5 research outputs found

    Las revistas científicas españolas de ciencias de la salud en 1993.

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    An analysis about spanish scientific journals in health sciences in 1993 is presented

    Las revistas científicas españolas de ciencias de la salud en 1993.

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    An analysis about spanish scientific journals in health sciences in 1993 is presented

    Revisiting De Solla Price: growth dynamics studies of various subjects over last one hundred years

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    17-35The stalwart historian of science, Derek J. De Solla Price delivered a series of lectures at Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1962, which was dedicated to discussing science and its interaction with society. The collection of these lectures was published in 1963 as a book entitled Little Science, Big Science. Here, Price empirically established that the initial exponential growth pattern of literature reaches a ceiling after a certain time span, which results a logistic growth pattern. This paper analyses Price's empirical theory on the basis of 198 articles that presented growth of literature of variant subjects published since 1913 to 2018. In all, 214 growth models were reported by the 198 articles that analysed growth of literature of more than 50 subjects. It is found that growth patterns reported by nearly 50% articles followed Price's empirical theory, i.e., exponential and logistic growth pattern while remaining 50% articles followed other growth patterns, viz., power model, linear model, etc. All growth models reported by the 198 articles were broadly categorised into five groups on the basis of statistical characteristics, viz., (exponential + logistic), growing without definite pattern (GWDP), linear, non-linear and decaying models. The null hypothesis formulated states that 214 growth models observed by different subjects described in 198 articles will follow either of the five patterns that will be guided by Bradford's Law of Bibliographic Scattering. The null hypothesis is accepted by Chi-square test. It is inferred that the distribution of different models of growth of literature is guided by Bradford's Law where the core or nucleus zone is occupied by the logistic and exponential model, i.e. Price's empirical model prevails in Bradford's nuclear (core) zone

    Die Last des Wissens : Eine Analyse von Publikations- und Autorendaten

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    Vor dem Hintergrund einer stetig wachsenden Menge wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen wie Bücher oder Zeitschriftenartikel können Wissenschaftler eine zunehmende Menge an bestehendem Wissen als Grundlage für ihre eigene Forschung nutzen. Dies bedeutet allerdings auch, dass Wissenschaftler immer mehr Wissen verarbeiten müssen, um sich den aktuellen Wissensstand in ihrem Forschungsgebiet anzueignen, bevor sie selbst zu diesem beitragen können. Die möglichen Folgen der Wissensakkumulation bezeichnet Jones (2009) als Last des Wissens. Er postuliert, dass sich diese Last in den Lebensläufen, den Karrieren und Arbeiten von Wissenschaftlern widerspiegelt. Zur Überprüfung betrachtet er Daten zu Patent¬anmeldungen und kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass sich Patentanmelder zunehmend spezialisieren, Patente von zunehmend großen Teams von Erfindern angemeldet werden und dass Erfinder bei ihrer ersten Patentanmeldung ein zunehmendes Alter aufweisen. Die vorliegende Arbeit greift diese Gedanken auf und erweitert Jones‘ Untersuchung von Patenten auf wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen. Dabei werden Publikationsdaten renommierter Zeitschriften der Disziplinen Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Finance, Geographie und Geologie, Mathematik, Psychologie (Beobachtungszeitraum jeweils 1960−2009), Volks¬wirt¬schafts¬lehre (1970−2014) sowie Artikel der Zeitschrift Science (1960−2011) ausgewertet. Ferner werden in den Disziplinen Mathematik und Volkswirtschaftslehre zusätzlich persönliche und institutionelle Informationen zu den Autoren der Artikel ergänzt und ausgewertet (z. B. Geburtsjahr, Geschlecht oder Institutszugehörigkeit). Die empirischen Ergebnisse der Arbeit zeigen unter anderem, dass die mittlere Anzahl der Quellenangaben und die mittlere Anzahl der Autoren pro Artikel in den untersuchten Disziplinen deutlich gestiegen sind. Die Ergebnisse stehen im Einklang mit Ergebnissen verwandter Arbeiten, welche ähnliche Maße untersucht haben, ohne jedoch den Zeitpunkt der abgeschlossenen Wissensakkumulation zu isolieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit schließt diese Lücke und ergänzt damit die bestehende Literatur um die Betrachtung dieser Maße zum Zeitpunkt des jeweils ersten Artikels eines Autors. Für diese neuen Maße zeigen sich deutlich steigende Trends. Die Daten belegen außerdem, dass das mittlere Alter von Autoren der Volkswirtschaftslehre und Mathematik bei ihrem ersten Artikel in den jeweiligen Be¬ob-acht¬ungs¬zeiträumen gestiegen ist. Ferner spezialisieren sich Autoren der Volks¬wirt¬schafts-lehre immer stärker, was sich darin äußert, dass sie zwischen ihren ersten beiden Einzelautor-Artikeln seltener das volkswirtschaftliche Teilgebiet (basierend auf den angegebenen JEL-Codes) wechseln. Diese Ergebnisse deuten auch für die Wissenschaft auf eine Last des Wissens hin, wie sie Jones für industrielle Erfindungen beschreibt. Über die Untersuchung der Last des Wissens hinaus wird in dieser Arbeit ein konzeptionelles Rahmenwerk entwickelt, das drei grundlegende Prinzipien zur Bewältigung der Last des Wissens umfasst. Diese Prinzipien sind die Erhöhung eines einzelnen Inputfaktors, der parallele Einsatz mehrere Inputfaktoren sowie die Problemreduktion. Sie ermöglichen eine Einordnung der empirischen Beobachtungen

    The serpents and the wand : technoscience, neoliberalism and inexorability

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    Orientador: Laymert Garcia dos SantosTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasResumo: Neste trabalho são analisadas as práticas e o discurso da tecnociência contemporânea, definida não apenas como fusão entre ciência e tecnologia mas como acontecimento que funciona no interior de uma específica economia de poder e que é caracterizado pela interação e a retroalimentação mútua do capitalismo, da ciência e da tecnologia. São mapeados movimentos e rupturas no funcionamento da tecnociência, examinando a fonte dos financiamentos para a pesquisa, o ethos dos cientistas, as fomlas de apropriação do conhecimento e as políticas de C&T à luz dos conceitos foucaultianos de govemamentalidade e dispositivo. O discurso tecnocientífico atual é analisado a partir do monitoramento de documentos oficiais e declarações públicas de cientistas-empreendedores, policy-makers, ONGs etc. O cruzamento de tais elementos mostra que ciências, técnicas e capitalismo funcionam entrelaçados. Em alguns casos, impulsionando-se mutuamente: cada parte se apoia nos sucessos, na autoridade, nos efeitos de verdade e na potência das outras. Noutros casos, há dissonâncias e atritos. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que a tecnociência atual é, ao mesmo tempo, piramidal e reticular, inexorável e modulável. De um lado, retrata si mesma como fundamentada num saber a-político, neutral, objetivo, universal, que "cai" na sociedade quando aplicado, divulgado, transformado em objeto técnico e em mercadoria. A tecnociência aparece como o bonde que não podemos perder, cuja marcha é automática e cuja regulação deve ser deixada com os especialistas. Por outro lado, no neoliberalismo a tecnociência precisa receber inúmerosfeedbacks, escutar as demandas do mercado e as preocupações do cidadão. Conclui se que a tecnociência atual é um dispositivo qe geometria variável modulado por parâmetros que nem sempre podem ser estabelecidos' nG, il1terior de uma tecnocracia. Funciona ativando mecanismos de despolitização e de inv.isibilização dos conflitos; e constitui-se como implacável politicamente através de repetidas performances voltadas para a mobilização da população e a afirmação de inevitabilidade. No entanto, sua configuração atual é um acontecimento apoiado em terrenos (epistêmicos, econômicos e sociais) movediçosAbstract: ln this work practices and discourse of contemporary technoscience are analyzed. Technoscience is defined not only as the merging between science and technology, but as an event, functioning inside a certain economy of power and characterized by the interaction and reciprocal feedback of capitalism, science and technology. Movements and ruptures in technoscience are mapped by means of the examination of the sources of funding for research, the ethos of scientists, the forms of appropriation of knowledge and S&T policies, using concepts by Michel Foucault, such as govemmentality and apparatus (dispositif). The contemporary technoscientific discourse is analyzed by monitoring official documents and public declarations by entrepreneurs-scientists, policy-makers, NGOs, etc. By crossing such elements, it is shown that sciences, techniques and capitalism function today inside an entanglement. ln some cases, they boost each other: every part is supported by the successes, the authority, the truth effects of the other ones. In other cases, dissonance and friction exist. The results of this research show that contemporary technoscience is, at the same time, pyramidal and reticular; it may seem inexorable, but it may also be modulated. Technoscience depicts itself as grounded on an a-political, neutral, objective, universal knowledge, "falling" down into society when applied, popularized and transformed in a technical object or a product. Its progress is told to be semi-automatic, and its regulation should be left with the experts. On the other side, in neoliberalism, technoscience needs also to receive feedback, to listen to the demands of the market and to the worries of the citizens. It can be concluded that contemporary technoscience is a dispositlf of.variable geometry, modulates by parameters that cannot be always established by a technocracy. It functions by acting mechanisms of depolitization and invisibilization of conflict; it constitutes itself as politically implacable by means of continuous performances of inevitability and mobilization of population. However, its configuration is an event grounded on shifting epistemic, economic and social landsDoutoradoSociologia da CulturaDoutor em Sociologi