24 research outputs found

    Forbidden subposet problems in the grid

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    For posets PP and QQ, extremal and saturation problems about weak and strong PP-free subposets of QQ have been studied mostly in the case QQ is the Boolean poset QnQ_n, the poset of all subsets of an nn-element set ordered by inclusion. In this paper, we study some instances of the problem with QQ being the grid, and its connections to the Boolean case and to the forbidden submatrix problem

    Poset Ramsey number R(P,Qn)R(P,Q_n). III. N-shaped poset

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    Given partially ordered sets (posets) (P,P)(P, \leq_P) and (P,P)(P', \leq_{P'}), we say that PP' contains a copy of PP if for some injective function f ⁣:PPf\colon P\rightarrow P' and for any A,BPA, B\in P, APBA\leq _P B if and only if f(A)Pf(B)f(A)\leq_{P'} f(B). For any posets PP and QQ, the poset Ramsey number R(P,Q)R(P,Q) is the least positive integer NN such that no matter how the elements of an NN-dimensional Boolean lattice are colored in blue and red, there is either a copy of PP with all blue elements or a copy of QQ with all red elements. We focus on the poset Ramsey number R(P,Qn)R(P, Q_n) for a fixed poset PP and an nn-dimensional Boolean lattice QnQ_n, as nn grows large. It is known that n+c1(P)R(P,Qn)c2(P)nn+c_1(P) \leq R(P,Q_n) \leq c_2(P) n, for positive constants c1c_1 and c2c_2. However, there is no poset PP known, for which R(P,Qn)>(1+ϵ)nR(P, Q_n)> (1+\epsilon)n, for ϵ>0\epsilon >0. This paper is devoted to a new method for finding upper bounds on R(P,Qn)R(P, Q_n) using a duality between copies of QnQ_n and sets of elements that cover them, referred to as blockers. We prove several properties of blockers and their direct relation to the Ramsey numbers. Using these properties we show that R(N,Qn)=n+Θ(n/logn)R(\mathcal{N},Q_n)=n+\Theta(n/\log n), for a poset N\mathcal{N} with four elements A,B,C,A, B, C, and DD, such that A<CA<C, B<DB<D, B<CB<C, and the remaining pairs of elements are incomparable.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Poset Ramsey numbers: large Boolean lattice versus a fixed poset

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    Forbidden subposet problems in the grid

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    For posets P and Q, extremal and saturation problems about weak and strong P-free subposets of Q have been studied mostly in the case Q is the Boolean poset Qn, the poset of all subsets of an n-element set ordered by inclusion. In this paper, we study some instances of the problem with Q being the grid, and its connections to the Boolean case and to the forbidden submatrix problem

    Combinatorics of Topological Posets:\ Homotopy complementation formulas

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    We show that the well known {\em homotopy complementation formula} of Bj\"orner and Walker admits several closely related generalizations on different classes of topological posets (lattices). The utility of this technique is demonstrated on some classes of topological posets including the Grassmannian and configuration posets, G~n(R)\widetilde{\mathbf G}_n(R) and expn(X)\exp_n(X) which were introduced and studied by V.~Vassiliev. Among other applications we present a reasonably complete description, in terms of more standard spaces, of homology types of configuration posets expn(Sm)\exp_n(S^m) which leads to a negative answer to a question of Vassilev raised at the workshop ``Geometric Combinatorics'' (MSRI, February 1997)

    Problems in extremal graphs and poset theory

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    In this dissertation, we present three different research topics and results regarding such topics. We introduce partially ordered sets (posets) and study two types of problems concerning them-- forbidden subposet problems and induced-poset-saturation problems. We conclude by presenting results obtained from studying vertex-identifying codes in graphs. In studying forbidden subposet problems, we are interested in estimating the maximum size of a family of subsets of the nn-set avoiding a given subposet. We provide a lower bound for the size of the largest family avoiding the N\mathcal{N} poset, which makes use of error-correcting codes. We also provide and upper and lower bound results for a kk-uniform hypergraph that avoids a \emph{triangle}. Ferrara et al. introduced the concept of studying the minimum size of a family of subsets of the nn-set avoiding an induced poset, called induced-poset-saturation. In particular, the authors provided a lower bound for the size of an induced-antichain poset and we improve on their lower bound result. Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a graph with vertex set VV and edge set EE. For any nonnegative integer rr, let Br(v)B_r(v) denote the ball of radius rr around vertex vVv\in V. For a finite graph GG, an rr-vertex-identifying code in GG is a subset CV(G)C\subset V(G), with the property that Br(u)CBr(v)CB_r(u)\cap C\neq B_r(v)\cap C, for all distinct u,vV(G)u,v\in V(G) and Br(v)CB_r(v)\cap C\neq\emptyset, for all vV(G)v\in V(G). We study graphs with large symmetric differences and (p,β)(p,\beta)-jumbled graphs and estimate the minimum size of a vertex-identifying code in each graph

    Poset Ramsey number R(P,Qn)R(P,Q_n). III. Chain Compositions and Antichains

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    An induced subposet (P2,2)(P_2,\le_2) of a poset (P1,1)(P_1,\le_1) is a subset of P1P_1 such that for every two X,YP2X,Y\in P_2, X2YX\le_2 Y if and only if X1YX\le_1 Y. The Boolean lattice QnQ_n of dimension nn is the poset consisting of all subsets of {1,,n}\{1,\dots,n\} ordered by inclusion. Given two posets P1P_1 and P2P_2 the poset Ramsey number R(P1,P2)R(P_1,P_2) is the smallest integer NN such that in any blue/red coloring of the elements of QNQ_N there is either a monochromatically blue induced subposet isomorphic to P1P_1 or a monochromatically red induced subposet isomorphic to P2P_2. We provide upper bounds on R(P,Qn)R(P,Q_n) for two classes of PP: parallel compositions of chains, i.e.\ posets consisting of disjoint chains which are pairwise element-wise incomparable, as well as subdivided Q2Q_2, which are posets obtained from two parallel chains by adding a common minimal and a common maximal element. This completes the determination of R(P,Qn)R(P,Q_n) for posets PP with at most 44 elements. If PP is an antichain AtA_t on tt elements, we show that R(At,Qn)=n+3R(A_t,Q_n)=n+3 for 3tloglogn3\le t\le \log \log n. Additionally, we briefly survey proof techniques in the poset Ramsey setting PP versus QnQ_n.Comment: 20 pages, 23 figures. Merged with arXiv:2205.0227