7,007 research outputs found

    Operator theory and function theory in Drury-Arveson space and its quotients

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    The Drury-Arveson space Hd2H^2_d, also known as symmetric Fock space or the dd-shift space, is a Hilbert function space that has a natural dd-tuple of operators acting on it, which gives it the structure of a Hilbert module. This survey aims to introduce the Drury-Arveson space, to give a panoramic view of the main operator theoretic and function theoretic aspects of this space, and to describe the universal role that it plays in multivariable operator theory and in Pick interpolation theory.Comment: Final version (to appear in Handbook of Operator Theory); 42 page

    Equivariant semidefinite lifts of regular polygons

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    Given a polytope P in Rn\mathbb{R}^n, we say that P has a positive semidefinite lift (psd lift) of size d if one can express P as the linear projection of an affine slice of the positive semidefinite cone S+d\mathbf{S}^d_+. If a polytope P has symmetry, we can consider equivariant psd lifts, i.e. those psd lifts that respect the symmetry of P. One of the simplest families of polytopes with interesting symmetries are regular polygons in the plane, which have played an important role in the study of linear programming lifts (or extended formulations). In this paper we study equivariant psd lifts of regular polygons. We first show that the standard Lasserre/sum-of-squares hierarchy for the regular N-gon requires exactly ceil(N/4) iterations and thus yields an equivariant psd lift of size linear in N. In contrast we show that one can construct an equivariant psd lift of the regular 2^n-gon of size 2n-1, which is exponentially smaller than the psd lift of the sum-of-squares hierarchy. Our construction relies on finding a sparse sum-of-squares certificate for the facet-defining inequalities of the regular 2^n-gon, i.e., one that only uses a small (logarithmic) number of monomials. Since any equivariant LP lift of the regular 2^n-gon must have size 2^n, this gives the first example of a polytope with an exponential gap between sizes of equivariant LP lifts and equivariant psd lifts. Finally we prove that our construction is essentially optimal by showing that any equivariant psd lift of the regular N-gon must have size at least logarithmic in N.Comment: 29 page

    Thom series of contact singularities

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    Thom polynomials measure how global topology forces singularities. The power of Thom polynomials predestine them to be a useful tool not only in differential topology, but also in algebraic geometry (enumerative geometry, moduli spaces) and algebraic combinatorics. The main obstacle of their widespread application is that only a few, sporadic Thom polynomials have been known explicitly. In this paper we develop a general method for calculating Thom polynomials of contact singularities. Along the way, relations with the equivariant geometry of (punctual, local) Hilbert schemes, and with iterated residue identities are revealed

    On fixed points of self maps of the free ball

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    In this paper, we study the structure of the fixed point sets of noncommutative self maps of the free ball. We show that for such a map that fixes the origin the fixed point set on every level is the intersection of the ball with a linear subspace. We provide an application for the completely isometric isomorphism problem of multiplier algebras of noncommutative complete Pick spaces

    Zonotopal algebra

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    A wealth of geometric and combinatorial properties of a given linear endomorphism XX of RN\R^N is captured in the study of its associated zonotope Z(X)Z(X), and, by duality, its associated hyperplane arrangement H(X){\cal H}(X). This well-known line of study is particularly interesting in case n\eqbd\rank X \ll N. We enhance this study to an algebraic level, and associate XX with three algebraic structures, referred herein as {\it external, central, and internal.} Each algebraic structure is given in terms of a pair of homogeneous polynomial ideals in nn variables that are dual to each other: one encodes properties of the arrangement H(X){\cal H}(X), while the other encodes by duality properties of the zonotope Z(X)Z(X). The algebraic structures are defined purely in terms of the combinatorial structure of XX, but are subsequently proved to be equally obtainable by applying suitable algebro-analytic operations to either of Z(X)Z(X) or H(X){\cal H}(X). The theory is universal in the sense that it requires no assumptions on the map XX (the only exception being that the algebro-analytic operations on Z(X)Z(X) yield sought-for results only in case XX is unimodular), and provides new tools that can be used in enumerative combinatorics, graph theory, representation theory, polytope geometry, and approximation theory.Comment: 44 pages; updated to reflect referees' remarks and the developments in the area since the article first appeared on the arXi