-Hole-Free Graphs Without Dart or Without Bull

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    The Maximum Weight Independent Set (MWIS) Problem on graphs with vertex weights asks for a set of pairwise nonadjacent vertices of maximum total weight. Being one of the most investigated and most important problems on graphs, it is well known to be NP-complete and hard to approximate. The complexity of MWIS is open for hole-free graphs (i.e., graphs without induced subgraphs isomorphic to a chordless cycle of length at least five). By applying clique separator decomposition as well as modular decomposition, we obtain polynomial time solutions of MWIS for odd-hole- and dart-free graphs as well as for odd-hole- and bull-free graphs (dart and bull have five vertices, say a,b,c,d,ea,b,c,d,e, and dart has edges ab,ac,ad,bd,cd,deab,ac,ad,bd,cd,de, while bull has edges ab,bc,cd,be,ceab,bc,cd,be,ce). If the graphs are hole-free instead of odd-hole-free then stronger structural results and better time bounds are obtained

    Improved FPT algorithms for weighted independent set in bull-free graphs

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    Very recently, Thomass\'e, Trotignon and Vuskovic [WG 2014] have given an FPT algorithm for Weighted Independent Set in bull-free graphs parameterized by the weight of the solution, running in time 2O(k5)⋅n92^{O(k^5)} \cdot n^9. In this article we improve this running time to 2O(k2)⋅n72^{O(k^2)} \cdot n^7. As a byproduct, we also improve the previous Turing-kernel for this problem from O(k5)O(k^5) to O(k2)O(k^2). Furthermore, for the subclass of bull-free graphs without holes of length at most 2p−12p-1 for p≥3p \geq 3, we speed up the running time to 2O(k⋅k1p−1)⋅n72^{O(k \cdot k^{\frac{1}{p-1}})} \cdot n^7. As pp grows, this running time is asymptotically tight in terms of kk, since we prove that for each integer p≥3p \geq 3, Weighted Independent Set cannot be solved in time 2o(k)⋅nO(1)2^{o(k)} \cdot n^{O(1)} in the class of {bull,C4,…,C2p−1}\{bull,C_4,\ldots,C_{2p-1}\}-free graphs unless the ETH fails.Comment: 15 page

    Clique-Stable Set separation in perfect graphs with no balanced skew-partitions

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    Inspired by a question of Yannakakis on the Vertex Packing polytope of perfect graphs, we study the Clique-Stable Set Separation in a non-hereditary subclass of perfect graphs. A cut (B,W) of G (a bipartition of V(G)) separates a clique K and a stable set S if K⊆BK\subseteq B and S⊆WS\subseteq W. A Clique-Stable Set Separator is a family of cuts such that for every clique K, and for every stable set S disjoint from K, there exists a cut in the family that separates K and S. Given a class of graphs, the question is to know whether every graph of the class admits a Clique-Stable Set Separator containing only polynomially many cuts. It is open for the class of all graphs, and also for perfect graphs, which was Yannakakis' original question. Here we investigate on perfect graphs with no balanced skew-partition; the balanced skew-partition was introduced in the proof of the Strong Perfect Graph Theorem. Recently, Chudnovsky, Trotignon, Trunck and Vuskovic proved that forbidding this unfriendly decomposition permits to recursively decompose Berge graphs using 2-join and complement 2-join until reaching a basic graph, and they found an efficient combinatorial algorithm to color those graphs. We apply their decomposition result to prove that perfect graphs with no balanced skew-partition admit a quadratic-size Clique-Stable Set Separator, by taking advantage of the good behavior of 2-join with respect to this property. We then generalize this result and prove that the Strong Erdos-Hajnal property holds in this class, which means that every such graph has a linear-size biclique or complement biclique. This property does not hold for all perfect graphs (Fox 2006), and moreover when the Strong Erdos-Hajnal property holds in a hereditary class of graphs, then both the Erdos-Hajnal property and the polynomial Clique-Stable Set Separation hold.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1308.644

    Dichotomies for Maximum Matching Cut: H-Freeness, Bounded Diameter, Bounded Radius

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    The (Perfect) Matching Cut problem is to decide if a graph G has a (perfect) matching cut, i.e., a (perfect) matching that is also an edge cut of G. Both Matching Cut and Perfect Matching Cut are known to be NP-complete, leading to many complexity results for both problems on special graph classes. A perfect matching cut is also a matching cut with maximum number of edges. To increase our understanding of the relationship between the two problems, we introduce the Maximum Matching Cut problem. This problem is to determine a largest matching cut in a graph. We generalize and unify known polynomial-time algorithms for Matching Cut and Perfect Matching Cut restricted to graphs of diameter at most 2 and to (P?+sP?)-free graphs. We also show that the complexity of Maximum Matching Cut differs from the complexities of Matching Cut and Perfect Matching Cut by proving NP-hardness of Maximum Matching Cut for 2P?-free quadrangulated graphs of diameter 3 and radius 2 and for subcubic line graphs of triangle-free graphs. In this way, we obtain full dichotomies of Maximum Matching Cut for graphs of bounded diameter, bounded radius and H-free graphs

    Contracting to a Longest Path in H-Free Graphs

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    The Path Contraction problem has as input a graph G and an integer k and is to decide if G can be modified to the k-vertex path P_k by a sequence of edge contractions. A graph G is H-free for some graph H if G does not contain H as an induced subgraph. The Path Contraction problem restricted to H-free graphs is known to be NP-complete if H = claw or H = P? and polynomial-time solvable if H = P?. We first settle the complexity of Path Contraction on H-free graphs for every H by developing a common technique. We then compare our classification with a (new) classification of the complexity of the problem Long Induced Path, which is to decide for a given integer k, if a given graph can be modified to P_k by a sequence of vertex deletions. Finally, we prove that the complexity classifications of Path Contraction and Cycle Contraction for H-free graphs do not coincide. The latter problem, which has not been fully classified for H-free graphs yet, is to decide if for some given integer k, a given graph contains the k-vertex cycle C_k as a contraction