2,265 research outputs found

    Smart Environments & The Convergence of the Veillances: Privacy Violations to Consider

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    As a vast array of embedded smart devices will connect to the IoT (Internet of Things), society is rapidly moving into the unchartered territory of Pervasive Technology. Networks of devices will be unobtrusive; thereby freeing humans from the effort of human-to-machine (H2M) interactions, as well as elements of everyday decision-making. Technology will be far more intelligent and ubiquitous, thinking and acting for us behind the lines of visibility. The purpose of this paper is to probe the attributes of pervasive technologies (e.g. smart environments) within the context of the rapidly converging four veillances (i.e. surveillance, dataveillance, sousveillance, and uberveillance), so as to critically identify potential risk events of these processes. The authors utilized a philosophical research approach with intellectual analysis taking into account a framework of privacy border crossings violations for humans so as to yield value judgments and thereby generate discussion in the technology community

    Uma questão de Momentum Reflexões críticas sobre as opções individuais de resistência à vigilância

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    With the increased visibility of global surveillance systems (such as PRISM) to the public,there have been growing calls for more resistance against surveillance. This article critically engages with the options for resistance suggested by Gary T. Marx (2009), focusing on those that affect the social and material circumstances of individuals, and ignoring the symbolic ones. Through this, the role of technological momentum in global surveillance systems, and the high cost of resistance for individuals are highlighted. I argue that because of the technological momentum and cost of resistance, many options for resistance are problematicfor individuals.Junto con la creciente visibilización pública de los sistemas de vigilancia global (comoPRISM), han ido apareciendo cada vez más llamamientos a la resistencia contra este tipo de control. Este artículo analiza críticamente las opciones de resistencia sugeridas por Gary T.Marx (2009), centrándose en las que afectan a las circunstancias sociales y materiales de losindividuos, y dejando de lado las que tienen tan solo una dimensión simbólica. A través de este texto se destacan la función del momentum tecnológico en los sistemas de vigilanciaglobal y el elevado coste personal que las resistencia tiene para los individuos. Mi argumento es que debido a estos dos elementos, muchas opciones de resistencia son problemáticas en la dimensión individual.Junto com a crescente visibilização pública dos sistemas de vigilância global (como PRISM), têm aparecido cada vez mais chamados à resistência contra esta vigilância. Este artigo analisa criticamente as opções de resistência sugeridas por Gary T. Marx (2009), centrando-se nas que afetam as circunstâncias sociais e materiais dos indivíduos, e deixando de lado as que têm tão somente uma dimensão simbólica. Através deste texto se destacam a função do momentum tecnológico nos sistemas de vigilância global e o elevado custo pessoal que as resistências têm para os indivíduos. Meu argumento é que devido a estes dois elementos, muitas opções de resistência são problemáticas na dimensão individual

    Data Driven Models for Contact Tracing Prediction: A Systematic Review of COVID-19

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    The primary objective of this research is to identify commonly used data-driven decision-making techniques for contact tracing with regards to Covid-19. The virus spread quickly at an alarming level that caused the global health community to rely on multiple methods for tracking the transmission and spread of the disease through systematic contact tracing. Predictive analytics and data-driven decision-making were critical in determining its prevalence and incidence. Articles were accessed from primarily four sources, i.e., Web of Science, Scopus, Emerald, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Retrieved articles were then analyzed in a stepwise manner by applying Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISM) that guided the authors on eligibility for inclusion. PRISM results were then evaluated and summarized for a total of 845 articles, but only 38 of them were selected as eligible. Logistic regression and SIR models ranked first (11.36%) for supervised learning. 90% of the articles indicated supervised learning methods that were useful for prediction. The most common specialty in healthcare specialties was infectious illness (36%). This was followed closely by epidemiology (35%). Tools such as Python and SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) were also popular, resulting in 25% and 16.67%, respectively. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-SPER-02 Full Text: PD

    Big Data and surveillance : hype, commercial logics and new intimate spheres

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    Big Data Analytics promises to help companies and public sector service providers anticipate consumer and service user behaviours so that they can be targeted in greater depth. The attempts made by these organisations to connect analytically with users raise questions about whether surveillance, and its associated ethical and rights-based concerns, are intensified. The articles in this special themed issue explore this question from both organisational and user perspectives. They highlight the hype which firms use to drive consumer, employee and service user engagement with analytics within both private and public spaces. Further, they explore extent to which, through Big Data, there is an attempt to expand surveillance into the emotional registers of domestic, embodied experience. Collectively, the papers reveal a fascinating nexus between the much-vaunted potential of analytics, the data practices themselves and the newly configured intimate spheres which have been drawn into the commercial value chain. Together, they highlight the need for conceptual and regulatory innovation so that analytics in practice may be better understood and critiqued. Whilst there is now a rich variety of scholarship on Big Data Analytics, critical perspectives on the organising practices of Big Data Analytics and its surveillance implications are thin on the ground. Combined, the articles published in this special theme begin to address this shortcoming.Publisher PDFNon peer reviewe

    An Overview of Intelligent Building Systems and Construction Debugging Techniques

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    The implementation of the intelligent building of the general contractor in charge of the project construction drawings installation and testing design, equipment, materials, supplies and transportation, pipeline construction, equipment, system debugging through the acceptance of the relevant opening and administration until delivery. Composition and engineering techniques. This paper describes the architecture of intelligent systems and concluded that the implementation of intelligent building element

    Dynamic privacy in public surveillance

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    In implementing privacy protection in surveillance systems, designers must maximize privacy while retaining the system?s purpose. One way to achieve this is to combine data-hiding techniques with context-aware policies governing access to securely collected and stored data

    Trust and transparency in an age of surveillance

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    Investigating the theoretical and empirical relationships between transparency and trust in the context of surveillance, this volume argues that neither transparency nor trust provides a simple and self-evident path for mitigating the negative political and social consequences of state surveillance practices. Dominant in both the scholarly literature and public debate is the conviction that transparency can promote better-informed decisions, provide greater oversight, and restore trust damaged by the secrecy of surveillance. The contributions to this volume challenge this conventional wisdom by considering how relations of trust and policies of transparency are modulated by underlying power asymmetries, sociohistorical legacies, economic structures, and institutional constraints. They study trust and transparency as embedded in specific sociopolitical contexts to show how, under certain conditions, transparency can become a tool of social control that erodes trust, while mistrust - rather than trust - can sometimes offer the most promising approach to safeguarding rights and freedom in an age of surveillance. The first book addressing the interrelationship of trust, transparency, and surveillance practices, this volume will be of interest to scholars and students of surveillance studies as well as appeal to an interdisciplinary audience given the contributions from political science, sociology, philosophy, law, and civil society
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