52 research outputs found

    A linear-time algorithm for the strong chromatic index of Halin graphs

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    We show that there exists a linear-time algorithm that computes the strong chromatic index of Halin graphs.Comment: 7 page

    Normal 6-edge-colorings of some bridgeless cubic graphs

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    In an edge-coloring of a cubic graph, an edge is poor or rich, if the set of colors assigned to the edge and the four edges adjacent it, has exactly five or exactly three distinct colors, respectively. An edge is normal in an edge-coloring if it is rich or poor in this coloring. A normal kk-edge-coloring of a cubic graph is an edge-coloring with kk colors such that each edge of the graph is normal. We denote by χN(G)\chi'_{N}(G) the smallest kk, for which GG admits a normal kk-edge-coloring. Normal edge-colorings were introduced by Jaeger in order to study his well-known Petersen Coloring Conjecture. It is known that proving χN(G)5\chi'_{N}(G)\leq 5 for every bridgeless cubic graph is equivalent to proving Petersen Coloring Conjecture. Moreover, Jaeger was able to show that it implies classical conjectures like Cycle Double Cover Conjecture and Berge-Fulkerson Conjecture. Recently, two of the authors were able to show that any simple cubic graph admits a normal 77-edge-coloring, and this result is best possible. In the present paper, we show that any claw-free bridgeless cubic graph, permutation snark, tree-like snark admits a normal 66-edge-coloring. Finally, we show that any bridgeless cubic graph GG admits a 66-edge-coloring such that at least 79E\frac{7}{9}\cdot |E| edges of GG are normal.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1804.0944

    On star edge colorings of bipartite and subcubic graphs

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    A star edge coloring of a graph is a proper edge coloring with no 22-colored path or cycle of length four. The star chromatic index χst(G)\chi'_{st}(G) of GG is the minimum number tt for which GG has a star edge coloring with tt colors. We prove upper bounds for the star chromatic index of complete bipartite graphs; in particular we obtain tight upper bounds for the case when one part has size at most 33. We also consider bipartite graphs GG where all vertices in one part have maximum degree 22 and all vertices in the other part has maximum degree bb. Let kk be an integer (k1k\geq 1), we prove that if b=2k+1b=2k+1 then χst(G)3k+2\chi'_{st}(G) \leq 3k+2; and if b=2kb=2k, then χst(G)3k\chi'_{st}(G) \leq 3k; both upper bounds are sharp. Finally, we consider the well-known conjecture that subcubic graphs have star chromatic index at most 66; in particular we settle this conjecture for cubic Halin graphs.Comment: 18 page

    Some Results on incidence coloring, star arboricity and domination number

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    Two inequalities bridging the three isolated graph invariants, incidence chromatic number, star arboricity and domination number, were established. Consequently, we deduced an upper bound and a lower bound of the incidence chromatic number for all graphs. Using these bounds, we further reduced the upper bound of the incidence chromatic number of planar graphs and showed that cubic graphs with orders not divisible by four are not 4-incidence colorable. The incidence chromatic numbers of Cartesian product, join and union of graphs were also determined.Comment: 8 page

    Some snarks are worse than others

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    Many conjectures and open problems in graph theory can either be reduced to cubic graphs or are directly stated for cubic graphs. Furthermore, it is known that for a lot of problems, a counterexample must be a snark, i.e. a bridgeless cubic graph which is not 3--edge-colourable. In this paper we deal with the fact that the family of potential counterexamples to many interesting conjectures can be narrowed even further to the family S5{\cal S}_{\geq 5} of bridgeless cubic graphs whose edge set cannot be covered with four perfect matchings. The Cycle Double Cover Conjecture, the Shortest Cycle Cover Conjecture and the Fan-Raspaud Conjecture are examples of statements for which S5{\cal S}_{\geq 5} is crucial. In this paper, we study parameters which have the potential to further refine S5{\cal S}_{\geq 5} and thus enlarge the set of cubic graphs for which the mentioned conjectures can be verified. We show that S5{\cal S}_{\geq 5} can be naturally decomposed into subsets with increasing complexity, thereby producing a natural scale for proving these conjectures. More precisely, we consider the following parameters and questions: given a bridgeless cubic graph, (i) how many perfect matchings need to be added, (ii) how many copies of the same perfect matching need to be added, and (iii) how many 2--factors need to be added so that the resulting regular graph is Class I? We present new results for these parameters and we also establish some strong relations between these problems and some long-standing conjectures.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figure